Status: Active

It Should Have Been Her


August 14th, 6:18 PM
" Hey Raygen, it's Jack. Please pick up your phone, please? Alright, bye."
August 14th, 6:26 PM
" Ray? It's Jack. Pick up the goddamn phone for the love of fuck! What has to be done for you to pick up, huh? Call me back."
August 14th, 6:35 PM
" Okay Ray, if you do not pick up I am storming all the way down to Pond Drive and beating your ass if you don't pick up within the next half hour, call me!"
August 14th, 6:59 PM
August 14th, 7:05 PM
" Ray come on. Everyone's been worried about you. You've been acting strange and secluding yourself from everyone. Just tell me what's wrong you're scaring me! Please just call me. Or at least text me!"
August 14th, 8:00 PM
" That's it I'm coming over. I'll be there in twenty and you better have a good excuse if you're still sitting in bed because if not I'm so eating all your food once I get there."

What was I supposed to say? Sorry that I haven't made it around. It's just that your best friend is not someone I can go near until he learns to keep it in his pants, and for me to stop wanting him to not keep it in his pants? There was nothing I could do. See this is the part where everyone calls me a pathetic baby, which I am. From left to right, I'm making myself feel better with a box of corn pops, Harry Potter DVD's, and a killer bag of kettle corn. I guess it would make sense if I started at the beginning but what made sense anymore? The beginning didn't even make sense to me. It was nothing but a normal everyday introduction that turned into a whole set of bullshit that I had never experienced in my life. Now I had never been the type to get involved with any sort of man stealing drama, but I knew that it was me who was going to be pointed at.

I blame myself for always being clueless. I could never understand what my actions meant to other people and I could never tell what other people's actions really meant towards me. And this is how I ended up at home, in bed, and waiting for Jack to yell at me. But how about we start on April seventeenth, shall we?

" Raygen, Jack's here!" May looked irritated as Ray came to the door with a smile plastered on her face.
" Doesn't it make you feel horrible that your own roommate takes better care of your little Bro than you do?" He smiled at his sister as he gave her a hug. She rolled her eyes smiling as she pointed towards Ray.

" There's the real prize, now hurry up. I have Chicken in the oven and a Spinach Lasagna that needs to be tended to. Holler when the rest get here."

Ray didn't really know what there was to celebrate but she knew that it meant something to May. The girl never cooked unless there was something big happening. She had lived with the girl ever since her freshman year in college. Ray was a sweet shy girl from Rhode Island who graduated top of her class and never hurt a fly.

She didn't personally know the people coming but she knew a lot about them. May had told her their entire life story while she leaned on her hand listening intently to every crazy story and memory. The only crazy moments she had were the ones May forced her into, and even then she made the memories drier than a desert.

" Ray answer the door please?" She quickly stood up from her place as she walked over to the door. She suddenly felt self conscious as she looked down at her attire. Her light ripped jeans suddenly seemed too casual. Her off the shoulder gray sweater seemed too revealing and her white flip flops showed her feet which made her uneasy. She looked in the mirror and sighed. Whatever, she thought as she swung the door open lightly displaying a group of people her age. She smiled softly as she whispered a small hello.

She felt awkward as they poured in greeting her and giving her tight squeezes as she blushed lightly and ran her fingers through her long wavy locks.

" Stop touching my pie!" She giggled as she watched May smack Jack over and over again. She studied the scene before her from afar as she crossed her arms, smiling warmly.

" Raygen Francis Williams, get your butt in here and stop being shy!" She blushed again as she walked slowly towards the crowd who all gave their attention to her.

" Guys, this is my incredibly attractive roommate Raygen. Isn't she cute?" Could she not stop blushing? She gave May a hard look as she heard a couple of chuckles around her. She walked over to the oven shutting it off knowing that May would let it burn like Christmas, and Thanksgiving, New Years, and Jean's Birthday from across the hall. She turned around to make eye contact with a pair of brown eyes as a smile tugged on the person's mouth. She looked away quickly feeling her cheeks betray her for the millionth time since the guests had arrived. Ray didn't do too well with strangers, nor did she do well with attention.

" So guys, how was tour this time? And where's my GK shirt you cum guzzlers?" Ray nearly choked at the words coming out of May's mouth.

" It's in the bag jeez, you're going to give your friend here a heart attack with that mouth of yours." Laughed Zack as he looked to his right at the small girl. She took a sip of her drink and looked at her crazy best friend.

" So Raygen, May told us you just graduated from college. What did you major in?"
She swallowed her food as she noticed all eyes on her. She cleared her throat a bit, nervously as she looked at the boy who had asked. He had a nose ring and a soft smile. He looked completely ripped and she could see his tattoos through his Glamour Kills tank top.

" I'm a communications Major." She spoke softly as they all leaned in to hear her soft voice.

" You'll have to excuse her, she's awfully shy." Said Jack as he gave her a wide grin. She just wanted to dig herself in a hole. After dinner they had all been talking in the living room. Ray escaped silently giving them all time to catch up. She walked slowly into the upstairs hallway as a door clicked. Out stepped the boy from before. She got a better look at him. He wore a black sweater and dark washed skinny jeans with sneakers. His messy brown hair was halfway hidden inside his beanie and he was awfully tall, well considering she was five foot three. Her face felt warm as she directed her eyes to the floor as they both started the opposite way. She suddenly looked up at him as he gave her a large grin. He stuck his hand out waiting for her to take it. Just as he was about to put it down with a faltering smile she quickly took it seeing the smile reappear.

" I'm Alex."

" Raygen, nice to meet you."

I wish I'd never met you
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate first chapters, but here it is.