I Will Stand by You

Chapter 1

My name is Kayla. Kayla Rain.
I have brown hair that I always wear down. Today is April, 2nd, 2015.
I am 15 and was born in 2000. I found that a bit odd... even though I don't really have a reason.
I'm a little weird an no I'm not afraid to say it, for I know about things from the past...
For example, I knew about the Titanic, before we learned about it in school.
No, I mean NO ONE told me about it... No one spoke of it to me. And still, I remembered.
I remember that it was a disaster. I remember that I (YEAH! ME! o,o), was sitting on this tiny raft, rocking back and forth, watching the gigantic ship break in half... I remember the screeching horrible noises from it breaking as it went down (sunk).
It crashed on April 12th, 1912... WAY before I was born.
I have no clue why I remember it but I do.

Anyway I go to Rocky Mountain High School and I am just starting my freshman year. I have a bottom locker unfortunately, but that's okay, I'll manage.

"Hey, Kayla!" My friend Taylor Flowers yelled walking down the hall and over to me giving me a hug.
I laughed. "Hey, Tay."
She smiled. "Hey want to go to a party tonight? Dillan is going... and so is Korbey, and Brandon... and Grant- Okay so a lot of people are going- want to go?" She asked.
I shrugged. "Yeah, I'll go..."
Why not? I knew all the people mentioned!
"Okay, well it's gonna be at Kara's house at seven tonight." Taylor replied.
"'Kay thanks. I'll see you there." I told her and walked to my Spanish class that was down the hall.


There was loud music playing as I walked to the door.
A lot of people were already here by looking at how many people there were on the lawn.
The sun was just going down and I walked into the house.
The music became even louder with each step I took, although I didn't recognize the music.
Brandon, who was a bit shorter than me, walked over and gave me a side hug.
"Hey Kayla!" He was shouting over the loud music. "Want something to drink? There's uh Coke, Pepsi, or Sprite WITH Coke!"
Sprite with Coke? Heh, I bet anything it was Dillan Schoger who mixed them.
"I'll try Coke with Sprite. Was that Dillans' Idea?" I replied.
Brandon laughed and nodded. "Yeah, it was."
He stood there for a moment smiling.
"Um... Brandon? Are you going to get my drink...?" I asked, slowly.
He laughed. "Go get it yourself."
I hit him on the arm, playfully, laughing. "Brandon! Haha wow thanks a lot!"
"Just KIDDING ha, be right back." He told me walking into another room.

Taylor saw me and rushed over to me. "Hey how are you?! When did you get here?"
She wore her blond hair up in a pony tail, and had sunglasses on.
She also was wearing a spaghetti strap shirt that was purple, and wore a black little jacket over it.
She wore blue skinny jeans with converse shoes that were black.
Taylor was also holding a green and black 'Monster' energy drink (Which was her favorite)
in her hand.
"Hey, I'm good. I just got here and Brandon's getting me a drink." I replied.
Taylor nodded. "Cool well I'm gonna go find Lexi. I'll text you or something. Love ya' bye."
With that said she walked into a different room as Brandon passed her with my drink it a clear cup.
"Got your drink." He told me and handed it to me.
The Sprite with Coke looked like beer and it was freaking me out. "Thanks... um, what's in it?" I asked.
"Sprite and Coke...?" Brandon said, frowning. "Like you asked for...."
"It looks like beer, Brandon." I said in a serious tone.
"It's not beer." He said, matching my tone.
"Nevermind, then. Can I have something else?" I asked.
"No. Just drink it, Kayla!" He replied.
"Are you sure this is safe to-"
"YES I'm sure! Just drink it!" He interrupted me.
I narrowed my eyes. "No!"
He finally just walked off annoyed, but putting it on a hallway table as he left.
Well, this party's great! I didn't even glance at the cup as I walked out of the house and onto the porch, then down the small steps of stairs and began to walk home.
The loud music became softer and softer until I couldn't hear it anymore.
I was walking by these rows of trees... it was very odd to me, for they we smack in the middle of a neighborhood!
It just, to me, looked like a forest for some reason!
"Heyy! looks like we got ourselves a loooner!!" A voice behind me said, that obviously belonged to a man.
I turned to see three guys walk out of the 'forest' and smirk at me.
"Hey, where you going, beautiful?" The middle guy asked who looked about eighteen, that was holding a beer bottle in his left palm.
I backed away as they came closer to me.
"Stay away from me!" I hissed.
He only smirked more.
"Naw, I don' think ssso, girlyy!" He slurred.
I turned to run, thinking he was totally out of it, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.
As he did that he turned me to face him.
"Mmm, how old are you?...You're very pretty.." He whispered.
I was feeling completely uncomfortable.
"Why?" I whimpered. "What do you want?"
"You." He replied.
Just that word explained a lot. He didn't actually want ME... he wanted what I could give him.
"NO! Get away!" I screamed as loudly as I could.
He covered my mouth with the palm of his hand. "Shh... It'll be fine." He told me.
A small whimper escaped my lips that meant I was crying.

A car, that was a black Corvette, drove past. How could that person NOT notice What they were doing to me?!
So, I screamed as loud as I possibly could and saw that Corvette stop before the guy shoved me against a tree.
"Shut up!" He growled at me.
I whimpered again as two of the men he was with started to surround me.
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Comment....? lol anyway :) Enjoy