Status: and heres another one! haha its progressing.... yep it is! :P

Fuel to the Fire

Hello, I love you.

“Well, turns out Jerk-face-boy-guy was joking, and he showed up just after we hung up.” I said looking away from his dark green eyes.

He chuckled, “Wow. Jerk-face-boy-guy? You are good with names, eh?” I looked up at him and narrowed my gaze a little causing him to clear his throat. “Anyways, why the hell would he joke about something like that?” He said seriously.

“I really have no clue.” I said watching him retrieve the hot chocolate from the microwave.

“Well, you can stay with me as long as you like.” He said smiling down at the mugs filled with marshmallows. “Here ya go.” He handed me a coffee mug with a moon and stars on it.

“So…” I said lifting my gaze to his face. “Thank you, for all of this.” Failing at forcing the smile I wanted to give him and looking down at the counter.

He lifted my chin so I’d face him, “It’s no problem at all…but” he said pausing.

“What?” I asked. Conflict flashed through his eyes and he opened his mouth to respond.

“Well, I really don’t know how to say this at all without freaking you out…” He rubbed the back of his neck, “Ok here it goes… So, I know that is sounds so cliché but... I think you are what you would call.. call my... soulmate…” he smiled a bit. Shock was understatement. It was as if a bomb went off inside my head. I was absolutely stunned! It took all I had to respond.

I laughed, "You're kidding, right?" I asked hopefully. Just as he was about to answer the bells jingled on the door.

"Rosie?" It was Kyle. I stood up and walked around the bar towards Mason.

"What do you want, Kyle?" I grabbed Mason's arm.

"You. That's what I want. I don't even see why your acting this way, Rosannah!" He said glaring at Mason. "And it seems to me that you are the one that's already found a new person!" That was enough to make me let go of Mason.

"I..I was alone and I didn't have anybody... YOU left me, Kyle. YOU LEFT ME!" I yelled. Hot tears streaming down my face. " You of all people left me." I collapsed to the floor and both, Kyle and Mason, came to my side. "No, go away!" I fought against Kyle's grip on me. "No. No. No." I whispered giving up and leaning into him. He rocked me back and forth and kissed my forehead.

"I had no idea it would affect you like this." Kyle said worried.

"You left me." I sobbed. After holding it all in, it felt good to finally cry it all out and yell, scream and be dramatic. He ran his fingers through my hair, pulling me into his lap.

Then I realized there was another boy in the room. I looked up with red eyes and saw Mason looking sad and angry at the same time. "I'm sorry Mason. I'm so sorry." He nodded and his expression became understanding, yet jealously was fuming though out his being.

Tears still rolling down my face I got up and walked over to the door, "I need to go." I said running away from the café. I just had to get out of there and I didn't care I was going. I ran until my lungs felt as if they were going to burst from the cold air. I sat down on the sidewalk.

"How did everything get messed up?" I asked myself. I buried my face into my arms and cried. "I use to be stronger than this. Now I cry all the freaking time." I sat there watching the stars before the sun came up and hid them from the world. Car lights were coming towards me. They were so bright I couldn't even see what kind of car it was. Doors slammed shut, footsteps, and yet my body refused to get up and run like hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
and theres chapter 6! haha yay!
anywho.. give me some feedback so I know im doing good
Please and thank you :)