Knock You Down

Megan's POV


The rest of Avenged Sevenfold walked in, in all their glory of course. Zacky was looking especially sexy that day. He also looked very familiar. Well duh he is Zacky Vengeance but that’s not it and I can’t put my finger on it.

“Hi I’m Zacky but you probably know that.” He said trying not to sound full of himself as he took a seat next to me.

“Oh I’m Megan…Megan Savage.”  I smiled and blushed a bit. I looked over at Kay who was avoiding Synyster who wore a smirk while starting at my sister. He obviously knew what effect he had on her.

“So fan girl looking forward to working with me?” I hear Syn asked Kay.

“Yeah sure. My name is Makayla by the way not fan girl” she said back rolling her eyes at him.

“Oh well I didn’t get your name when we first met and you can call me Syn or Brian if you like.”

“Okay.” She said a little peeved he brought up before. Kay was still a bit embarrassed with what she said and how she acted.

“I’m really looking forward to you girls being on tour with us.” Zacky said.

“Oh um me too. I’m really excited.” I said giving him my full attention.

“Will you be leaving behind any broken hearts?” I looked into those green eyes and remembered the guy from the club. He had the same green eyes, the same, voice, tattoos…..everything.

“No not really.” I said slowly. I know that the guy from the club said we should meet up but he has texted me yet and I haven’t texted him. So maybe it just wasn’t meant to be but I also had this false hope instead of me I guess that he was going to text or call me soon.

“Cool, it’s hard to part with people for so long”

“Yeah it is. But I will have Kay with me so it will be alright. Could you excuse me for a minute?” I asked. He nodded his head and I turned to Kay and whispered in her ear “What was the name of that club we went to Friday? “

“Umm I think it was The Scene or something.” Kay whispered back “Why?”

“Do you have that guy’s number you went out with?”

“Yeah what’s up?” she said worried and pulled out her phone.

“Come with me.” I grabbed her out of the chair and dragged her out of the room and a couple of feet away from the door just in case.

“Do me a favor. Call him and ask for his friend Zacky’s number.”

“Okay.” Kay said confused. She dialed him and just as that happen we heard a phone ring from the room we were just in followed by Brian saying

“Excuse me one minute.” He said and walked out of the room and walking in the opposite direction that we were in and around the corner.

“Hello.” The guy said from the other side of the line.

“Um hi it’s the girl from before, from The Scene.”

“Oh I remember you.”

“Yeah I’m Kay. Kind of a crappy time to be giving names right?” she giggled.

“Yeah um I’m Brian by the way.” Kay froze for a minute. “Um you had a friend named Zacky that my sister went out with and would you be kind enough to give her his number she’s right here. But I mean if you don’t want to I understand it’s kind of weird giving out numbers to a random person.”

“Nah it’s cool as long as you agree to go to a party with me before I head out of town.”

“Um yeah give her the number and I’ll we’ll talk details.”

“Better yet he’s here right now. So she could talk to him for a sec.”

“That’d be great!”

“Okay hold on.”

“okay.” Syn went back in the room.

“Zacky come here.” Syn called him over.

“What?” Zacky asked. ‘the girls’ Syn mouthed and Zacky went rushing over and they went back to where Brian was the first time he came out.

“Hello.” Someone said into the phone. Kay gave me the phone.

“Um hi Zacky?” I asked.

“Yeah, Megan?” a guy replied.

“Uh huh. So um I was wondering when I could possibly see you again?” I know I said I was going to wait for him to text but I couldn’t wait any longer. I’m just about to jump Vengeance taken him right here right now.

“Well actually my friends and I are going to have a party soon, I’d like for you to come.” He said.


“Cool, um my friend Brian will text you friend the details. I would text you but my phone fell into the pool the other day so I wasn’t able to text or call you sorry.”

“Okay.” Mentally sighing that the reason he hadn’t text me was because he didn’t like me. At this point Kay and I were back in the room and walking towards the table.

“Um talk to you later.” We hang up and Kay and I take our seats. Zacky and Brian come back in and sit down. Syn starts texting on his phone and puts in down.  Soon Kay’s phone rings.

“Text from Brian.” Kay’s phone says. We all stare at her phone and Syn grabs it. What an asshole and just when I was about to tell him to give the phone back he says.

“I knew you looked familiar! I fucked you.” for the whole room to hear and Kay turns the brightest red that I have ever seen.

“That means I fucked you.” Zacky says to me and I began to choke on my water and I bang my head against the table and groan.

“Don’t act shy. You know you weren’t the other night.” I bang my head on the table harder. Don’t these guys have manners?

“Of all things why’d it have to be that Brian?” Kay said.

“How’d you even forget about me?” Brian asked.

“I was wasted, horny, and you were a quick fuck. I tend to forget about those.” Kay responded.

“Oh Gates she said you ain’t shit.” Zacky said

“Shut up I hardly remember what happened with us the other night, so don’t go bashing Syn.” The room is filled with roars of laughter but quickly quiets down and Syn asks.

“So are you still up for the party?” My sister snatches her phone back from Syn and lays her head against the table with me, mentally cursing ourselves and the guys next to us.
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Thanks to etfrocks2013 for our first comment. We appericate it.

Also if your reading my story He Never Came I'm sorry for the wait. College is really getting to me these last couple of weeks that I have but there should be an update soon. I'm also working on a new story but that won't come out until I have about 3/4 of it done so that way I can update frequently.

Thanks to the readers, subscribers and commentators