I Will Stand by You

Chapter 2

Johnathan's P.O.V

What was that girl doing?! Why the hell would she walk down this street?!
I slammed on the breaks, hearing her muffled scream, as my car windows were down, and opened the car door. I rushed over there and pulled the guy away from her and punched him.
He stumbled a bit and looked at me with anger.

"What the hell, man!" He growled at me.
"Why the hell were you hurting her?" I asked.
"Mnot hurting her," He smirked. "Yet."
I punched him again out of disrespect. Stupid Immortal! Spending his time getting drunk and taking advantage of this younger girl!
"Find something useful to do with your life!" I growled, and punched him again.
He finally stumbled back and fell to the ground.
His 'buddies' helped him up, cussing under their breath. Then they fled away from me and I looked at the girl.
"Uh... you okay?" I asked.
I really couldn't see her, for it was dark. But I knew it was a girl with long dark hair from the amount of light the moon gave off.
She nodded, looking down.
I started to walk away towards my car but stopped when she spoke.
"T- thanks for saving me...."
I... knew that voice...
I turned and faced her. The way the moon light showed on her now.... she looked like my love I'd been searching for! But- It- it couldn't be! How did I find her so, well not easy, but... why now?
I had to remain calm, knowing she had no idea who I was yet.
"You're welcome," I replied. "Why were you walking down here anyway?
This neighborhood was known to be a hang out for near-by gangs.
She shrugged. "I- I was leaving a party... my friend was trying to get me to drink something that had beer in it..."
I smiled. Good girl, you know not to get drinking at a party... it caused one of your deaths! Your soul is very smart!
"Anyway, I'm Kayla." She introduced herself.
Ah... So this time it's Kayla... her original name was Lynnette.
"Johnathan." I replied, with a smile. "Um could I give you a lift home? This neighborhood isn't really safe after what just happened..."
Kayla shrugged. "Well, okay. You did save my life so, why not?"
We walked to my car and I got in the drivers seat, and she in the passengers seat.
It actually wasn't really my car... I took it from this guy I killed...
I have this killing habit, you see, I've been killing people (those who got in my way) ever since I lost her...
But now that I've found her... maybe my bad (VERY bad) habit may stop...
"You have a really nice car! When did you get it?" Kayla asked.
I did a weak smile. "Er- 2013."
Well that's when I stole it, heh...
She smiled, a smile that she use to do...
I started the engine and looked at Kayla. "Um, where did- DO you live...?"
"Um... Do a U turn and just keep going strait until you see a street named Omera." She told me. "Uh... Why did you say did first before do...?"
I gripped the steering wheel tighter, after doing the U turn.
"Sorry... I um... It- it's been a long night, I'm not all that awake..." I lied.
She blinked in shock.
"Are you sure you should be driving?" She asked.
I smiled, this time and glanced at her. "I'll be fine. Just- put your seat belt on, it's bothering me..."
After all this I didn't want to lose her in a stupid car accident!
She nodded while putting her seat belt on.
"Oh! Turn right!" Kayla gasped.
I had to do a sharp turn for she told me a tad late.
"Okay now my house is- right here!" She said.
I pulled over to the curb and stopped.
"Thanks for the ride... um, what school do you go to?" She asked, looking at me.

I blinked. "I- I'm home schooled."
Liar! Was there even homeschooling in high school??
That's great that she thinks I'm in high school and all but I was careless when I lost Lynnette... I allowed myself to age more, and now I'm stuck at 19.
Immortal beings can stop aging whenever they feel like it, but they can never go backwards.
For example, I can never go back to being 17, the same age as Kayla.
"Oh." Kayla said, looking disappointed. "Are you in your Senior year?"
I smiled. "I wish, but no I'm a... super senior."
She frowned slightly at this. "Oh... well what school would you be going to?"
I gulped. Shit.
"Well, um... Don't really know. I've been home schooled since Middle School."
LIAR!!! Wow, I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do when she realizes that she's immortal.Or... when I tell her.
She sighed. "Oh... that must suck not knowing anyone."
I shrugged. "Eh, I got my brother. He's a High School drop out. He dropped out the beginning of his Senior year."
"That's awful! Does he have a job?" Kayla asked.
I shook my head. "Nope. But I do... I work at... Subway."
Better go apply there, tomorrow.
She smiled. "Cool! Well I'll stop by there tomorrow. Is it the one by Fred Meyer?"
I nodded, trying to keep in my mind that it was by Fred Meyer.
"Okay, see you later then." She said, getting out of the car.

I resisted the urge to say 'stay out of trouble' but ignored it and drove off.
I smiled to myself and then tried to find a way out of the neighborhood I'd gotten myself lost in.
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