Knock You Down

Megan's POV


I woke up the next morning with of course a horrible hangover. I really should have slowed down but did I listen….of course not. I groaned and tried to get up but I couldn’t move. Why? Because there was an arm wrapped around my waist that prevented me in moving barely an inch. Oh that’s just great. I followed the tattoo arm’s owner and saw that it was that hot guy from the club. Shit how in the world did I get so lucky? Who am I to question it?

I pulled his arms a couple of more times when finally I was able to get it off me and rolled away before he had me in his iron grip again. I put a pillow in my place and he instantly wrapped his arm around it pulling it closer. I walked, more like stumbled, my way into the bathroom with the clothes I had on last night. My makeup was smudge and my hair was a total mess. I sighed and remembered that I was staying in this same hotel so I could wait to take a shower. But I did wash off last night’s makeup from my face, used some mouthwash and brushed my hair, putting it into a messy but nice looking bun. I put on my underwear and my dress back on and went back into the room with the guy whose name I think is Zacky.

I bent down to grab my shoes that were near the bed. When I was about to walk away a hand wrapped around my wrist stopping me.

“Where are you going sweetheart?”

“Don’t worry I know the drill I was heading out actually.”

“What if I didn’t want you to go just yet?” he said huskily.

“Why would you want me to stay?” Even though I did I really did need to go.

“Because I like you and I want to see you again.” He said with a genuine smile.
I smiled right back at him “Well I do really need to head out but how about this let’s exchange numbers and see when we can hang out before we have to leave.” Last night I found out that he also was just here for the weekend and would be headed back to his home on Monday.

“Yeah that would be great.” We exchanged numbers and a couple of kisses before I walked out the room with my shoes in one hand, my purse in the other, and a huge grin on my face.

I reached my room in no time and took a shower and got myself ready for the day. Kay and I were fortunate that the hotel was letting us use one of their spare rooms as a studio, that and the fact that I totally forgot that our dance company was also heading here to LA for the different types of auditions that their dancers were in town for. So I’m guessing that the company and the hotel reached some sort of an agreement.

After I was finished getting ready I took two Advil and headed downstairs. I connected my ipod to the stereo and grabbed the remote so that I could change the song without the need of going to the stereo again.

As I was changing the song I heard a scream followed by Kay jumping onto my back. We messed around and I ended up chasing her when she took my remote, this got to her spilling out the beans that Avenged Sevenfold was coming to this hotel to audition dancers to go on tour with them to be a part of their show.

I shook my head and said “They’re probably looking for stripper like girls and how hard is that for us, we’re professional dancers and teachers. So it shouldn’t be that hard, we should just go in there and wing it” What is wrong with this girl today? Did she get into my Pixie Stix stash, because if she did she is so dead.

“Well I wanted to make it like kind of choreographed….Just the two of us. To give stripping more class” Kay said trying to make stripping not should so harsh. I don’t think that it is but I doubt that they were really looking for dancers like us. We can do those moves but that was not how we were trained.

“A choreographed dance? A choreographed strip dance?” I asked once again.


“To Scream?”


“You’re  nuts.”


“Honey it’s a rock song. How do you choreograph a dance to a rock song?”

“You’ll see.” She said and pulled me along

~2 hours later~

“We just spent all that time to just to go and to wing it?” I asked breathlessly.

“Yeah, like I said it’s a rock song how are you going to do a choreographed dance to it.” She said, tossed me a towel and left the room. That’s what I fucking said in the first place.
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It will pick up. Thank you readers and subscribers.