I Will Stand by You

Chapter 9

*~Kayla's P.O.V~*

After seeing the movie, we went for a walk; just Dillan and me. The movie was a bit creepy... I didn't like it at all. "So... now what so you want to do?"
Dillan shrugged. "I don't care. What ever you want."
I sighed. "Maybe... go see Johnathan?"
Dillan looked shocked. "Wait- I thought you two had a fight. He kicked you out- now you want to go see him?"
I grimaced. "He didn't really kick me out- He was just really upset, alright?"
Dillan shook his head. "No. He'll probably shoot me."
Johnathan probably would, so I just sighed again. "Fine. Then, let's go to the park."

When we got to the park, we sat down in the grass on a hill.
"So, tell me again. Why did you want to go see him?" Dillan asked.
I frowned. "I just... want to make sure he's okay."
He did a small sigh and laid down on the grass. Of course Dillan was jealous, and that's kind of my fault. I should have mentioned Johnathan more before this.

*~Liam's P.O.V~*

I was driving to a club called the Moon Night, when my phone started vibrating. I answered it, taking my phone out of my pocket and holding it up to my ear and mouth.
"This is Liam." I said, casually.
"Liam!" the male voice on the other line sounded almost relieved. "It's James- Jame Wnek!"
"James! How have you been? How did you get my number, man?" I replied.
"I've been... well not that bad. And I don't recall getting your or your brothers' numbers... weird huh?"
I blinked, in shock. "You have Johnathans' number?..."
"Well, yeah. How else would Emily have called him?" James asked.
I frowned, while I single handedly turned into a parking lot and parked in one of the open spots.
"Emily called him...? Is- she with you now?" I stammered.
I could hear a sigh on the other line. "Yes. She is with me. Look. we're on our way to Idaho. We've stopped at a hotel to spend the night at. Liam... I want Emily to stay with you and John. Where do you live? I'll explain once we get there."

*~Kayla's P.O.V~*

I had walked home after going to the park with Dillan. I just needed some time alone. When I woke up the next morning I realized I was an hour late for school. It was 9:02a.m.
I got dressed in some blue skinny jeans, a Grey Polo shirt, and wore black converse shoes.
I sneaked past my parents room and walked down stairs.
I grabbed my red shoulder bag and opened the door, stepped outside, then shut it quietly behind me.
I walked down my street and turned on Johnathan's street. I'll talk to him now... since I'm late anyway.
As I neared his house, I saw a bran new black truck pull into the driveway. I began to walk faster; having the crazy imagination that John had gotten a new truck. I was crossing the street when a girl, about my age, got out of the truck. She had brown strait hair. She wore a dark purple shirt with ripped up black skinny jeans.
A man, maybe in his early 30's got out of the drivers side and walked over next to the girl. He was on his cell phone and was talking kind of loudly to someone.
My eyes flickered over to Johnathan's house door, noticing movement. Johnathan stood there, wearing a Grey shirt, blue jeans, and was barefoot.
He was on his cell phone as well and began to walk out to the front of the house where the people where who had just gotten out of the truck.
"Emily?" Johnathan yelled, with confusion in his voice, after putting his cell phone in his pocket.
The girl began to run in the direction of him, and when he saw her; he grinned.
"Emily!" He said, again, with happiness and hugged her tightly.
The girl, Emily, put her arms around him as well.
What was going on?.... No. I knew it was a reunion, but in what relationship? The sound of a car horn made me jump out of my thoughts and jump in real life.
"Get out of the fucking street!" an angry man yelled from a Moving Truck.
I quickly got out of his way and walked on the sidewalk, in front of Johnathan's house.
Johnathan glanced at me but looked at the girl, Emily.
"Have you been with James the whole time?"
The gir- Emily looked behind herself back at the man with dark brown hair, and blue eyes.
I just stood there, confused as hell.

*~Emily's P.O.V~*

"James..." Johnathan growled under his breath and started walking over to him.
I followed him. "Johnathan!- It's not what it looks like!"
John shot me a glare and I flinched. "Emily! Look what he did to you!"
I glanced at me arms. Bruises covered them.
There were more on my face. One large on across my cheek bone. All from the "Intoxicated James". I shed one tear from my eye and I knew more were coming.
"He didn't mean to..." I whispered.
Johnathan grabbed James by the front of his shirt and pushed him against the truck.
"Why would you ever hurt my sister?" He asked with anger rising from his voice.
"John. I was drunk- and I take all the blame. I'm so sorry-"
Johnathan punched him in the face, right when Liam pulled into the driveway in his car, witnessing the whole thing. He got out of the car, and rushed over to Johnathan.
"John- Stop!" Liam growled trying to pull Johnathan away from James.
When that didn't work, Liam glanced at me. He frowned, then hugged me. "Emily... you're alive!"
I continued to cry for two reasons. One, being I was finally with my two older brothers. Two, being James was getting beat up by Johnathan and wouldn't fight back. He promised me that he wouldn't harm either one of my brothers. Liam broke away from the hug and looked at the brunette who was watching the whole thing, mesmerized.
Liam then looked at Johnathan who was beating the living daylights out of James.
"JOHNATHAN!- HEY JOHN!" Liam yelled.
Johnathan finally looked at him with anger burning in his eyes. Violent much?
"We have a visitor John." He said, glancing at the brunette.
John followed his glance and then sighed. frustrated, obviously knowing who it was.
He, then, walked over to her with a hand running through his hair.

I rushed over to James who was about to collapse to the ground.
"James..." I whispered. "I am so sorry..."
"Don't be. I deserve everything he did, Emily." James breathed, struggling to stand.
"James, you gonna be alright?" Liam chimed in.
James looked at him and gave him a smile. "Yeah, remember we're immortal. We always heal faster than humans no matter what."
He had a cut lip and blood was slowly dripping down his chin. I felt so bad. He did not deserve this at all! Maybe to some people he deserved it, but I know James. He didn't intentionally hurt me.
My wounds were slowly healing. But they'd heal. James looked like he was about to throw up, and I began to shed more tears.

*~Kayla's P.O.V~*

As Johnathan walked over to me, I moved away, a bit scared. He had just beat some random ass guy over there- for no reason, by the looks of it!
"Kayla, wait..." Johnathan sighed. "Look, Emily is-"
"Your new girlfriend?" I snapped.
Johnathan frowned. "My sister..."
I raised one eye brow. "What? Then who's the guy you just beat up?"
Johnathan glanced over at the man. "Her abusive boyfriend... WHO NEEDS TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!"
The guy flinched and Liam said something to him.
I looked more closely at the girl and saw that she had bruises everywhere on her arms and face. She looked horrible.
"It's Monday. Why aren't you in school?" Johnathan mused.
"I slept in, by accident." I told him.
"Maybe I can enroll my sister into your school... Her name is Emily, by the way."

*~Emily's P.O.V~*

I cried harder about what James said next.
"I'm going to go now, Emily. Liam- take care of her for me, alright?"
With that said, James staggered to the drivers side of the truck.
I rushed after him. "Wait- James!"
"Emily- Don't-!" Liam tried to pull me back by grabbing my bruised wrist. I yelped in pain and he let go.
I continued to rush after James. He was about to open the truck door when I grabbed him and faced him towards me. I pressed my lips against his. I could taste the fresh blood coming from his cut lip, but I didn't care. This was going to be our last kiss.
James backed into the truck as he kissed me back.
Life was going to be so hard with out him. He was the only life I ever knew.
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HEY!!! Sorry I haven't been updating- Just gotta little lazy ;) haha Check out some of my other stories while your waiting for the next update! :D