I Will Stand by You

Chapter 10

*~Liam's P.O.V~*
I sighed, frustrated. Emily still loved him- It was clear enough. If what James said was true and he had abused her- why would she want to go back to him? She had Johnathan and me and maybe Kayla so why does she need her abusive 'boyfriend'?
Once they were done making out, James got in the truck, backed out of the driveway, and drove off. Emily sighed and walked over to me.
"I can't believe I'm actually here..." She said, in a happy tone. I pulled her into a hug and held her tightly.
"I'm so glad your alive." I whispered.
Johnathan and Kayla came over by us, then Emily hugged Johnathan.
"Emily, you're going to school with Kayla, to get James off your mind for a while." I told her.
Emily broke the hug. "I have to go to school again?"
I smirked. "Not again. You're just finishing it. James and I talked over to phone and decided that the best way to get him off your mind was to get you into school."
Emily frowned. "Great. Well, this should be interesting."
"It'll be fun, Em. Give it a chance." Johnathan said. "You'll be going with Kayla."
"John. I'm like 200 years older than her." Emily said in a dull but serious tone.
Kayla raised one brow. "Um just because your 200 years older than me does not mean your actually smarter than me."
"I AM smarter than you." Emily growled.
I sighed, Great. Just great...
"Okay well if you're so smart than explain to me who George W. Bush was."
Emily frowned. "Excuse me? Who?"
Kayla's jaw dropped. "He was our freaking 43rd-"
"Stop! Emily, we need to get you enrolled in school. Come on, we'll take my car." I chimed in.
"And what about me?" Johnathan asked.
"You can either ride along or stay here." I shrugged.

*~Kayla's P.O.V~*

When we got to the front office, at the high school, Liam was the first one who spoke.
"I'm here to enroll my daughter, Emily Martinez, in school. So-"
"Transfer?" the lady at the front desk asked, who had Grey hair but looked young.
"What?" Liam asked, frowning, and seeming startled.
"Is it a transfer from a different school, or what she home schooled or what?" the lady said in a dull tone.
"Oh, uh, she's like... just now starting, but she went to grade school, and er- middle school but we pulled her out."
"Sir, I need some proof that she is educated." the woman growled.
Liam blinked. "Okay..."
Just then, James walked in through the main office doors. He had papers in his hand and he set them down in front of the lady.
"Those are papers from Emily's elementary school and middle school."
"Okay and did the district-?"
"They signed the transfer papers." James interrupted.
"Alright, now Emily, we have an opening for you- you may start on Wednesday." the lady said to Emily.
"And who may you be, sir?" She asked, looking at James.
"He's my son... " Liam stepped forward next to James. "I had forgotten the papers on the counter- so, Thank you James."
"Yeah just- don't stand too close..." James mumbled and stepped away from him.
"Alright, now- Kayla?" the Secretary lady gaped. "What are you-"
"She was hoping to be a guide for Emily." Johnathan chimed in.
I gave him a glare. I didn't want to show that brat around school!
"Oh, then, Kayla I'll give you a pass to go back to your class. You can be Emily's' guide on Wednesday."
I smiled at her. "Thank you."

*~Emily's P.O.V~*

We left Kayla there at- shit, I forgot the name of the school already! Eh, what ever.
Liam sighed. "So... What made you leave James if you still- Ehem- 'love' him?"
I frowned and glanced outside the back seat window. "He said it was for my safety. He didn't want to hurt me... again."
Liam looked at me though the rear-view mirror.
"So, he forced you to leave him?" Johnathan asked, astonished. "You never asked him to... drop you off, or anything?"
I glared at them both, glancing at them while I spoke. "I still love him! Just- Leave me alone!"
It was quiet on the drive back to the house. No one spoke a word.

*~Johnathans' P.O.V~*

It was good that our house had three bedrooms- or that would have been awkward....


Emily's first day of school was today... Liam just went to drop her off. I hope she'll be okay. At least Kayla will show her around.
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