Sequel: Friends or Family?

You can't break a heart that's already broken.

Adoption day?

When I walked into the 'house' everyone was hustling around like chickens with out heads. I stopped one girl and gestured as if to ask what was going on. She told me how some people are here for adoption and they don't know who they want. Usually people pick kids from their files. Not many people travel miles to personally pick someone out. I sucked in a breath and walked to my room. I put my bag under my cot and sat on the side of the cot with my legs dangling off the sides. The sun was coming farther down in the sky so it cast a dark Shadow over me and the corner I was in.
I felt that it was no use getting all excited over nothing so, I just sat and I waited. After about 10 minutes the caretaker ordered everyone to their own bunks, so we wouldn't overwhelm our guests. It was about an hour before anyone came in. I guess the people checked out the boys first. I looked up and gasped in surprise.
The five men that I saw earlier in the day walked threw the door. They were all wearing name tags. There was Matt, Johnny, Zack,Jimmy and Brian. Jimmy had a little boy clutching to his right hand. They scanned the room for a few seconds. I saw the one, Brian exchange a few words with the caretaker and they left. The little boy in tow. I kept my head down. Everyone was quiet for a long time. It;s hard to have your hopes crushed once again. I'm different. It doesn't effect me. You can't break a heart that's already broken.
I did my home work and doodled all day. I wasn't in the mood to do much else. I kept telling myself that I wasn't disappointed but was I? How badly did I really long for a family of my own?

A day passed.

Two days passed.

A week passed.

Then two weeks passed.

Already kids have been adopted and dropped off.
Everyone has had a chance.
Everyone but me.

A month passed and a another surprise came.

The same five men came back with sullen looks. It was about an hour after I had gone home. It was a Friday. I could see all of them being lectured by the plump caretaker. All their eyes were looking at their feet in shame. I caught a few words like "death", "Danny", "not trustworthy" and "No" over and over again. I couldn't hear much because she was whispering/shouting in hushed, harsh tones. I leaned in a little by little. Suddenly I leaned in too much.
I fell face first into the little office. I leaned up, my face beet red. Quickly, I got myself up and was about to make a run for it when our stupid care taker yelled at me.
" How many times have I told you not to ease drop? How much did you hear?" She snapped at me.
I didn't answer. I couldn't answer.
" Of that's right. Your the little twit that's mute." She told herself proudly.
I nodded my head.
I spun and tried to run out but an arm stopped me. I looked up to see the dude, Brian in my way.
" I'll make you a deal." he said to the caretaker."Give me one more chance. Let me take care of this child and I'll prove to you I will make her better."
Make me better? There's nothing wrong with me!
" No! I will not let you adopt a child in need just so you can get good publicity! It was a good thing you weren't going to tell the public about the last boy you took until he was settled because he died on your watch!"
" I was an accident!" Matt defended.
" Fine. Bring her back, Alive! In one year and she better be talking!."
" Fine! We will!"
" Get your stuff while they file the papers!" She commanded me.
I shot out of there like I was on fire! My breathing was off and I was so scared. So many emotions ran through me at once! I really didn't know what to think. This was all happening to fast!
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This will probably be the last one of the night
SO yes I am changing the title