I Will Stand by You

Chapter 7

*~Liams P.O.V~*
Now that I think about it... I really shouldn't have left. It was not fair to Johnathan, or Lynnette; or what ever her name is now. I hate how Johnathan was looking for her for seventeen years. I should have at least looked half of that time with him; since I'm the one who took her virginity. I hadn't meant to... Johnathan had been called to the night shift at his work so Lynnette and I had been partying. Of course, we did find the beer... and that's how I took her virginity. I still feel bad about it, for she had been so drunk she hadn't remembered it. Any of it. After all these years I still feel guilty.
Where am I going? I asked myself, stopping the truck at a red light. Where was I going to go? I literally just started to pack my bags for London. The last place I saw Cher... Oh, Cher... My Cher. She was my life, in 1979. I'd been smoking some weed with some friends when I saw her. She'd been so beautiful, I just had to go talk to her.

"Whoa, where you goin?" Dane asked, as I stood up.
I glanced back at him. "I'm gonna go get myself a chick, how 'bout you?"
Dane frowned. "Eh, I'll just stick with Mary Jane. It's our anniversary."
I laughed. "Fine, I'll just leave you two here alone."
I walked casually up to the fine young girl and did my best smile. "Hello."
She glanced at me. "Hello."
"Um, I was just wonderin if you wanted to go out... with.. me..." I began. "You know, we could go to the movies or-"
"Do I have to have weed to get in with you and your friends over there?" She interrupted.
I looked behind myself at my friends who were shooting weed and all that.
I sighed and looked back at her and did a quick smile.
"No. You don't... we're just, you know..." I choked out.
"Are you high right now?" She asked me.
I frowned. "I- No. I'm not. The effects of weed don't really stick with me for very long..."
"I can not believe an Immortal, such as yourself, would waste time getting high when they can be helping people." She growled, walking away me.
I caught up with her. "How did you know I was Immortal?"
She looked at me like I was stupid. "You just know. They're perfects- you can spot them easily."
"How?" I tried again.
"There's a red ring around your pupil, that only other Immortals can see. You can not see it when you look in the mirror. Look in my eyes." She told me, and when I did she asked. "What do you see?"
I saw the thin line of red around her pupil.
I gaped for a moment before regaining my composure. "I see the eyes of someone very beautiful..."
She frowned. "Don't try anything. I'm not looking for a relationship."
"Why not?" I challenged.
"Well... neither of you will remember the love you once had for each other once you both die. It's pointless and it's happened a lot in recent years. Young love... disintegrates easily nowadays. People think they've found the right one for them and they think once they die... they'll remember but they won't. It's... awful."
"You had a long time to figure that out didn't you?" I replied.
She frowned and attempted to protest but I went on.
"Why not risk it? Love for once. If you don't love, what's the point in being Immortal? Getting high like my friends and I are doing? No, that's not why we are Immortal, you're right. But please... give me a chance. Just one chance and I promise if it doesn't work out I'll walk away and you'll never see me again."
The girl sighed and did a weak smile. "I will go on one date with you. By the way, my name's Cher. What's yours?"

~End of Flashback~

*~Kaylas' P.O.V~*

I guess I dozed off. I opened my eyes and I was suddenly aware that I was on cold wet grass, and that the sky had gotten darker. There were no stars out, surprisingly.
I sighed, then something fell from the tree and landed on the grass with a thud. I quickly looked to see what had fallen.
I gasped, for who stood there, under a tall branch was Dillan.
I stood up and backed away, slowly.
"Kayla, wait!" Dillan said. "Please- don't go..."
I stared at him warily. "What do you want?"
Dillan got up and walked hesitantly to me. His messy black hair hung in his face, that made his hazel eyes sparkle. "I just want to talk..." he replied with his voice soft and gentle. "I'm sorry. For everything I've done to hurt you..."
I looked into his hazel eyes. "I'm sorry too. For... cheating on you all those years ago..."
Dillan sighed. "You do not have to apologize for that. It was a past life... But, I thought you with Johnathan..."
I looked away from him. "He... kind of kicked me out of his house."
I turned my attention back on Dillan and saw that his eyes were filled with concern. "Why?"
"His brother... Liam left." I replied.
Dillans face hardened. "Good, I never liked him that much."
"Why?" I questioned.
"It was in a past life, It doesn't matter now." Dillan answered.
I nodded then suddenly shivered for I felt a harsh breeze of cold air.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"It's after eleven..." Dillan told me.
I panicked. "Oh no, my parents will freak!"
"You can come to my house." Dillan offered standing up, and extending a hand out for me to grab on to.
"Really?" I asked, as I took his hand, and he pulled me to my feet.
"Sure, why not?" He replied.
We began to walk to his house. I notice his house was the house that the party had been held at.
"You threw the party?" I gaped at him.
He smiled. "Of course. I was going to talk to you- but I saw you leave. So I never had the chance."
I nodded and he suddenly stopped.
I frowned and stopped too.
"Here, I'll carry you." He murmured and picked me up, holding me in his arms.
I frowned, though I didn't try to get out of his arms.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-The Next Day*-*-*-*-*-*-*

We had waffles for breakfast the following morning. As we were finishing up eating, I finally couldn't hold back the question that had been on my mind all night. "Why do you hate Liam so much?"
Dillan sighed. "He did something in a past life that I still hate."
"Like what?" I asked him.
"Don't get mad at him, when I tell you, alright?" He said.
"I... I won't." I promised, not even thinking I would actually be mad at him.
"He... okay, you two were partying when Johnathan was working, and... the beer broke out I guess, and you two did it. He took your virginity and never told you."
I frowned. "Oh..."
Maybe that's why Liam left yesterday.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you." Dillan apologized.
"No it's okay! You didn't do anything wrong..."

*~Johnathans' P.O.V~*

"Liam, come on! This is stupid!" I growled into the phone. I heard a sigh on the other line.
"Johnathan... I- I need to find Cher. I'll come back when I find her."
I sighed. "Fine."
"What did you do when I left, Johnathan?" Liam asked with a serious, concerned voice.
I cleared my throat. "Um- I don't really remember... I just woke up with a huge head ache and with all these beer bott-'
"What?! Really!?" Liam interrupted, his voice filled with shock. "How many were there?"
I sighed. "About... fifteen maybe...."
"FIFTEEN!?" Liam moaned. "Really? Ugh maybe I should've taken the beer cases with me. But I'm not coming home until I find Cher."
The line went dead and I sighed. I didn't even stay drunk! My stupid Immortality wore it off!
I put my flip-cell phone into my front jean pocket and walked to Kayla's house. I needed to apologize for kicking her out of my house. Why did I do that? That was childish of me.
I knocked on the door but no one answered.
Odd, even if Kayla wasn't here, one of her parents should at least answer! My phone started to vibrate so I look it out of my pocket and opened it; putting it up to my ear.
"This is Johnathan." I said.
"Johnathan, it's Emily!" a girl replied.
"Emily?... I know no one by that name." I replied.
"Yes you do, Mr. Vegency!" the girl told me.
I couldn't speak. Vegency was my last name, I'd long forgotten... until now.
"Emily?" I gaped out the name I'd tried to forget since my sister was kidnapped. And this, is her.
"Johnathan- where are you?" I could tell Emily was crying.
I can't believe, she, of all people, was Immortal!
"I'm in Idaho. Where are you?" I answered.
"I'm in nevad-"
Emily's words were cut off by a mans harsh voice in the background. "What are you doing with my phone?!"
I could hear Emily sobbing. "Ow, ow- James, stop!"
"Hello?" a deep voice growled into the phone. "Who am I speaking to?"
"Johnathan..." I said, shakily. "Who am I speaking with?"
"James Wnek. Don't call this number again."
There were more sobs in the background, then the line went dead. No... only one thing could have happened. James Wnek was the one who disappeared right after my sister did. My father, Paul Vegency, suspected that he had kidnapped her. His suspicions were correct.
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