Kidnapped and Kissed

Chapter Two

I couldn’t comprehend what this guy was saying. He bought a living breathing person? Who does that?
“You’re a monster.” I run toward the door and open it, my eyes suddenly filing with tears. As I turn the corner from the room, I run into something very hard. I take a small step back and look up. It was a man.
“Hello, beautiful,” he said. He was a built man. I slowly wipe the tears from my face as I stair up at him. His forearm muscles were clearly visible underneath his black t-shirt. His jeans looked old and faded but were snug in all the right places, bringing out the muscles in his legs also. It took all my strength to not reach out right then and touch his abs. His hair was black and gelled up in different directions. The perfect messy hair. But it was his eyes that made me fear him instantly. They were black, with red around the pupil. I could tell he was no person to be reckoned with.
A deep growl came from behind me and I jumped around to see Blake. “Get back, Chris.”
Chris put his arms up in surrender, “Hey, she’s the one that ran into me,”
Seeing this as an opportunity to run, I made a mad dash for the stairs. Skipping the last couple steps, I then sprint towards the door with the light shinning underneath it, but as I reach for the door knob, something cold grabs either sides of my waist and pulls me back against his chest. I glair up at my capture, Blake.
“You can’t leave. You’re mine.” He tells me and I grunt in response. I was furious that he had caught me.
“Let me go.” I say between gritted teeth as I struggle to get free but my feeble attempts are all in vein because he was way stronger than me.
I thrash my legs and arms around, screaming, as he throws me over his shoulder and carries me back up the stairs and back into that darn room. Chris wasn’t around, for which is the one thing I was thankful for at the time. It was just Blake and I. Alone. In the big room.
He carries me to the middle of the room before he sets me down. The first thing I do is check the door. It was already closed and locked. How did he do that?
He looks at me, “You’re not going to escape.” He tells me simply.
“I’m not staying here,” I cross my arms, stubbornly, across my chest and turn around so my back was towards him and I was staring out the balcony windows. It was the same gorgeous view as before.
“Kasi...” there was something strangely thrilling about when he said my name, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out. Little did I know, later my life would in fact depend on it.
I looked at him over my shoulder. He had taken a few steps towards me and was pretty close. All I would have to do is turn around and stand on my tip toes and we could be kissing... Wait. Did I just think that?
My head flies back to facing the balcony windows. That’s when the idea forms in my head. The idea that if I could just make it out the doors onto the balcony, I could jump off the ledge. I’m not quite sure what floor this room is on; I know it has to be higher than ground floor, because of the stairs, but that’s all I knew.
But at this point, I didn’t care if I killed myself. I mean I have never been a suicidal person, but this place was getting worse by the second, with these reoccurring thoughts of kissing Blake. I just couldn’t handle it anymore.
I made a dash for the balcony.
I made it through the doors and to the balcony edge. I didn’t hesitate as I saw it was about a 3 story drop. I threw myself over the ledge.
I knew I was about to die. And I embraced it. After years of living through all the crap with my parents and all the times they beat me I knew I was ready to die. I couldn’t live with a guy who had bought me from my parents. And I couldn’t go back to my parents, who had sold me to him. So what other choice did I really have?
I knew my choice was clear.
As I jumped, I spread my arms wide and closed my eyes. From behind me I heard Blake scream my name. Hearing my name from his lips sent the same thrill coursing through my body, and I knew I had to see him again. And so I open my eyes and turn to the side where miraculously I see his face. But it wasn’t just his face. It was his whole body. Was I imagining things? Or was he really there? Jumping with me to my death, and possibly his too?
I shut my eyes once more, fully ready to face a painful death. I could not accept that Blake had thrown himself off the balcony too, and so I told myself that I was imagining it. And it put my mind at rest so I could finally pass out while falling though the air.
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