Status: Active

It Should Have Been Her


She closed her eyes, softly strumming the guitar that sat gently on her crossed legs. She sat on the balcony staring at the pitch black sky as the clock to her right read 4:15 AM. It had been two days since everyone had arrived at her and May's apartment. She watched out of the corner of her eye as a light turned on. She looked back down at her black guitar as she opened her mouth and slowly started to sing.

"I'm sliding down, down
trying to climb back up
but I keep on sinking further
and my eyes are closed shut

I'm blinding out, now
every truth but the lies
are better to bare, and I don't have to cry
but you don't care, so I really shouldn't
But I'm too scared, and I know you wouldn't

wipe away every fear with a smile
like you used to, before you used me
hold my hand and kiss me goodbye
like you used to, before you threw me
and I don't really know why
i keep wishing you were here tonight
all i know is that I keep falling
falling in love and falling apart
and failing to grasp the concept
that with you I'll never be alright..."

" So who exactly broke your heart?" She jumped, four maybe five feet into the air? She shrieked a little as she held her hand to her heart and closed her eyes for a second. Her focus came upon Alex as she let out a sigh of relief and set the guitar beside her. He chuckled a bit holding his hands up in an apology type manner as he crossed his legs and sat directly across from her.

" Can't sleep?" He nodded as he smiled at her. He picked the guitar up and started strumming the chords she played.

" I really like that song, especially the way you was it?
I'm sliding down, down
trying to climb back up
but I keep on sinking further
and my eyes are closed shut". She listened to the sound of his voice as he closed his eyes and tried to figure out the chords she had played. She was highly impressed by the tone of his voice, especially the way he remembered her music.

" I kind of like it better though if you took the " That with you I'll never be alright, a whole octave higher. It would make it sound a lot more powerful, try it."

Her cheeks burned as she quickly looked away in embarrassment. She didn't want him hearing her the first time, now she had to do it a second time. She hated having to sing in front of people, hence the whole four in the morning deal.

" Oh come on, you were amazing now sing." She sang the chorus over again as she lifted the notes smoothly and powerfully not daring to look into his eyes.

" You girl, have one hell of a talent. It's too bad you're too shy to even look me in the eye at this moment." She smacked the palm of her hand to her forehead as she closed her eyes in embarrassment. She felt like even more of an idiot as he laughed softly and set the guitar down.

" Come on, I'm not that bad. Trust me, I swear that if you look me in the eyes I won't bite you." She hesitantly looked him in the eye and smiled softly as his grin outstretched.

" See, no biting." She rolled her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair as she looked back at the sky. They sat exactly like that until eight in the morning. By nine the girls were wide awake. Raygen's absence was noted, but quickly discovered as the unclosed curtains to the balcony door revealed Raygen and Alex.

Her head lay on Alex's shoulder as her knees tucked onto his lap. His arms were at her sides as his head rested on top of hers. A light snore was coming out of his mouth as Raygen's hand rested on his neck.

May smiled to herself as she pulled out her camera. She looked over at Kara who had an eyebrow raised then too Lisa. She frowned as she noticed the expression on the small girl's face. " I heard them last night. Raygen usually never sleeps much at night so she goes outside and plays music for a while. Alex went out and joined her and they, as I see it fell asleep out there."

Lisa shook her head putting on a smile as she nodded. " I know" she said politely as she exited the room. May twisted the camera as she muttered to herself sarcastically. " Sure you do."

The gang sat at the table as May whipped up a quick breakfast. Alex smiled at Ray from across the room as she gave him a polite nod. She turned back around to laugh at Jack's strawberry jam covered face. " You're worst than a dog Jack!" she said giggling as she wiped his mouth and kissed him on the cheek. May whacked him with the spatula as he tried to claw his way into getting the first pancake, fresh from the pan.

" Jack I swear I'm going to kill you if you don't stop eating everything!" Everyone was carrying their own conversations. Ray turned around and smiled at everyone as she watched in amusement. It was like watching six different TV shows at once. She noticed Alex staring at her and quickly looked away. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ears and she crossed her arms and looked to the others. Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed the petite blond give him a kiss then interlock her fingers with his. She went back to making breakfast as she set the pancakes on a plate and set them on the table.

" So Raygen." Vinny had a whole pancake in his mouth as he looked at her, swallowing then finishing his question.
" Would you happen to be related to Jersey Williams? You know the big tall dude with the long hair and the sleeve tattoos?"
Raygen rolled her eyes as Vinny smiled in delight. Jersey Williams was her older brother, her very annoying older brother. He was the co founder of Kill Em records, and a complete nut.

" Sadly, that creature is my older brother."

" How very strange. You guys look like twins but your personalities are completely on different sides of this world."

" Tell me about it." She muttered as she picked up her water bottle. Alex leaned back in his chair, fingers still interlocked with Lisa's as he studied her.

" Do you have a boyfriend?" The petite blonde smiled at her as she gave her a kind smile back and shook her head.

" I've never had a boyfriend." Forks stopped banging plates, and mouths stopped chewing. All eyes were once again on her as she groaned and looked away.

" WHAT? but you're like...."

" Smokin hot" She blushed as Zack finished Vinny's sentence. Looking up, she noticed Alex's stare towards Zack and turned an even darker shade of red. Zack looked at Raygen, Alex looked at Zack, and Lisa looked at Alex. May studied the scene as she witnessed the first of many more confusing moments.

" Oh boy..." She muttered as she noted the tightening of Lisa's fingers around Alex's and the laziness of his.

" Oh flippin' boy...."
♠ ♠ ♠
For a couple of chapters this story will be written in the past. Then after into the future where I left off at the beginning. Just to clear it up.
Yes, those are my crappy lyrics from like the eighth grade so please, no hating :D