I Will Stand by You

Chapter 5

Kayla's P.O.V. (still)

I looked at Dillan in shock. "You know him?" I asked raising a brow.
"Unfortunately..." He sighed.
"He- he's home schooled, though! Ever since Middle school..." I replied.
Dillan looked at me. "Did he tell you why?"
"N- no." I stammered, thinking of how less and less I knew about Johnathan.
"His parents died, then. They were murdered."
"You- know this... how?" I asked, suspiciously.

Dillan glanced at Johnathan with his eyes.
"We use to be friends... a long time ago." He said.
"What happened? Why aren't you friends now?" I asked.
Dillan shook his head. "It's a long story." He replied. "Look, I'm gonna go. I'll talk to you at school."
With that said, he walked out of the restaurant and got into his red mustang.

"What were you doing with him?" Johnathan asked, looking at me with his curious blue eyes.
I turned my attention back to Johnathan and blushed. Oh crap...
"Well- he goes to my school... and he offered me a ride when he saw me walking here... Why do you hate each other?"

Johnathan's P.O.V.

I couldn't respond... Would I have to tell her now...?
"Well- er- he... uh... stole the girl I loved..." I replied. Well, that was kind of true...
She nodded. "Oh... well um.. why didn't you tell me your parents died when you began Middle School?"
She looked like she immediately regretted asking that.
I answered anyway. "I- I don't know... they died, well they were murdered...." About 135 years ago! I added in my head.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She said. "Well- how are you home schooled then...? Do you go to an online school?..."

I shook my head. "No, I lied... I'm a high school graduate. I'm 19." And will be forever if I don't age more.
She narrowed her eyes toward me. "Oh... why did you lie?"

I sighed. "Look, we really need to talk." I turned and yelled at my boss. "Hey Bree! I'm going to take my lunch break early! Is that okay?"
I head his voice but didn't actually see him. "Only thirty minutes, man! Eh, there any customers yet?!"
"Nope!" I replied and took off my black apron that said 'Subway' in green and yellow letters and walked through the little door beside me.
"Here, come walk outside with me." I said, walking past her and held open the door for her.
She followed me, frowning, I bet, confused.
"Johnathan- I don't get why-" I interrupted her.
"I lied to protect you Kayla!" I told her.

Kayla's P.O.V.

Maybe it's the right time to tell him about my dream...
"Look, I know this is going to sound really weird," Johnathan started. "But-"
"Johnathan I had a dream... about us." I cut him off.
He narrowed his eyes. "Really?... W- what was the dream about?"
I sighed. "Well, first of all... you had called me Lynnette. We began to kiss but then you pulled away and... told me it wasn't a good idea because this guy would see us and you seemed worried..." I told him.
He raised a brow. "That it?"
"Um... oh and you told me he'd have both our necks if he found out." I replied.
"And... that was a dream?" Johnathan asked inquiringly.
I nodded.
"Yeah! It was really weird because you called me Lynnette!"
He frowned. "Um..."
"I know! Isn't that weird?" I replied with a laugh.
He shook his head. "No... it isn't. It- It wasn't a dream Kayla. It was an old memory."
I almost stopped breathing. "M- memory?"
Johnathan sighed. "It was the summer of 1996... I- I was about to propose to you... but he got in the way."
"What!? Wait- then how is it a memory if it was before my time?" I asked, suspiciously.
He groaned. "This is so hard to explain to you! Ok um... Kayla you were reborn. Call me crazy, but you were. You're immortal. I mean, so am I... but you can still die, you're just reborn... Oh! and you can stop aging-"
"Hold on!" I said, putting a hand on his chest, that made him fall silent. "So I'm 'Immortal'?" I asked putting air-quotes around the word immortal. "But I can still die?"

"Johnathan! Get back to work it's almost past the time!" a guys voice came from behind us, coming from the door.
"I gotta' go... but, um... I'll talk to you later, okay?" John sighed.
"Okay. Come talk to me after your shift. I'm going to be home so... you'll find me there" I told him. "We're not done with this chat, alright?"
Johnathan nodded and walked into Subway, running a hand through his hair.

Johnathan's P.O.V.

Great, Johnathan! Good job! Ugh I'm such a screw- up! Why did I blurt out all that to her?! She isn't going to believe me now! Why did I DO that?!

Hm, maybe I should tell her I met George W. Bush four years before he became president...
Ha, he's kind of frowned upon now even though I have no clue why. He was such a nice guy to me when I met him. Eh... now that I look back on that, I really didn't pay any attention to what he said, in interviews and what-not. I didn't exactly care for the United States as I've lived almost everywhere in the world. I also hadn't been paying attention because I was still in search of Kayla.

After I finished with my shift, that ended at 3:00P.M., I drove over to Kayla's' house.
I parked in front of her two story house and walked up to the door. I knocked three times before she opened the door and pulled me inside and shut the door behind us.
"Okay, come up stairs I want to show you something!" She told me, taking my hand and pulling me up the stairs with her.
There was a hallway with two doors on the right side and two doors on the left side that followed down the hallway.
Her room was down the hall to the right. The walls were purple and there was a window by her dresser and bed, that had multi- colored covers, with two black pillows.

She walked to her dresser and picked up a blue spiral notebook, then turned and handed it to me.
"Kayla...? Um.." I stammered not knowing what to say.
She shook the notebook that was in her hand. "Here- read it. Please," She whispered.
I took it then hesitated and opened it and saw the title.


"Oh, Kayla..." I whispered and looked up to see Dillan in back of her, with his arm wrapped around her neck.
I stood there is shock, not knowing what to do. No... Not again... anything but this....
♠ ♠ ♠
*~Comment and Enjoy~*
Oooo Cliff hanger! What's Johnathan going to do?? Or better yet, what's Dillan going to do??