Status: Eh...

I Would Walk A Thousand Miles For You

Chapter 29

Jose’s POV.
I was forced to take Beth out. Take her with me everywhere. I told Savannah, which she wasn’t too happy about. I don’t blame her though.

It was also hard to go Christmas shopping for Sav since I’m always with Beth. If Beth knew I was shopping for Sav, she’d tell my mom. My mom wouldn’t be too happy.

“Ugh, I love Orlando. The people here are all so good looking. This is my type of city. It’s nothing like back at home,” Beth said as we walked through the local mall.

Beth stopped at some jewelry place. She began talking to one of the employees about who cares what. I began looking at the necklace area. I couldn’t help but think of Sav. I smiled. “Excuse me,” I called to one of the employees.


We stopped at sushi restaurant. “So your mom told me you’re forbidden to seeing that Savannah girl.”

I swallowed and took another drink of my soda. We were waiting for our food. “Yes…”

“Oh,” Beth said. “Finally. Now there’s time for just you and me.” She moved her hand and placed it on top of mine. I moved my hand away. Beth sighed. “What happened to you? We were perfectly fine in North Carolina. When we heard the news about you leaving, you cried with me. Then, you came here and it’s like…you forgot me. How can you forget about me? I thought we were made for each other. We were in love.”

I mentally groaned. “Things change. I thought I was in love with you. Moving here was actually one of the best things that have ever happened to me. Sure, I miss North Carolina, but I love it here.”

“You just love it because of that poor girl. What happened to us? You forgot me and went for someone like her. She’s nothing but a low class orphan and—“

“Beth, shut up,” I said. “Don’t call her that.”

“It’s true though,” she said. “We had our future planned out together. Then, you come here and you’ve suddenly fallen in love with someone else. Can’t you see your mom doesn’t like her? I don’t blame her.”

I felt disgusted. “Beth, she opened my eyes to new things. And I’m happy with her. She makes me feel good about myself.”

I I made you feel good about yourself!”

“Not the way she does. You criticize other people and make fun of people who you think you’re better than. Yeah, it made me feel good at the time. But I’ve changed. I’m no longer like you. I’ve come to see the beauty in others. And that includes Savannah. She is a beautiful person, the most beautiful person I have ever met. Her story touched me. I learn new things from her every day. It’s not like us. We used to just make out. With her, we talk and I’m constantly getting to know her. I—“

“Shut up!” Beth scolded. She started sobbing. “You’re in love with her. You can’t be!”

I looked away from her. Many people in the restaurant began staring at us. I started thinking. Maybe I was in love with her.

Being with Savannah is like being on top of the world. Nothing gets in the way. Its feels like we’re the only people on earth with I’m with her. She makes me happy, from her head to her toes. I just want to her hold her and kiss her sweet lips when I look at her.

I looked back at Beth who was still sobbing. She was very angry. “You’re right.”
“What?” Beth said; hope was beginning to form in her eyes.

“I am in love with Savannah.” I got up and walked out the restaurant. Beth was probably very angry with me and was probably going to tell my parents. But who cares? I don’t.


I waited for someone to answer the door. Night had already come. I was standing in front of my girlfriend’s door. She was probably doing her homework.

The door opened. “Hey Jose,” Kelsey said.

“Hey,” I greeted. “Is Savannah here? I really need to see her.”

Kelsey nodded. She called Savannah who sprinted downstairs in a hurry. “Jose,” she greeted with a hug. I grabbed her hand and led her outside. “C’mon, I want to sit with you on the beach.”

Savannah giggled. “I’ve got to finish my homework. I have a report due tomorrow.”

“This won’t take long.” I grabbed the blanket that is always on her porch. We sat on a spot on the beach. It was very, very dark, but the stars looked beautiful. I wrapped my arm around Savannah’s waist.

“What’s going on?” she said. She giggled. “You’re being weird.”

“You’re the weird one,” I said playfully. “I just wanted to be with you tonight. Being with Beth all afternoon after school gets tiring. I missed you.”

She smiled and kissed me. “I missed you too.”

I smiled, unable to stop looking at her. “So, I got your Christmas present already.”

“You didn’t need to get me anything. Its—“

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her before she could finish her sentence. “It’s necessary. You’re necessary in my life. I just wanted to buy you something to show you how much you mean to me.”

“You didn’t need to though.”

“Yes, I did. Christmas is two weeks away. But I’m going to give it to you. You know, just in case my mom finds it or something.” She laughed. I put my hand in my pocket and took out the box the employee in the jewelry store gave me. I handed it to Savannah whose eyes widened.

“Jose, noooooo,” she said. I handed it to her. She opened it slowly, her eyes widening even more. It was a silver necklace with a locket shaped heart. I took it from her and placed it around her neck.

Savannah hugged me and held me tight. I gulped. “I love you, Sav.”