Status: Work in progress :) Comment if you'd like more

We're All Just Bits In A Loaded Fire

Chapter Two

The small, black haired girl was about to give up. She was sure she had been down this hall three times already. She decided that it would be impossible to find her friend in this mess of fan-girls and hipster kids.

She clutched the stack of papers to her chest and slid down the wall to a sitting position. With her head in her hands, she didn’t hear the body sit next to her.

"You dropped these." A male voice said from next to her. She let out a little squeak and jumped as her eyes snapped open. She looked over and saw an unfamiliar man. He was big and shaggy brown hair. Sunglasses covered half his face.

"Thanks." She said quietly as she took the flyers from him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. "I don't mean to pry or anything, I"

"It's fine." She cut him off with a small smile. "My friend just kind of disappeared."

"Oh, I can help you find her if you want." The guy offered. "Oh crap, do you know the time?"

The girl nodded and pulled out her cellphone. "Quarter to eight."

"Shoot. I have to go. Like, right now." He got up and hurried away down the hall.

"Okay, Cinderella." She said as his body was swallowed up by the fans hurrying into the main part of the club to see the band perform. She laughed to herself and stood up. She decided to check at the bar again for her friend.

The ginger haired boy and the blonde girl were still on the search. That was until they almost got run over by someone hurrying down the hall. A look of relief passed over the boys face as he grabbed onto the person's sweatshirt.

"Hey Zack." The ginger-haired boy smirked. "Long time no see."

"His Jason." The guy addressed as Zack said. He was taller than the blonde, had a strong build, and large black sunglasses covered his eyes.

"This is the missing person." The ginger-haired boy, Jason, said to the blonde girl. "Thank you so much for you help," He paused because he didn’t have her name.

"Olivia. And you're welcome." The girl said. "Good luck out there." She added with a nod and went to continue her search for her friend. She decided to check the bar to see if she had stopped there.

When Olivia crossed the dance floor, everyone was silent and looking up at the stage as the owner of the venue was introducing the band. She hoped there was little commotion tonight so she could watch them perform for a bit.

She smiled when she saw a familiar head of long black hair chatting to the cute bartender. The black haired girl was sipping a Dr. Pepper. Olivia walked behind her and covered her eyes.

"Guess who." Olivia whispered into her ear. The bartender smiled and walked over to the other side of the bar to help someone.

The black haired girl squeaked and turned around.

"I've been looking for you everywhere!" They both yelled simultaneously.

"Soph, I honestly thought you were murdered or something." Olivia laughed, sitting next to her.

The black haired girl, raised her eyebrows. "You thought I was murdered, so you laugh?"

The blonde laughed and waved her hand. "Of course not, Sophia. I laugh because now I realize I was stupid."

"I'm not invincible." The black haired girl, now called Sophia said. She shoved the ugly green flyers at her friend.

Olivia smiled. "You posted some?"

Sophia shook her head. "Of course not. Some idiot ran into me and I just left the flyers in the hallway. He didn’t chase after me and hand me some of them back though, but then he disappeared at quarter to eight saying he needed to leave right then."

Olivia laughed and the bartender came back. "Hey Olivia, can I get you anything?"

"A water please." She smiled and he went to get her water. When he came back, he looked flustered and he hurried to get another order. "You all alone tonight, Travis?" She asked the bartender.

He nodded as he mixed a cocktail. "Yeah, Jeff called in." He hurried away.

As the band took the stage, the ginger haired boy stepped up to the microphone.

"We're Loaded Fire." He said and the guitars started up. "And this is our new single." And then the drums kicked in. He followed with the vocals.

Halfway into the song, a bar fight started between to girls right next to Olivia and Sophia.

"Wow." Olivia shook her head. She said a code number into her walkie-talkie and her location and then went to break up the fight.

The girls were clawing at each other. Olivia pryed them apart, and restrained one of them, the one that seemed to be doing the most damage.

"You stay over there." Olivia barked to the other girl. She held them apart until back up came. The band was still playing loudly. "Take them to the back to talk to Mike." She said to one of the guys that came to help her. Mike was head of security. The guys nodded and carried the girls away.

Olivia walked over to her friend. "I have to go write up a report. Stay here and watch the band." She said and then walked away.

She came back fifteen minutes later and Sophia was still sitting at the bar, her eyes glued to the stage as she tapped her toes to the beat.

"They're pretty good." Sophia said to Olivia as Olivia took a seat next to her.

Olivia nodded. "I just helped out the vocalist. The drummer had gone missing."

"By any chance did he happen to be freakishly tall with brown hair and wearing designer sunglasses?" Sophia asked, sipping another Dr. Pepper. Olivia nodded with a confused look on her face. "Ha-ha, sorry, I'm the reason he went missing. He was the guy who ran into me."

Olivia narrowed her eyes at her friend. "Smooth. You're always attracted to trouble."

Sophia laughed and shrugged. "No, I'm attracted to the hot bartender" She whispered in Olivia's ear. Olivia laughed.

"Don’t blame ya, Travis is a sweetie." Olivia said. "He's worked here longer than me."

They both turned to watch the band perform until Olivia got a call about someone that went down in the pit. They always had Olivia get them out of there because she was most experienced in the pit, plus she was a little firecracker and wasn’t afraid to push people out of her way.

"Be right back." Olivia said and hurried into the pit towards the general direction they said the person went down in. She found him after a couple minutes, he wasn’t in that bad of shape, but he was pretty shaken up. She dragged him out of there screaming security the whole way. Medics met her at the sidelines and checked over the kid. He looked to be about fifteen or sixteen.

He had a cut on his cheek and a few bruises, but other than that he was just scared. The medics left him.

"Come on, let's get ya some water." Olivia said and helped him up. He followed her to the bar.

She had Travis get him some water and he sat by her and Sophia.

"What's your name?" Olivia asked over the music.

"Jake." He said in between gulps of water. When he emptied the glass, he took a deep breath.

"You okay?" Sophia asked him.

"A hundred percent." He smiled. "I love Loaded Fire."

"What would you say if I told you I could possibly let you meet them?" Olivia asked.

Jake looked at her. "I'd say you were a liar." He said.

"Well, if you chill over here for the last fifteen minutes of their set, I can try to set it up." She said.

"Okay then." He nodded. "If not though, i'm not going to lie, i'm gonna be pissed." He laughed.

"I cant guarantee anything, but I'm pretty sure I can do it." She said with a smile.

Sophia handed the stacks of flyers. He gave her a weird look. "Um, why did you just give me these?"

"I have no idea. Just take them. Give them to your friends or something. Or keep them as a souvenir. I really don’t care. Just keep them away from me." Sophia said, glaring at Olivia. Olivia smiled.

Through the rest of the set, nothing too bad happened. The other security handled everything.

Right before they finished, Olivia got up with Jake and Sophia and went to the backstage area.

"Being security is awesome." She said, standing against a wall. A few minutes later, four sweaty members of Loaded Fire walked into the room.

Jake stared at them in amazement and Jason laughed.

"Career saver!" He yelled, running to Olivia and hugging her.

She raised her eyebrow and wiped sweat off her arms. "Nasty." She said. "And I didn’t even do anything. He ran into us. Anywho, this is Jake. He got trampled in the crowd. I got him out and he hung out with us for the rest of the show."

"You guys are so awesome." Jake said.

"Thanks." Jason smiled. "Introductions are in order." He said. "I'm Jason." He pointed to the drummer. "That's Zack." He pointed to the bassist, a kid with long black and red hair. "Jonathan." Then he pointed to the guitarist. She was a girl with short black hair that stuck up in the back. She had a Monroe piercing, and her nose was pierced "And that's Kiki."

"Nice to meet you." Jake grinned.

"You want us to sign your t-shirt?" Jonathan asked.

"That would be so cool." Jake said. Kiki looked around for some sharpies and when she found a couple she came back. They all scribbled their signatures and little notes on his shirt. "Aww man, my friends are going to be so jealous." Jason laughed.

"I hate to just ditch you guys, but we have to hurry to our next stop. We have one last stop and then the tour is over. Then we start another one, as a supporting act. We'll be here in about a week again. You should come see us Jake." Jonathan said.

"Of course." Jake nodded.

Zack was silent through the whole thing. His glasses were off this time, exposing his pretty hazel eyes.

The band left after they all said goodbye or waved.

"Well, that was rather abrupt." Sophia said. She didn't know whether to be amused or weirded out that her, her friend, and some random guy just hung out with a random band she had never even met before, and she oddly felt close to them. And she couldn't help but feel a bit upset that they had left so quickly, even though they had apologized. She would most definitely be hanging out with Olivia here at the bar next time they came around.
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How'd you like it? That's all i've got so far, but comment if you like it and i'll keep going!