Big Boys and Little Girls

The Trees are

I get to the Art room and sit with Darian and Rebecca cause they are awesome artist's and if we get azy we pass our artwork around and let's the other one finish it. I hugged them both and sat down before they yanked at my hand.

"What are guys doing!" I yelled sparratically while pulling my hand away from them.

"How come you didn't at least text us that you two are engaged?" Darian said in a strained whisper as Mr. Ramsteen was pulling the drying rack in.

"It is so cool! But he must get you a better engagement ring." Rebecca said looking at the mood ring in disgust.

"Dumb. And dumber. I am NOT engaged, and will not be at LEAST, I repeat at LEAST, not until AFTER, I GRADUATE from High School!!!" I turned right on cue for everybody to get a good look at the ex-bride-to-be. They all had dissapointed looks except for Mr. Ramsteen. He was confused at my personal crisis but of course he had to make it worse by singling me out when he walked by.

"I hope all you young educated punctual ladies do not plan to be underaged and Engaged. So, that when my grandaughter comes over I don't have to see you on the MTV show and say I am teaching those love birds art next week." I dropped my head in embarrassed shame and Darian and Rebecca mumbled their apologies.

After attendance was called the class was sent out to the school's 7 year old arbor day orchard to incorporate our own faces into leaves. So, find leaves and use the "creative juices" as Mr. Ramsteen says, and personify the art. We, Darian, Rebecca, and I, made a bee line straight to the back since it would be a while before Mr. Ramsteen even decides to start checking up on people and because the leaves on the far trees have purple tints in the veins. Purple is an awesome color.

We make a pyramid. Darian and me on the bottom, and Rebecca on top to grab our leaves. Rebecca hops down once she has some.

"Easy-Peasy.." Darain starts.

"Lemon-Squesy.." Rebecca ends.

"But, lemons burn the eyes if the juice gets in them or inside of cuts." I added redundantly. We all laugh and get the rakes to make a comfy pile of non bug-life leaves to lean back on while we draw aour leaf faces.

Darian finishes first and is able to draw Keifer Sutherland. Creepy enough she drew it, the leaf practically did have his face tangled in the veins of the leaf. Rebecca and I rolled our eyes and hurried to finish ours so we could all talk.

Rebecca shows hers and there is a beautifully ferocious dragon on the top and an all seeing eye on the bottom. The two of them being finsihed start throwing up leaves to wait on my slow drawing.

I looked at it and was done and was finst to show it to them when I saw who I drew inside. "Jordan?"

"What was that?" Rebecca said popping out of the pile of leaves in front of me scaring Darian. I smiled and crumpled up my paper. The bell rang right after.

"You idiot, why'd you do that?" Darian asked as she picked up her stuff.

"It sucked. That's all." Thankfully they both let it go as wewalked to the cafeteria. I saw Jordan in place with cocky smile, almost like he knew what had happened and I fell back and let them walk in talking. I quickly walked over to him and we went into the shadows between the two subject buildings.