P.S. I Hate You

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen


“Nicole Watson. I've fell in love with you that night we made our babies and I haven't stopped since. I love the way you look when you're mad or upset. I love the way that you will stoop at nothing to get what you want. I love how you know not to take my bull shit. Nick you make me a better man and I'm so grateful for that. My life has been turned upside down since you came into my life. I want to make you Mrs. Nicole Robinson, and never let you go. Nick, will you marry me?”

My heart felt as if was about to burst out of my chest.
“Yes, I will marry you, Ethan Robinson!” Nick said as tears rolled down her face. Joy overcame my body, I got off my knee and slipped the ring on to her finger. It fit perfectly. Sam and Jamie ran over to congratulate us.
“Awe man! Why didn't you tell me? All I know is I better be the best man or I'm kicking your ass!” Jamie said to me giving me a hug.
“Shut up! Of course you're my best man! And I didn't tell you because I wanted it be a surprise and you suck at keeping secrets. “ I said laughing at his facial expression.
Sam walked over to me,
“Hey brother-in-law! You better treat her right, or I will kick your ass.” she said giving me a good punch in the arm. Then she gave me a hug and said, “You're a good guy Ethan, no matter what I thought of you at first. Ok enough of the sweet shit.” she let go and went over to where Jamie and Sam where standing.. They smiled at each other and I already knew that next it would be them to get married.
I went to steal my bride to be away from the group, “So you ready to go Mrs. Robinson?”
She smiled, “I love the sound of that. And yes I am Mr. Robinson.” We went over to tell Sam and Jam that we were leaving and we left. On the ride home Nick fell asleep, I guess tonight has tired her out. We pulled about 20 minutes later and I got her upstairs and put her to bed.


“Mrs. Watson, are you busy or am I boring you that much that you can answer to a question that I've ask you five times?” Mr. Underwood spat, snapping me out of my day-dream. Jamie was on my mind and I couldn't help but go places when I think about him.
“No, sir. You're boring much more than you realized.” I said pissed.
“Attitude I see, how about you spend saturday with me at detention then?” he say.
“Naw I'm kinda busy that day. See I have a life which includes spendinh time with people who have a purpose in life.”
“Oh, really then? How about I send you to the office and have the principal deal with you then?”
“Fine with me. Haven't seen Mrs. G in awhile. This should be fun.” I said getting up from my desk and walking out. I was walking down b-hall on my way to see one of my least favorite person in the world, Mrs. Gilbert. She was this 35 year old blonde who decided she didn't want daddy's money anymore so she switched from parties and Rodeo Dr. to Harvard University to study how to become a principal. Now since she graduated and got what she wanted she felt like she was the perfect example of a turned around person. Every time I see her, so tries to be a shrink and get inside my head. It's always, “I use to be like you once. Disobeying my parents, late night parties, the “wild child”.” and “You could be so much better if you would drop this bad girl act. You are a honor student. Why ruin that by being your teachers worst nightmare?”
Personally I couldn't care less, it isn't a act. I hate being here in this hell hole, yes I want to be something better and I will. But making these asshole we call teachers life a nightmare on the way isn't such a bad idea. I smiled as I made it to the office, I walked in and went straight to Mrs. G office. The secretaries just shook there heads, I knocked on the door.
“Come in. Samone.” Mrs. G said before I even opened the door.
I smiled and walked in, “Sup Mrs. G. How ya been lately? Heard you had a hot date with the new sexy French teacher? Did he show you his we we?”
“Sam why do you enjoy mouthing off? And where did you heard such a ridiculous thing? The things you teenagers say now-a-days. So what are you here for today?” she said sighing.
“Well I was day dreaming in boring Government class, when Mr. Underwood became all bitchy about me now paying attention. So he tried to give me detention this Saturday. I told him I had better things to do then spend a free Saturday with him. So he suggested that I come see you, and of course I was like 'Yeah! I haven't seen Mrs. G in awhile why not?'”
“Oh really, did you sound like how you're telling me now or were you a little more harsh?” she said giving me this look.
“I think I hurt his woddle feelings. But hey I don't really care, you know that. So what is it? I have to clean the caf for two weeks. Join the Greek squad and went the scholastic bowl? What?”
“I think I like the idea Mr. Underwood has proposed to you, since you're too high of a person to spend time with someone as low and uncool as a teacher, and on a Saturday none the less!” Mrs. G said giving me a sinister smile.
“Oh you've got to be freaking kiddin' me! I'd rather lick a goat ass then spend time with the middled age fart!. Give me anything else I don't care just not Mr. Underwood!” I said pissed that she actually sided with the fat fuck!
“No I think this will be good for you Sam. You're dismissed.” she said turning her attention to her laptop.
I got up after I realized she wasn't kidding. I slammed the office door as I stormed back to class, then I bell rang, signaling the end of school. Pissed that I forgot, I turned and stormed to my locker. When I got there Jamie was standing waiting for me. When he saw my expression he knew something was wrong.
“What did you do now?” he said sighing.
“Why does it have to be I did something?” I asked knowing why.
“Because babe you tend to say whatever you feel without thinking about the consequences. Who did you pissed off today?” he said smiling.
“Mr. Underwood, he got his panties in a knot because I wasn't paying attention. Then said he said that I got detention this Saturday. Then in a not so nice way I basically said that I would rather die then spend a Saturday with him and he sent me to Mrs. G. So I told what happen and she agreed with him and I now have to spend Saturday with that fat poor excuse of a man.” I sighed.
“Come on Sam! I was going to take you out this weekend! Why did you have to go off on him. And what were you day dreaming about that made you space out?” he asked looking frustrated.
I looked at him and gave him that 'do you really have to ask?' look. He got it, “Oh. So you were day dreaming about me huh?” he said giving me a sexy smile to lean into me.
“What was I doing? Something like this?” he said leaning towards my neck as he spoke making my breathing speed up, My neck became moist from his cool breathe, my legs felt like jelly and I wanted to melt into him. He kissed my neck and I nearly screamed out in pleasure.
“Or something like this?” he said pushing me against the locker and grabbing my waist making my legs go around his. I looked around to see if anybody was paying attention. I saw no one.
He kissed me passionately as his hands roamed my body. I was going insane, a moan escaped my lips and I cursed myself for showing him how much this was effecting me. He moved from my lips, giving me a smirk, and went to the nape of my neck. He bit me as his tongue worked it's magic.
'If doesn't stop I'm going to explode!' I screamed at myself. I pushed him off of me even though I didn't want to.
“We have to go before we get caught.” I said walking fast towards the front of the school. Jamie was running to catch up with me, when he finally did I was at his car having a fight with myself. I didn't notice him until he said something to me.
“Hey whats wrong?” he said looking concerned. It was cute.
“N-n-no-nothing. I was just worried that we might get caught.” I said hoping he would leave the situation alone.
“Come on Sam we both know you could care less if we were caught. So what's the real reason?”
“I got scared ok? Can we leave it alone for now?” say hoping he would leave it alone again.
“Fine.” he said, but his eyes look unsure as he opened the door for me.
On the ride to my house I thought about what happened, I don't even know why I froze up either. I think I'm scared to give myself fulling to Jamie, because if he had all of me he might not like it. I have a lot of issues,and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want the Sam Problems subscription.
We pulled into drive way and I got out, Jamie followed me inside. I walked in the kitchen to find Nick cooking and Ethan at the counter staring at her as if she was the only girl in the world.
“Hey you two. What ya cookin'? Because I want some, I'm starving.” I said and I really was. I sat at the counter with Ethan. I sat on one side and Jamie sat on the other.
“I'm cooking fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and green beans. How was school?” she asked.
“Ummm, well I got detention this Saturday but other than that it was the same shitty school day.” I told her.

She turned and gave me that look, “Sam! Why? I wanted to go dress shopping that day! Ugh! You and you're not giving a fuck attitude! I should kick your ass!” she said looking like a mother already.
“Yeah I yelled at her too, but it didn't seem to phase her that much.” Jamie said looking at me, smiling.
I smiled, “Being a mom looks good on you.”
“Don't try and sweet talk me. And thank you. Oh, and for dessert we are having apple pie and French vanilla ice cream.” Nick said going back to cooking, she bent down to check on the macaroni. She came back up and grabbed her stomach, she smiled and gestured for us to come over, “Hurry up come feel, the babies are kicking.” We all got up and rush over to her, Ethan put his hand out to touch first. I saw one of the babies foot as they kicked. I was so amazed Ethan let me touch next and I couldn't believe what was happening. I looked up at Nick and she smiled, I let Jamie feel next and he had this look on his face. Then he looked at me and kissed me, he whispered in my ear, “I can't wait to have children with you.”
And for some reason I wasn't terrified at the comment, I honest could say that I couldn't wait either.


We were all sitting at the dinner table eating apple pie talking about the old days.
“Member when Ethan put worms in your lunch box in 4th grade? You were so scared and pissed, after lunch you went up to him and punch him right in his stomach.” Jamie said laughing.
“I remember that! Mom had said that it was just Ethan way of showing you that he liked you. You got so mad that you went on the roof and said you were going to jump off if we didn't stop saying that you had a boyfriend?” I ask Nick.
She had her face all twisted up, “Yeah I remember. You and Mom teased me for weeks about it, I still remember the song you and mom sung; “Ethan and Nick sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love then comes marriage, then the baby in the baby carriage.” She laughed and looked at Ethan, “I guess we went a little out of order.”
We all laughed at that, then the door opened and dad walked in.
“Oh hey. Didn't know you guys were still up.” Dad said walking into the kitchen. We were about to tell him we're remembering old times, when a woman walked in behind him. And you wouldn't believe who the hell it was!
“What the hell is Mrs. Gilbert doing here!” me and Nick yelled at dad.