Always Love

Take Me On

I was mortified. Robert Pattinson, the Robert Pattinson, had just seen me in my undies. After I got dressed I hurried into the kitchen, hoping to be unnoticed. Unfortunately, Rob was drinking a beer. This was going to be awkward.

"Um... hi"

I didn't know what else to say. He smiled.

"I'm sorry I walked in on you earlier. Lovely way to make a first impression"

I laughed. He was funny.

"It's alright.How were you supposed to know I was half naked?"

It was his turn to laugh.

"Exactly. Well, can we act like that never happened? I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable"

"Yeah, sure. I was actually hoping you would say that"
We sat there for a minute. It was quiet.

"Well Alyssa, what do you like to do, besides changing your clothes of course. "

"Haha. Funny. I don't know. Listen to music, read books, you know normal stuff."

"Ah, so you're not into the whole party scene are you"

"Nope. I'm more of a downtown hipster" He smiled "I'd rather be at a cafe listening to some unknown band than go out and party."

"Oh really" he asked.

"Yes." I got a corona out of the fridge and stood beside him at the counter "Of course, Taylor doesn't approve. He loves to go out to parties and get dressed up. I just don't see the point"

I took a swig of my beer.

"What about going somewhere tomorrow night. Do you think Taylor would approve?"

I almost choked. Did Rob just ask me out?

"Are you asking me out, Rob?"

"I believe I am. What do you say?"

What should I say? I mean, Rob seems pretty nice but I've only known his for like ten minutes. All the more reason to go on the date. And what would Taylor say? I haven't been on a date in a while and he gets extremely overprotective. Well, its not everyday a girl gets asked out by Robert Pattinson.

"Are you sure that the fact that you've seen me practically naked didn't affect your decision at all?"

He blushed.

"Well, it didn't hurt."

I rolled my eyes.

"I just think that your a pretty cool person who is very attractive and who I want to get to know better. Now, what do you say?"

I couldn't even munster a response. I just bit my lip and nodded my head.

His phone rang. He looked at it.

"Damn. That's my agent. I'll pick you up tomorrow at two."

"Two! I don't even wake up until one."

He smirked.

"Well," he leaned towards me and whispered in my ear "set your alarm clock a bit earlier. I wouldn't want you to be late"

I felt lightheaded. When was the last time I took a breath? I swallowed and answered.

"Alright, see you tomorrow"

"Tomorrow then" he said, smiled, and walked out the door.
Alyssa's outfit:
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weightless by all time low
take on me by aha