Knock You Down

Makalya's POV


And there I was on the bed of roses drifting away at sea, up and down, bobbing gently above the water. Someone sighed next to me, my hair swooshed as I faced the person who belonged to the sigh that had drifted past my ears and stretched across the sea. I met a loveable pair of brown eyes.

“Why does thou eyes sigh, those thou not like the gentle feeling of the sea?” I asked in a cheesy Shakespeare accent.

“Thou sighs at the beauty before him, so beautiful so fair.” They said and I blushed.

“That surely is not true, I possess no beauty.” I played with the hem of my gown.

“No, you don’t posses beauty, you posses far more than that.” They leaned in. “Makayla I”

“Yes my love?”


“Come on spit it out!” I ordered.

“I lo-” and then I woke up…. On the floor, heart racing, and palms sweaty. I sighed in frustration and got up. “Son of a” I turned on the shower and walked away. “Who does he think he is!” I grabbed some underwear from my suitcase. “Is he like figgin slow or something?”

“Who’s slow?” Megan asked.

“No one!” I yelled and slammed the bathroom door.

“Some one it on her dot!” she sang.

“Who the hell calls it dot anymore and no I am not on my period!”

“I call it dot.” She peaked through the door and closed it before the toothbrush I threw at her hit her. I took a quick shower, threw on some clothes before walking out the hotel door, and called to Megan. “I’ll be at the studio, I need to get some stuff!” and closed the door. I pressed for a random elevator and got in without paying attention to the other person in it. I started to zone out, thinking about the dream I just had.

“Good morning to you to.” Someone said into my ear. I jumped and turned to face Brian with a smirk that sat on his sexy face.

“Good morning Brian.” I said monotone.

“That’s all I get?” he asked slightly amused.


“Not even a how ya doing, no what’s up, not even a kiss?” He moved in on me like a damn lion on a zebra.


“Do you enjoy crushing my ego?” his voice sank two octaves.

“Yeah kind of.” I laughed.

“Are you going to breakfast with me?”

“No I’m heading to the studio.” I began to get impatient with the damn thing. Was everything slow today?

“Oh okay.” He said and the finally elevator dinged. He dragged me in the other direction.

“Brian the studio is that way.” I protested.

“I know.” He said lacing our fingers. They felt so right being intertwined together.

“I need to go that way.” I pointed in the other direction.

“I know but you need to eat first.” He said and picked up a tray. We got food, ate and headed in the direction of the studio. “Well this is where we part.” He said standing in front of my studio door.

“Yeah I’ll see you later.” I went to go into the studio but he pulled me back
“I didn’t get a proper good morning; I at least I deserve is a proper goodbye.” He smirked yet again but it still looked sexy. We had a stare down until our eyes softened and his hand moved to my cheek and gently pulled me forward.

“I don’t know if I should trust you yet.” I said looking from his lips to his eyes.

“You don’t need to trust me to kiss me.” He said and kissed me, with absolutely no tongue action, which kind of disappointed me. He pulled away. “I’ll see you later Kay.” He said before giving me another peck on the cheek and left me there to wonder, ‘should I trust him?’
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Did you know how much you comment affects my enthusiasm to update, just letting you guys know <3 oh um name change! I am now Synfully_Vicky.... tee