P.S. I Hate You

Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten


The police have been searching for Ethan and his dad for at least two days no I didn't know if he was dead or not and that was killing

me each second. While all this was happening dad had people moving our things that was saved from the fire in our house, as well

as the furniture we selected. He said that by five they should be done, so I could go to my new home. But it didn't feel like my new

home, well at least not until Ethan was there with me.


After the woman, who name I later found out was Jackie they called her Jack for short, took the blindfold off. I found out that my dad

had taken me to another city away from Nick and our unborn babies. That's all they told me, but I had a feeling that they were also the

ones who broke in to Nick's house and burned it. They said that my dad was paying them a great deal of money just to keep me here.

I wonder was he's going to do to me?


"This has been the most craziest day I've ever had." I said looking at Sam. We were at Starbucks Coffee, she was sipping her

Caramel Frap. while staring at the table. I looked at her, from her hazel eyes to her brunette curly styled hair. To the piercing in the

right corner below her bottom lip, to her perfectly pouty lips, then to her amazingly arced eyebrows. Every thing about her was

amazing, but she doesn't know it. I love her with everything in me and she doesn't even notice.

God, she is beautiful! I thought to myself.

Even though she's been through hell the past couple of months, she still looks as if she dropped right out of

the gates of Heaven to me.

"What the hell are you staring at you horndog?" she ask snapping me out of my gaze.

"N-n-not-nothing I was just thinking about how we going to um find Ethan." I told her stammering.

"Well stop thinking. It's giving me the creeps" she told me looking at me as if I had two heads.

"What are we going to do?" I asked her seriously. We had no clue where Mr. Robinson had taken Ethan or why. Or what he was

going to do with him. This situation isn't good for any of us, especially Nick.

"I don't know Jamie! All I know is that when I get my hands on the jackass of a sperm donor, I'm going to rip his throat out." Sam said

slamming her hand on the table.

Even when she's threatening someone's life, I want to make love to her. What the hell? I'm going crazy. Ethan is in trouble and all I

can think about is having sex with his baby mama's twin sister! Oh kill me. I thought to myself.

After sitting there not knowing what else to do we headed to their new townhouse. In the car Sam put her iPod on the radio and put it

on shuffle. Use Somebody by Paramore came on and we sung the whole song, really listening to the words as we drove. Vegas

Skies by The Cab was playing when we pulled into the drive way. I've got to give it to them, this place is amazing.

"I love this place." I told Sam. She looked bored and shrugged her shoulders. We walked in to find Mr. Watson asleep on the couch,

with the phone pressed to his ear. Sam sighed and went over to him, grabbing a blanket close by and laying it on him. She took his

phones and computer, which wasn't far from him and sat them on the living room table. She turned and looked at me with those

beautiful eyes,

"Are you staying? We have a guest bedroom available."

"Yeah, I'll stay. You guys look as if you need a cheer up, and I'm just the guy for the job." I smiled.

She laughed with the beautiful voice and threw her head back.

"The only way you could cheer somebody up, was only if you got hit by a bus."

"Ouch. Now, that one hurt." I smirked as she led me to the guest bed room. When we got to the door, she went to a closet and pulled

out sheets and a comforter and give it to me. I opened the door and put them on the bed. When I turned to tell Sam goodnight, she

was half way down the hall.

"Sam wait." I called to her. She turned and looked at me.

"Sup, Jamie. I'm tired you know, I've been through hell today and back, so make it quick."

"I just wanted to say that you are one of the most strongest people I know. And that I admirer that a lot." She looked as if I was another

creature, with her mouth hanging open. I thought this was my change, and as quickly as I could I kiss the girl I've been in love with my

whole life. At first she just stood there, then she started to kiss me back. I cupped her face as I deepened the kiss. When I felt as if I

couldn't breathe anymore, I let go.

"Goodnight Sam." and with the I walked off.


I stood there flabbergasted. Jamie Humphrey just kissed me! And I KISSED BACK! I turned and walked into my room. I closed the

door and slid down the back of it.

"I can't believe I just let that happen." I said to myself out loud.
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Now i know that this is short but it is needed. I hope you enjoy! :-)