I Will Stand by You

Chapter 11

*~ Emily's P.O.V. ~*
"Alright, listen. Just because you're showing me around doesn't mean we're friends. Got it?" I growled at Kayla, as we walked down the halls.
"Don't worry. We won't be." Kayle said in the same tone.
I wasn't even paying attention when she was rambling on about some Dillan guy. All I got out of it was that the Dillan kid went to this school. I couldn't be more ready for the end of this day... Which reminds me; how many classes were there? There were doors every where!
Doors, Doors, and more doors.

Then, Kayla stopped by a room that has a small black plaque on the wall next to the door. It had white bold letters that said 207 on it.
Ha, great. Now that we've seen that, lets keep going before I actually want to go inside because of my boredom.
"Okay, this is your first period English class. On your schedule there will be classroom numbers; just ask people where to go." Kayla stated and walked away from me.
I rolled my eyes and walked into the classroom.
"So Olympian gods and goddesses are what you reviewed in Sophomore-" the teacher stopped talking and looked at me. "Yes? Do you need something?"

"I'm new here... my name is-" the teacher interrupted me.
"Ah! You must be Emily! I'm Mrs. Lenton. You can have a seat anywhere where there's an open desk."

I nodded and sat down in the very back. I knew everyone was staring at me... looking at my bruises and things. Why else would they be staring?
"Where did you get those bruises?" a guy asked, who was staring at me left arm. He sat to the left of me...

"None, of your business." I said in a dangerous tone, glancing at him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." He replied.
He had black messy hair, but had brown eyes. But... his eyes... there was red ring around the pupil... what the heck?
"I'm Roy. Welcome to Rocky."
"Emily." I mumbled. "Nice to meet you."
"I'm sorry that everyone's staring at you. It's not polite of them." Roy told me. "And it wasn't polite of me to ask where the bruises came from. You're right, it's none of my business.
I glared at nothing but my binder. "It's fine."
Finally, Roy stopped talking to me.

I didn't get what the teacher was talking about! At all!
"So, you're new... Did you move here?" At least I thought Roy stopped talking to me.
I looked at him. "I moved here to live with my two brothers. I- I used to live in Nevada."
"With you're parents?" Roy questioned.
"No. My parents are dead." I sighed.
Roy frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry."
I shook my head. "It's fine- they uh, died in a car wreck. I was um- living with my uncle."
Roy smirked. "You're a horrible liar."
I frowned. "I- I'm not lying!"
"You're an Immortal." He stated without emotion.
I gaped. "How did you know- you must be immortal!"
Roy smiled. "I am. When you look at another immortal- they have a red ring around the pupil of their eye. That's how you know."

The rest of the day was boring. Roy didn't have any other classes with me.
I walked out of the school, at the end of the day, with a stack of papers and a pencil. I had no clue where Kayla was, but I could care so much less about her.
I sighed and sat down on the grass, totally bored.
"Emily." a deep voice said.

*~ Kayla's P.O.V. ~*

Where did Emily go? I saw her in the halls today! Maybe she gave up and walked home to Liam and Johnathan. Ha!
Then, I gasped as I turned a corner. Emily was getting into that same truck I'd seen at Johnathan's house. She was with that guy, too! "EMILY! NO!"
She didn't hear me and shut the door to the truck and the truck drove off.
Oh no... Johnathan's going to KILL me!!
I groaned and walked towards the direction of Johnathan's house.

*~ Emily's P.O.V. ~*

"James, I thought you left the state." I gaped.
He glanced at me, while he drove the truck. "Nope, I couldn't stay away from you."
I smirked. "Good, because I can't live without you."
Just then, James pulled into an empty parking lot and parked the truck.
"Emily... we're going to start over." He told me.
I narrowed my eye. "What?"
He leaned in and kissed me. But when I kissed him back, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I gasped and pulled away; looked at my side.
Blood leaked from my side, and I gasped. "James!"
"You'll come back, Emily." James whispered. "Immortals always do."

*~ Kayla's P.O.V. ~*

"Johnathan!" I gasped as I burst into the house. "Liam!"
I had been running since I left the school, so I was out of breath.
I didn't hear a reply. I walked further into the house until I found them...
Only, they were both on the floor. Blood surrounding both of them.
"Johnathan!" I screamed and rushed over to him, kneeling beside his limp body.
I began to cry. "Johnathan! No! Johnathan!"
I shook him, but he didn't move. There was a gun beside him, but no bullets were in him; I don't think.

I gasped and put a hand to my mouth, to keep from sobbing out loud.
Then, I slowly crawled over to Liam and shook him too. But he, also, didn't wake.
I cried harder, and my throat began to burn. I got up and bolted out of the house.
I ran for Dillan's house. He was immortal, too, maybe he could do something.

I didn't knock on Dillans' door, I just burst in. "Dillan!"
I began to climb up the stairs where I'd heard his voice.
I saw Dillan sitting on the edge of his bed. "Kayla, are you alright?" Dillan asked, concerned.
"No! Liam- and Johnathan- they're both dead!" I cried.
"What?" Dillan gaped and stood up.
"And you will be, too, in a moment." a voice behind me growled.
I turned to see James, holding a knife that was stained with blood, in his left hand.
"You..?" I gaped and backed away.
"I promised everyone. They will come back." James told us and walked toward us, slowly with a crazed smile.
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