Status: Coming This Fall.10'

Faultless Perfections


The Runway.

A safe zone for us.We were the paint on the canvas; without us their they would be nothing. Motionless faces were a must, along with the precise walk. Everything had to be and was perfect. Girls would kill to be in our 8’ inch shoes. The money, fame and fortune. Getting in is almost as hard as getting out. Once you step into the game, you have to play until you win. There are the rookies, the stomach turning nervous wrecks. There were the Pro’s, the ones who owned the stage. Then there were the selected few, one of which I am. We were the queens of the industry with companies literally running after us.

Sounds perfect right? Thats what everyone thought. By now, I probably would believe it myself. We were just coded machines, everything magically flowing like a continuous waterfall.

Even though I believed it, Not everything could be perfect. Out of everything I had in my oh so glamourous life, there was only one thing missing. A Boyfriend.

Little did I know, he was soon going to change that, no matter how hard I tried to stop him.
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Heey. New new, a couple days early, since tecnically summer hasn’t started yet. ha. This is extreamly short, but it’s just a prolouge .There will be much more to come.

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