P.S. I Hate You

Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight


I watched as Nick paced the floor, looking very stress and a little pale. No matter what I tried to do, she wouldn't sit down. She's been

like this ever since my father tried to kill her. When I would get her to sit, she would find a reason to get back up again. When I would

tell her, that stressing wasn't helping the babies, she snapped at me. I decided to just leave her alone and let her tire herself out.

Sam came out of the bathroom, from calling Jamie and telling him everything. Lately none of us have really talked to him, I feel like we

were kind of leaving him out of the loop on everything. Sam looked at me then to Nick,

"She still won't sit, will she?" she whispered in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, but you know how your sister is, she never stops. She has to keep going." I responded.

"Hey! Don't fucking talk about me like I'm not in the room! I hate that!" Nick yelled at us.

"Fine. Then sit the hell down, and take a deep fucking breath." Sam said to her sounding a bit irritated.

Nick looked as if she was about to object, when Sam said, "Nicole sit your ass down." Nick sat with anger seeping from her pores,

she was about to get up when we heard the automatic lock clicking and the door swung open. Mr. Watson walked into the door, we

all got up this time. When we reached him, he looked at us, I literately saw the stress and drama my dad has been causing him. He

looked about 20 years older than he actually was. We moved out of his way as he walked over to the bed. We let him sit and relax, of

course Nick was the first to break the silence.

"What happened, who did this, why is this happening to us?" She was throwing questions at him and didn't give him time to answer

them. He held up his hand to quiet it her down, "The police said they don't know who did this. They said that they got a call around

5:00 p.m. reporting that our house was on fire. They said it was the people across the street and that the people said that about 15

mintues before the fire they saw two males and a female walking into the house. The lady assumed they were helping us with the

moving, because she saw the woman open the door with keys." Mr. Watson stated confused. He continued, "I don't know why this is

happening to us sweetie, but I know that we will get through it, okay?" he said trying to reassure her. She looked as if she didn't

believe him but she didn't say anything more. Mr. Watson got up and said that he was going to his room and that he will talk about

this in the morning and that talking about this was making him more stress then her already was.

The door closed and Sam said that she was leaving as well. When she left Nick got up off the bed and went to change into the night

clothes we bought before we came to the hotel. She turned her back to me as she did this, she got in the bed without saying anything.

I was putting on mine when I heard her starting to cry. I turned to see her face streaming with tears. I got in the bed and wrapped my

arms around her. I rubbed her back and I pulled her closer to me, I tried to comfort her by saying that everything was going to be ok.

But truthfully I didn't even know myself, I didn't even know if we were going to make it until tomorrow, but I couldn't let her know that.

That night we both drifted off to sleep with the world on our shoulders.


That morning Mr. Watson knocked on our door saying that he was going to make arrangements to find him an apartment and to see

if he could get us moved in by the end of this week. When he left I looked to see that Nick was still sleep, I grabbed my phone and

decided to hang with Jamie, something I haven't done in a long time.

I walked into Five Guy's Restaurant to see Jamie sitting at our usual table. When we were younger we just to come here all the time

and sit a this table. I pulled out a chair as I greeted him.

"Hey, Jamie. How you been man?" I asked. He looked me up and down with s smirk and responded,

"Hey isn't that my line? Man I've been good, but let's not talk about me. You called me here to talk about Sam, Nick, and the fact that

nobody has thought to include me in any of this." he said with hurt in his voice. The waitress came and sat their food down, preventing

him from talking. He waited until she left to finish.

"I ordered our usual. Anyway, I thought we were best friends? You use to tell me everything, so did Sam. So why was I the last to know

about any of this?" he said.

"Jamie, on the behalf of everyone, we're all sorry. We didn't want to involve you this, plus we had so much going on that putting you in

this would only make it worst. We figured we already had to many people in this situation that we didn't want to add another. Plus why

would I put you in this? My father tried to kill the only girl I loved, while she is pregnant?! You really thought that I wanted to tell my best

friend that? Nick has been scared to do anything. She hates staying at home, fearing that my father would come back, since

somehow he's out of jail. She hates school, because everyone stares, like she's some exhibit. Life is at her all time low. I'm scared

that she will have a miscarriage because she never takes time for herself anymore. And the fact that we've have to move earlier

because somebody, who I already think is my father's doing, burned her house isn't helping. My life is completely in shambles, right

now James. And I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you about it." I said sincerely.

He stared at me for about ten minutes before he responded.

"Damn, Ethan. I had no idea, is Nick going to be ok? Is there anything I can do?" he said, looking as if he had nothing else to say.

"You could continue being my friend." I said smiling.

"Now that sounds. Like something I'd be good at." he said smirking.

We were still talking three hours later, when my phone rang. Nicole, it said, I answered immediately forgetting that Nick was still at

the hotel, and probably worried sick that I wasn't there.

"Hey beautiful." I answered smoothly, mentally preparing myself for her rage.

"Where the hell are you!?" she screamed in my ear.

"I have been worried sick, I woke up and you were gone. No note, no message, you didn't even wake me up to say you were leaving! I

thought your father had got you or something!" she yelled some more. I knew this was coming, but I still tried to calm her down.

"Babe, I'm at Five Guys and I'm with Jamie. I wanted to talk to him since we haven't spoken in awhile. I felted bad that he was kind of

on the outside. So I called him up and we met here. That's all, nothing has happened to me." I told her. I heard her exhale the breath

she was holding.

"Oh, ok. Baby please don't scare me like that. And tell Jamie I said hi. Matter of fact, you two come here now. Dad's here and has

some news about us moving." she said seriously.

"Ok, we'll be there in a few. Love you." I said

"I love you too." she hung up.

I looked at Jamie, he was staring a me with the biggest smile on his face. We bust out laughing,

"I see Nick still has her spark." he said when his laughter subsided.

"Yeah she still has it and that's why I love her." I sat as we got up to leave.


I pulled up to the hotel and got out as valet took the car away. We jumped on the elevator to get to the room. There was an elderly

couple in there with us. They looked at each other with such love and admiration. I hoped that me and Nick will be together we we're

that age. I smiled thinking of how much I loved Nick and that she meant the world to me. We got to our floor and got off, we walked

down the hall until we got to room 210. I pulled the key out of my pocket and opened the door. I was surprise to see my father sitting

on the bed.