I Will Stand by You

Chapter 4

Kayla's P.O.V.

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping at 6:01 this morning. I groaned and sat up. Ugh! It was a Saturday and I completely forgot to turn off my alarm! I banged on the top; hitting the off button and laid back down, only to go to sleep again.

I walked down the street and saw Johnathan. I smiled at walked over to him.
"Johnathan!" I said, giving him a hug.
"Lynnette..." He whispered and put his arms around me.
I felt safe it his arms and he hugged me tighter. "I love you so much..."
I looked up at him and pressed my lips against his.
"Lynnette... this isn't a good idea..." Johnathan told me, after pulling away.
I frowned. "Why not...?"
"You know why! What if he saw us together... kissing?"
I smirked. "Don't worry about him, Johnathan."
"Why wouldn't I? He threatened if I even spoke a word to you he'd have both our necks!"
I sighed, giving up. "What does he want with me?"
Johnathan sighed and he looked worried at this point. "He wants to find out what made you-"

I sadly, woke up from the dream. I couldn't get the question out of my mind...
What did who want with me? That was a very weird dream. Why had Johnathan called me Lynnette...?
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked at the digital clock that said 10:20am.
I sighed and went into the bathroom to take a shower, after I jotted my dream down in my blue spiral notebook that was beside my bed. The reason why I do this is because I don't want to forget the dream. (I told you I was weird!).

After that, once I had my clothes on, I blow dried my hair and straitened it.
I had my light blue, short sleeve, shirt on that had white spirals on the front, and wore black skinny jeans with black converse shoes.
I put my eye liner and mascara on, then put this light brown eye-shadow on that had sparkles on it.
I grabbed my phone off the foot of my bed and walked downstairs to the front door and opened it.
My parents were out working and wouldn't be back until 11 at night.
As I began walking in the direction of the road that lead lead to subway, I glanced at my phone to see what time it was. It read 11:28am

I frowned. Oh no!! I forgot to ask Johnathan what hours he worked!
I paused, wondering if I should walk back to my house... in case he wasn't there.

All of the sudden a shiny red mustang pulled up beside me. There was a guy inside on the drivers' side that looked about the age of 18. And he, like Johnathan, had black hair, but hazel eyes.
He leaned toward me and gave me a smile. "Hey you look a bit lost- are you okay?"
Did I look lost? Okay then.

I shook my head. "No um, I was just going to subway..."
I don't know why but I think I've seen this man before.
"Heh, nice. Hey don't you go to Rocky Mountain?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.
I nodded. "Yeah, I'm a Senior..."
He smiled. "Cool! I'm a Senior too... I actually think I've seen you in the halls now that I think about it."
"Yeah, I've seen you too! Do you hang out with Andrew, Lee and Michael?" I asked, excitingly.

He laughed and nodded. "Yeah! We call ourselves the Jamba Juice band haha! We're a weird group, I gotta tell you."
I laughed, remembering the "Jamba Juice Song" at Heritage Middle School on Fridays. (We had Jamba Juice every Friday at our school for the entire year). On the announcements Andrew Belnap would sing his famous Jamba Juice song talking about how much he loved it and that people should buy them more.
"Can you sing me a verse?" I asked laughing.
"Haha! Wow when I imagined my day, me singing had nothing on my agenda." He told me.
I frowned. "Pleeease?"
"Eh, fine. Only if you'll go to Jamba Juice with me after wards." He told me smiling.
"Okay!" I replied.
"Ehem- Jammba Juice! Gotta have some of that Jamba Juice! Only threeee ninty niiiine on- fridays!" He started laughing. "Okay there, I sang a verse."
I smiled. "Nice, okay... um... hey I forgot your name... sorry...."
He smiled. "Dillan. Dillan Slayed. And you?"
"Kayla Rain." I replied.
He nodded. "Okay then, Kayla. You still gonna walk to subway or what?"
"I thought we were going to Jamba Juice...?" I asked, confused.
"We'll do that later." Dillan promised.

I shrugged and opened the car door, noticing I had walked over to it while he was singing.
I got in and shut it and he started to drive.
Hehehe! Two hot guys that have a car! Yay!

It was quiet on the way there, but I guess it was because there was music playing (From 103.3 radio station). It was playing "I'm Awesome" by Spose.
We parked in an empty parking spot and we walked in and he laughed noticing it was only us in the restaurant besides the people who worked there.
I caught sight of Johnathan who was looking at this paper and glancing at the ingredients beside the glass window.

"Is that Johnathan...?" Dillan growled under his breath.
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Oooo haha Cliff hanger!!! Haha sorry :(
:D Thanks for reading!