P.S. I Hate You

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine


"Where they hell are they? You called over an hour ago! How in the hell can those two jackasses get lost?" Sam screamed at nobody.

We've been sitting waiting on Jamie and Ethan since I called them. He said they he would be on his way, so what is taking him so

long? I wondered.

Dad was sitting on the other side of the room with a Blackberry in one hand and another to his ear making arrangements for us to

start moving today. He hasn't even noticed that the guys aren't here. I was about to call again when I heard a frantic knocking at the

door. Nick, looking more pissed as each knock became louder, ran to the door and snatched it open.

"YO!, WHAT THE HELL--" she was cut off. Standing at the door was Jamie and he was covered in blood, dirt, and bruises.

I immediately I ran to his side.

"What the hell happened! Why are you bleeding? And where the hell is my got damn it boyfriend!" I yelled panicking. Dad jumped off of

his phones and helped me and Nick get Jamie to the hotel bed. Once he was on the bed, I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a couple

of face towels and ran warm water over them and brought them out to clean Jamie's wounds. I started to get a little woozy, from all the

blood the was coming from Jamie's face. I started to clean his eye, that was swollen shut, while having a million questions fly

through my mind.

"Ok, you need to tell me what happened, word for word, minute for minute, before I completely loose my mind!" I told him every


He winced as I dapped his face with the towel. It seemed as if his face was just waiting for me to clean it, just so it could make more

blood for me to clean up. He looked at me through his swollen shut eyes, his eyes looked as if he was having an inside battle within.

He knew something, but wouldn't tell me.

"Jamie, what the fuck is what's going on? Where's is Ethan and why isn't he with you."

He sighed and decided to speak, "You know that you're so beautiful when you're mad." trying to change the subject, which I his case

was an very bad idea.

Nick, who has been sitting the corner, very quietly I might add, decided she wasn't going to play games and beat around the bush like

I was. She got and a moved to my side so quickly that I jumped when she spoke.

She got up close to Jamie's face and grabbed him by his shirt and said, "If you don't fucking tell me what the hell I want to know. You

will wish you were still with the guys who did this to you. Now, where is Ethan and what happened?" she asked in a very deadly voice.

I looked at Jamie, at his eyes and saw fear. I smiled, this asshole is playing with fire!! I thought to myself.

He looked me and said the most terrifying words I thought I wouldn't hear for awhile.

"Ethan's Dad took him." that automatically set me off. Nick started to cry as the realization of his words hit her. Ethan's dad has taken

him, if he did this to Jamie then what has happened to Ethan? That thought scared me the most. I stood there with my mouth opened,

and unmoved, I looked over to see Dad on his phones again but this time it sounded as if he was making an missing persons

report. Nick was on the bed, tears running down her face but not moving. As if she was frozen in time, I looked at Jamie and , ask him

another question that hurt me.

"Did he kill Ethan?" I asked holding my breath waiting for him to answer. He looked at me and responded,

"No but he did beat him and made me watch, I was held back by these two guys, and there was this one chick. But after they made

me watch, they took him away and beat me. When I woke up I was in your hotel room on the floor. I remembered Ethan saying

something about your dad's room number so I came here. I don't know where they are taking him but I know it's not good. Sam for

the first time in my life, I scared for everybody involve in Ethan's life right now.



I woke up tied to a chair, with an blind fold over my face. I could hear voices around me, two men and one woman.

Where the hell am I? I thought to myself.

Surprisingly as if reading my mind someone spoke.

"Why do we have to sit here, in this dirty warehouse none the less, and watch his kid. What did this kid do to piss Mr. Robinson?" I

heard the women say.

"I don't know but I know that we're suppose to watch him and not touch him again." One of the men said.

"I wonder if he's awake yet?" the other responded.

"Let's see." I heard the woman say, then I felt the chair I was in being kicked.

"Hey kid, you up?" the woman asked me. I was wondering if I should say anything or not.

I decided that I was going to get some answers.

"Yeah, but could you take this blind fold off of me?" I asked hoping they would.

"Now, why should we do that?" the woman asked. I guessing that she was the leader of this little group, that my dad has watching me.

"Because you don't need to treat me as if I'm three. I'm not going to fight, I've learned from my dad to not fight him on things anymore.

After all the times he's beat me to were as I didn't want to breath anymore. So just take the damn thing off." I told her. I'm guessing

she was taken back by my words because she removed the blindfold.



Police men were everywhere as they searched to find Ethan and his dad. I couldn't stop crying for the world. But I tried to calm down

for the sake of the babies. I knew I could loose them if I didn't, I'm seven months pregnant and I'm living what feels like a mobster

film. I thought to myself. I laughed at that one. Sam stopped talking to the officer when she saw me laughing, she looked at me as if I

was delirious. Maybe I am. She sat next to me and held me, soon the laughing turn to more crying then but to laughing.

"I'm losing my mind, Sam. What am I going to do if Ethan doesn't come back alive?" I asked her. She looked as if she didn't know

how to answer that question. And sadly I didn't know either.