P.S. I Hate You

Chapter One

Chapter One- Nicole

The sun beamed down on me as it rose this morning. Last night's events flashed through my head, as I became more awake. The way he touched me, caressed me, held me; last night was amazing. The body next to me shifted and rolled over. I turned over and looked at his handsome sleeping face. Strongly defined chin, eyes the color of deep blue, wavy dark brown hair, perfectly pouty lips. This guy was every girls dream, but he isn't mine. Besides his charming good looks, he was and complete and utter asshole. He was inconsiderate, arrogant, cocky, condescending, everything you wouldn't want in a guy, yet every chick wants him! I don't get it. And yet he's lying right next to me. He's my enemy, and I just lost my virginity to him.


Two days earlier

I was in AP Biology with my best friend, Jamie. He's been my best friend since we were in diapers. Jamie stood 6'2', athlete’s body, square chin, eyes the shade of jade green, the lips of an Greek God. Yep, my best friends hot, but he was so much more to me. He was my big brother, my protector, my hard rock. All the girls have been wanting him since high school started, but he's had his eye on somebody else. That somebody would be my older sister/twin Samone. He's been in love with her for years, but she's never know his true feelings, because he has never gotten the courage to tell her. And every time he does, it always finds a way to backfire. Jamie's also the McGinley High's star quarterback.

Mrs. McKee was boring us as usual, when Ethan Robinson decided to walk in as if he own the world. Ethan Robin was the school's most popular guy next to Jamie. He was the school's star linebacker and also Jamie's best guy friend. Ethan stood 6 feet even.

"Late again I see." Mrs. McKee said as we walked through the door.

"As usual." he stated cockily. He was too busy flirting with the chick that sat two seats away from me. I think her name was Vicky or something.

"Mr. Robinson." Mrs. McKee said trying to get his attention.

"Mr. Robinson." Ethan wasn't paying her no mind.

"Mr.ROBINSON! TAKE YOUR SEAT NOW!" she spat after he continued to ignore her.

Ethan's head snapped up as if he went deaf when she started calling him. He walked to his seat, he looked at me with such disgust. For as long as I could remember myself and Ethan has had this hate relationship. It really wasn't even a relationship it's was more like an obligation, we were obligated to at least piss one or the other off whenever we was around each other.

I was writing the notes when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I already knew who it was, so I decided to ignore and continue doing what I was doing. Five seconds later, Tap Tap.

"What?" I spat irritated.

"Whoa. What's got Miss. Bitchy panties in a twist, this loving morning?" he smirked.

"This bastard behind me who won't leave me the hell alone." I spat back, and with that I turned back to do my work.

The bell rang to signal the end of first period. I was walking out the door with Jamie when I felt the ground move from under me. My face collided with the ground a few seconds later. Laughter filled the air as Jamie helped me up. I turned around to see Ethan hunched over laughing as if me falling was the most funniest thing in the world. Once I was up and Jamie had all my books, I walked over to Ethan and punched him in his jaw, once his turned sideways from the punch, I kneed him in the balls. That'll teach his ass to mess with me. I thought to myself, I turned and walked to my locker as Ethan's friends laughed and joked on him about getting hit by a chick.

When I reached my locker, standing there waiting was my best friend in the whole wide world. My twin sister, Samone Jackie Watson. I felt as if I was staring into the mirror as I looked at my twin. We were so different but at the same time we were the same. We both were born with dirty blonde hair, but Sam decided to dye hers brunette two years ago. While mine went just past my back, hers was cut at the shoulders. She had three piercing, her belly button, a pendent in the spot right below her bottom lip, and one that was attached to her tattoo on her side. While I only had a tattoo on my wrist of the Chinese symbol for music. My sister's a little on the edgy side, she's done drugs, been arrested, and hung out with the wrong crowd. She's always been this way , but It only got worst when mom died a year ago. Between all of us I think Sam took it the hardest, she blamed mom for leaving us. When she died all she kept saying that she gave up, she didn't try hard enough.

"Hey Nick-Naks." she said smiling, calling me my nickname she gave me, " we all set for the party tonight?"

"Hola, Sams Club. And yep all we need to do is go home and set up. I'm soo glad that dad gone on a business trip this month." I said smiling. Our dad was an a CEO of this major company, he was rarely home, and when he was, things were kind of awkward since mom left.

The bell rang signaling that we have five minutes to get to second period.

"See-ya later sexy." she said as she walked off swaying her hips as she listen to her ipod. I grabbed my English book and started off my class. I walked to see my friend Kelly reading Sara Dessen's Just Listen.

"Hey Kells. Isn't that lie the third time you've read that book?" I asked her.

"Hey, Nick. And yes it is. Sara Dessen is a really good writer, you should read some of her stuff. I really think you would like it.” she said.

I never got the chance to respond because our teacher Mr. James walked in and got straight to the lesson.


I walked in the house to see that Sam had already started to get the house ready for the party. I helped get the cups and drinks ready, everything was ready to go 30 minutes later. I went upstairs to find something to wear. I decided on my blue Embellished silk-georgette mini dress, I paired it with gold shoes and accessories. I left my naturally curly, for make-up I choose gold eye shadow and eyeliner. Once I was ready I walked to Sam’s room, she had on and short black mini dress with sliver heels. She straighten her hair and put on sliver eye shadow and eyeliner.


I swayed my hips to KeSha’s Blah, Blah, Blah as it blasted through the speakers. I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and pull me to them. I turned to see none other than Ethan fucking Robinson! My favorite asshole!
“What the fuck?! Get the hell off me!” I spat at him. He smirked.
“Come on, Nick. Dance with me.” he said. I looked at him with such seriousness and responded, “Ethan, I’m not in the mood for one of your games, now please let me go.” He let go of and I turned to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of apple juice (yes, apple juice!) from the fridge. I downed it in three gulps, I threw the empty bottle in the garbage can. I was on my way back to the dance floor, when I felt a pair of hands grab me again, except this time, they took me upstairs. My screams fell on deaf ears as this person and I continued up the stairs. I heard a door open and was thrown onto a bed. I looked up tp see Ethan!
“What the hell? Ethan, are you becoming more stalker-ish the usual?” I yelled at him. I got and almost made it out until Ethan grabbed me again. He shut the door and slammed me against it.

“What the f-” I was cut off by his lips. He kissed my with such passion, his tongue was doing things that I never thought was possible. He cupped my face to take the kiss even deeper, that’s when it hit me. I’m kissing my enemy! I pushed him off, my chest heaved up and down as I tried to get my breathing back to normal. I tried to run again but he grabbed me and said the most shocking thing.
“You taste delicious, may I have another taste?” he whisper huskily in my ear. I shivered when his breath caressed my neck. I was so consumed in his velvety voice that all I could do was nod yes. His lips crashed down onto mine once again and this time I let it happen. He picked me up by my waist and put me back on the bed. He moved from my lips to my neck, he caressed my breasts as he sucked on my neck gently. A moan escaped my lips, his hands were everywhere, like magic. He stopped and whisper harshly, “ I want you, I NEED you.”
I was so astonished, I opened my mouth, “But I thought you hated me.”
Confusion was all over my face.
He smirked and replied, “Trust me, I do. But somehow I’m attracted to you and I have to have you.”
I opened my mouth to speak again, but his lips smothered my words. His hands removed my shirt and I didn’t stop him. Next was my skinnes, I lay there in my black laced victora secret bra and panties set.
He looked at me with adoring eyes.
My breath caught as he removed his clothing, his body was like a Greek God. I stared at his six pack, drooling.
He smirked like the asshole he was.
I gasped when he removed his boxers.
I looked into his eyes as he walked over to me. He climbed on top of me again, when he entered me, pain engulfed my body. He stopped, “You’re a virgin?” he must have felt tense up. I nodded and whispered yes.
“Don’t worry I won’t hurt you.” he said sweetly, soon the pain transferred into pleasure.