Kidnapped and Kissed

Chapter One

Ok, so I'm not the prettiest girl in class, and yes, I'm totally crushing on matt, and no, I don’t get straight A's but a girl can still hope right? Wrong.
It feels like only yesterday, although it may be much longer than that. I ran from my house, away from my screaming parents. I was just so sick of them. Sick of their screaming and hitting; I just had to get out. I ran my steep downhill driveway but by the time I reached my mailbox, a cold hand was placed around my mouth and another around my eyes and I could feel myself flying.
I have to admit, at this point I started to freak, not only could I not see anything or scream for help but I couldn’t even touch the ground with me feet! I reach up and grab the strong arms of my capture for support. Suddenly, the air is no longer rushing downwards, but upwards. Like I'm falling. I scramble to get a tighter grip when my capture releases his grip on my and switches to cradling me like a baby.
The first mistake I make Is looking down at the scene below. We're- my capture and I- falling at in incredibly fast from in incredibly fast height towards the rooftops below. In desperate need to try and stop falling, I fling my arms around my capture and squeeze my eyes shut. Then the air stops rushing by me for a split second and I find myself suddenly racing back up. I open my eyes, looking for an explanation to this. My second mistake. As soon as I open my eyes I come face to face with the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen. He didn’t look down at me, but he didn’t need to. It felt like I already knew everything about him. Everything you ever needed to know about a person. And this person was perfect.
Except… what was his name?
He didn’t hit the ground hard, but I could tell when he did reach ground and take off sprinting. Only his sprinting was unlike any other I had seen. His was insanely fast, which kind of made since considering, he had been jumping about fifty feet back there. It was at that moment, when he opened the doors to a huge medieval castle and stepped inside; I knew that he was not human. He was something much more.
The inside of the castle was a blur, because that’s what everything looked like because the boy was running through it. He stopped abruptly at one room though. Inside there was a massive king-size bed with black covers and a canopy made of black sparkly material that made it look like shining stars in a sea of black. On the far side of the room were two doors. I guessed they lead to the bathroom and closet. What caught my attention though were the double wide two glass doors that opened up into a balcony. The view was so beautiful, a garden with flowers of every color imaginable and some that I didn’t even know existed. A small stream ran though the middle of it. In the backdrop was a pine tree forest. All along I had thought all this was a dream. But seeing that incredible view, I knew it wasn’t. I could never dream of anything like this.
The boy gently laid me on the bed and took a cup off the bedside table. I couldn’t help but gaze up in amazement at the canopy that seemed to have caught the whole night sky in it. I thought I could even make out the Big Dipper.
"Drink this," The boy demanded. It was the first time I heard his voice and it surprised me. It was much deeper than I ever imagined and yet as smooth as velvet. He lifted the cup to my lips and obediently drank the murky concoction. It tasted horrible and as soon as I took a sip I wanted to stop but the boy forced into my mouth and since it had nowhere else to go, it went down my throat. I wanted to leap up and throw it all back up on the other side of the bed-away from the boy) but as soon as I had drank the last sip, I felt incredibly sleepy. I looked up at the boy, trying to commit his face to memory before I knew my overwhelming urge to sleep engulfed me and I feel into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to an empty room in a strange bed. It didn’t take me long to remember the boy and what had happened. I jolted upright and ran to the door. There was a lock on the door. I turned it and tried the knob. It worked. The situation had finally come down on me. I had been kidnapped, by an incredibly hot guy yes, but kidnapped none the less. And I was afraid. Because they boy that had captured me was not human.
My hand flew to my neck and I gasped as there was a small knock at the door. "Open up," I heard come from the other side. A deep voice. As smooth as velvet. "Come on open the door. I have some food for you." As if on cue my stomach let out a loud rumble. But I was still afraid and I was not about to let him in just because he had come bearing food.
"Uh, I'm not hungry!" I yell back in a rough voice. my throat was dry from lack of water. How long had I been asleep?
"Just open! I can hear your stomach growl anyway!" My stomach let out another loud growl and I clutched my arms around my belly willing it to just be quite. "Fine, I tried to be nice about it but you give me no choice." I hear a sound like metal hitting metal and then a key enters the key hole. I gasp and jump away from the door just as the boy turns the knob and walks though. My eyes go straight to the plate of veggies and fish in his hand.
Seeing this, he laughs. "Here," he hand the plate to me, "eat."
I don’t waste any time, I grab the fork he provided me with and started digging in. After I finished I looked up at him. He just stood there with a blank face looking wide eyed at me with his big blue eyes. "What's your name?" he asks in a sweet voice.
Hypnotized by his gorgeous blue eyes, a stray blonde curl falls into my eyes. He reached up and placed it back in its spot on top of my head. "What's your name?" He asks again in the same sweet voice as before. His tone so inviting coming from his soft looking lips.
I shake my head and put my hand on it. I need to stop thinking about his looks and be thinking about how to get out of here and back to my home.
"Are you alright? Does your head hurt? Maybe you should lie down," Before I knew it I was swept off my feet, cradled to his chest, and being set onto the big bed.
"M-my name is Kasi," I tell him before I realize what I'm doing, "Why did you kidnap me?" I ask trying to stay calm
"I didn’t kidnap you. You called me." He tells me in a matter of fact tone.
"Uh, no I didn’t. Now that we got that settled, can I please go home?" I plead.
"Why would you want to go back there? They treated you like crap. They didn’t care about you. But," he hesitated just for a second, "I will. While you live here nobody can ever hurt you." His eyes stared into mine as if he had felt the pain I had suffered though all my life. How could he of known my parents had hated me? They never wanted me and they told me I was their worst mistake almost every day. That’s why I had always wanted to run away. I had just never had the guts to do it until just recently.
"I never called you," I repeat.
In response he chuckled than said in the meanest tone he had used with me so far, "Oh but you did! You called for someone to save you. Save you from the hell hole you lived in. and so I did and now your mine. You belong to me and no one else."
I couldn’t believe him! He had started out being so nice and then just like that turned into a total jerk! "Girls are not property to own!" I yelled at him. If he was taken back from my sudden outburst, he didn’t show it. "Girls are living, breathing…" I faded out of my speech as he placed a cold finger under my chin and pushed it up, eye level. Then he leaned forward and kissed me. His cold lips against my warmer ones and his cold finger under my chin was almost too much to bear. I pulled away. He was smiling!
"What was that?" I asked horrified and a little dazed.
"That, my girl, was a kiss. Where you not thinking about it a little while ago?" He spoke the truth. "How did you…" I was cut off by a loud banging on the door, followed by a male's voice, "Has she eaten? Let me take a look at her! Please Blake?" I heard Blake's name with a start. I hadn’t even known the name of the boy I had been kissing moments ago.
"Later!" Blake yelled back, "She needs to get ready." Blake looks back at me before nodding his head towards the two doors. "Everything you need is in there. Get ready and I'll be back when you are." And with that said he got up and left, locking the door behind him. Probably to prevent that other boy from coming in and looking at me while I was dressing or something.
I walk over to the two doors and open the one on the right first. It was the bathroom. I find a brush lying on the counter and quickly run it through my curls causing them to wave. Next I brush my teeth with the new toothbrush I found waiting for me next to the hair brush. Next I walk over to the other door and find it to be the closet. And what a closet it was. It was about the size of my old bedroom, which wasn’t that big, but it makes one heck of a closet. As I look through the rows of cloths I find that most of them are skirts and low cut shirts. I pick my favorite of both, a black pleated miniskirt and a dark blue long sleeve shirt that was a bit low cut but not as much as the others, and slip them on, throwing my wrinkled clothes into a corner and walking out.
Back in the room I find Black standing near the bed waiting for me. For some reason his beautiful face caused rage to build up in me and I ask, "Why can't I just go home? Just because I didn’t want to be at home when I went outside doesn’t mean I am your property. I'm still a human and I need friends, friends that are girls and will talk with me about personal stuff." Blake looked shocked from my sudden outburst.
"You don’t get it." He retorted, "Your parents didn’t want you. They were planning to sell you to some pervert just so they could have more money. O I saved you from that fate."
He has got to be lying! My parents wouldn’t do that! Would they?
"yes, they would Kasi, and they did. To me. I bought you."
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