
No Freakin' Way

“Ra-Raeshel… D-do you-?” breathed Emaline in pure wondered disbelief. The girl took a step toward the bands of color, reaching out a slow hand. Her gray eyes sparkled in elation.

“Emaline!” Raeshel hissed, still skeptical. “Don’t touch it!”

For the first time in the girls’ childhood friendship, Emaline ignored her best friend. She continued with her own initiative and touched the rainbow. Instantly, she erupted into a vivid blaze of color. Her light gray waves burned a fiery red her dull eyes now sparkled an excited emerald. Light brown freckles dotted her pale complexion as her rosy lips parted in a brilliant smile. She held her hands before her and stared in wonder.

“Raeshel! Raeshel, look at all the color!” she squealed in delight. She grabbed a wave of her waist-length hair and brought it close to her face. “Red! I think this color is called red, or orange, like fairytale sunsets.”

Raeshel took a step back, her analytical mind fearful of her friend’s newfound beauty. This wasn’t normal. This wasn’t right. Color didn’t exist, only tints of black and white. That was how the world worked.

A twig snapped under Raeshel’s gray sneaker. Emaline tore herself away from her hair long enough to glance at her friend. She grabbed the frightened girl’s arm and pulled her into the rainbow’s circle of light. Raeshel tried hard to compose herself.

“What are you doing?” she asked, trying to pull herself from Emaline’s grip while being as calm as possible. The girls just smiled and dragged Raeshel closer. As her fingertips unwillingly touched the bright bands of color, her eyes grew wide in horror. She froze as Emaline released her.

“Oh!” Emaline breathed, grinning from ear to ear. Raeshel just stared, mouth agape, as she felt a slight tingle run through her body.

“Wha-?” she began, but was cut off by a voice above her.

“Are ye’ comin’?” called the leprechaun. Both girls looked up to see the little creature high above their heads, climbing the rainbow. Emaline stared at the rainbow in puzzlement.

“How do we… get on?” she asked. Her lips pouted slightly, like they always did when she was thinking. The leprechaun responded by rolling his eyes.

“Of all the stupi-” he cut off, seemingly noticing the girls for the first time. He gave a wide smile. Raeshel noticed that a few of his teeth were missing.

“Why, do ye’ not know how ta’ climb a rainbow?” His voice took on a more pleasant tone.

Raeshel’s mind was working furiously as a little red flag was risen. Emaline, clueless, just nodded. The leprechaun nodded and put two fingers to his lips, giving an ear-splitting whistle. Both girls winced at the harsh sound.

“What the hell was that for?” Raeshel shouted. She quieted when she heard the sound of bells twinkling. The rainbow glowed brighter as a shape emerged from the very tips of its curve. Emaline gave an awed gasp as the shape came in to focus.

“No freakin’ way,” Raeshel breathed as she saw the rainbow mane on the otherwise pure white stallion. Its iridescent horn pierced the night as it raised its head. “No freakin’ way! This isn’t happening!”

“Ooh! A unicorn!” Emaline giggled, clapping her hands like an elated child.

“Did someone call for a lift?”

Raeshel cringed as she registered the voice. The unicorn sounded like a cheesy movie star who was very clearly full of himself. The slow-motion flip he gave his mane confirmed her thoughts.

“Hi pretty unicorn!” Emaline cooed, running her fingers eagerly through his hair. The unicorn gave a soft winy, relishing the attention. Raeshel gave an exhausted sigh. This was going to be a long, harrowing adventure.
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I know, I know- took me long enough, eh?
I will try to speed up the updates, I truly will.
Just leave us some love to go on!