P.S. I Hate You

Chapter Five

Chapter Five - Hey, You Can’t Get Rid Of Me That Easily.

I woke up to hear a machine steady beeping and wires hooked up to me. Automatically I started to panicked. That only made matters worst, the machine started to speed up. I looked around to see Sam, Ethan and my dad sleep in chairs and cots. They jumped awake when nurses rushed in from all the noise I was making.

“Where am I? What happened? Are my babies ok?” I asked crying and scared to
death for my babies.

“Sweetie, I’m going to need for you to calm down.” the nurse said trying to sooth me.

“Look, bitch. Don’t try to calm me down. I want to know if my babies going to be ok!” I yelled at her.

“Ok, ok. Yes ma’am, your babies is fine. But if you don’t calm down neither of them will be.” the nurse told me seriously.

“Nick, please calm down sweetie. I don’t want to lose you or the babies.” I heard Ethan say.

I stopped, did he just call me sweetie? I thought to myself.

I calmed down. The machine went back to normal, and the nurse checked everything. Once everything was good, she left. I was left in a room full of my dysfunctional life.

“So what happened?” I asked, because my memory was a little blurry right now. Nobody said anything.

“Dad? Sam? Ethan? Can somebody please me what happen, before I make the machine go crazy again?” I threaten. Ethan stepped up and decided to be the smart one.

“Ok, well. My family and you dad was all at your house. We were discussing the pregnancy, and my dad told yours that if you didn’t get an DNA test done. That I wouldn’t be in our children lives. I got mad and started yelling at him. He got mad and hit me, we started fighting. You and your dad was trying to get him off of me. Sam can in yelling asking what the hell was going on. You ran to her and was crying, Sam called the police. While she was doing that, you came back to continue helping. You and your dad almost got my dad off, when he pushed you. You fell on your head and blacked out. You’ve been out for two days, now.” he recapped. As I was listening, I slowly started to remember. I looked at Ethan, he looked a mess. He had a busted lip, bruised cheeks, black eyes, cuts and scraps were all over his face.
“Where is your father?” I asked scared.

“He’s in jail. And he won’t be out for awhile.” he said happily. “And my mother took Haley and moved in with my aunt. She said after what happen, she can’t continue living like that.”

I was so relived to hear that.

“But the down side is that, he kicked all us out and I have no place to stay.” he told me.

“Why can’t you just live with us for now?” I asked.

“Dad? Is that ok?” I asked dad.

“Nick calm down . Of course Ethan can stay with us for now. You don’t need to be in the horrid environment anyway. At least not with too babies on the way.” Dad told me and Ethan.

“Sam?” I called her. She’s been quite this whole time. She didn’t answer she just looked at me. I knew that look. I held out my hands,

“Come here, Sam. I wasn’t going anywhere. I promise.” I assured her. She thought I was dying.

“I thought you, were never going to wake up.” she said crying. I rubbed her back and tried to soothe and calm her down. My sister never did well with dead. I made her like me in the face,

“Hey, you can’t get rid of me that easily.” I told her. She smiled and laughed at me.

*Knock Knock*

“Come in.” I called out.

In walked Dr. Conrad.

“How are you?” he asked sincerely.

“I’m doing good, now that I’m awake and my babies are doing fine.

He smiled, a nurse walked in with the ultrasound system.

“Good, good. I just want to take a look at the babies.” he told me. I layed down and lifted up my shirt. My stomach’s gotten so big. I’m huge. Dr. Conrad put the gel on my stomach and pressed the roll thingy up there as well. My babies popped on the screen. Dr. Conrad was examine it while the rest of us was staring. I looked over at dad,

“Your going to be a granddaddy.” I said smiling. Tears formed in his eyes.
I looked at Sam, “And you an auntie.”
then to Ethan,

“And you a parent and a father.”


The day was going to get my release papers. I had to stay another night, just to make sure I was ok. I had missed at least three days of school and Sam was bring home my homework. Ethan would help me with some of it when I’m tired and really don’t feel like doing it.

*Knock Knock*

Dr. Conrad and Ethan walked through the door.

“You’re ready to go.” Dr. Conrad said smiling and walked out of the room. I looked at Ethan.

“Hey you.” he said with a smile, “So I got and question.”


“Want to go out to tonight?”

“Are you asking me out?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Well you should ask right.” He smirked.

“Nicole Jessica Watson, will you go out with me tonight?” I smiled. I can believe he is actually asking me. I thought he was just joking around. He must had read my face because he replied,

“Now it’s not a joke. I’m being serious. I know in the past I wasn’t the most reliable guy, but I want to be that for you now. As much as it confuses me, I like you and I’m actually happy that you’re my babies mother.” he confessed to me.

Tears filled my eyes.

“Yes, Ethan Robinson. I’ll go out with you.” he smiled like a kid in a candy store.

We grabbed my things and was off to his car.


Ethan dropped me off about 11:00 am. I’ve been sitting here bored out of my mind. Ethan went to school, and Sam was there as well. Dad was off to another business until next week.

“Ugh!” I screamed at the air. I decided to watch movies for now. I went into our spacious living room and looked through our collection. About five minutes later I had 10 movies in my hand. I chose: Monster-In-Law, Kill Bill vol. 1 and 2, Bride Wars, How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days, How To Deal, Pretty Woman, Knocked Up, I Love You Man, The Holiday, and Runaway Bride.

The first movie I put in was Pretty Woman, I was in love with that movie, I ran to the kitchen and put my popcorn on and grabbed the chocolate and caramel syrup.

I was on the part where Juila Roberts was in the tub singing Prince, when the doorbell rang.

“Who could be here at that this time?” I thought. I paused the movie and got up to get the door. I felt the babies kick, and I reached for the doorknob. I stopped mid second, I laughed ‘They kicked!’

I opened the door as the babies continued to kick. There stood Mr. Robinson, with a Hennessy bottle in his hand.

“You little bitch!” he yelled at me.

Panic engulf my body. I pushed him and slapped the door shut. I locked it. Mr. Robinson banged on the door like a manic. I ran upstairs into my room and locked the door. I searched for my cell I found it on the bed, when I heard a slam. I quickly called 911 and gave them my information, then I called Ethan.

*Ring Ring*

“Answer the damn phone!” I yelled when it
kept ringing.

He didn’t answer I called Sam.

*Ring Ring*

I started crying.

“Hello? Nick why are you calling me? Why are you crying?”

“Et-Eth-Ethan’s dad is here and he’s drunk and I think he just broke the door down. I called the police, and they said that they’ll be here. I called Ethan but he wasn’t answering his phone. Sam I terrified. Hurry Up and get here!”

Heard Sam’s phone drop.

I heard running and the faint sound of police sirens. I pushed everything off of my dresser and tried to push it in front of the door. I got it half way there when the babies starting kicking again.


Mr. Robinson bust through the little part of the door that was open. He couldn’t fit his body into the door, but his hands were flaring around everywhere as he tried to get in. The sirens were getting closer. I could tell they were right down the street.

They were pulling up, the babies were kicking like crazy! I ran to the window, I pulled it up I saw the police, Sam, Ethan and My Dad getting out all the cars. I screamed

“Help! He’s up here trying to break into my room!”


I turned Mr. Robinson had broken down the door. The dresser had fallen over. I screamed again.

“Come here you little whore!” He screamed and lunged at me. I started to run when he pushed me on the bed.

“I going to kill you!” He put his hands around my throat and started to apply pressure. I couldn’t breathe.