Status: Runaways

We've Escaped


When I was finally back in my room again, I immediately put my pajamas on. For some reason, I suddenly felt super sick. Both physically and mentally. Before going to bed, I went into the bathroom and looked in the full length mirror.

You couldn't tell I was pregnant -yet- but I could see it in other ways. My eyes had a different look to them. For the longest time, I stared into my eyes. I didn't stop, even when the first tear escaped. Getting down on the floor, and curling myself into a ball, I cried.

Within a few minutes I was violently shaking with sobs. One minute I'm happy, the next I'm completely falling apart. The same thoughts kept on running through my head. I'm pregnant. I'm fifteen. The fun part of my life is over. Nothing is okay. Then those were replaced with other, more positive thoughts. I'm going to start a new life. I have my friends. Having this baby couldn't be so bad. Just be happy.

Slowly, I stood up and walked to my bedside table. There it was. The little piece of cardboard with his name on it. I traced the glittery letters, my eyes watering once again. I did want my baby to have a father, but then again, I barely knew Troy. And I just couldn't bring myself to drag him into this whole mess. We'd be fine as long as we have Bells and Koda.

I don't want to do this, but I know I have to. I've just got to let go. Of him. Of my whole life here.I need to forget, and move on. I got out my favorite lighter, the one with the sparkly stars on it. Tears roll down my face faster, as I hold the cardboard out my window, and set it on fire. It crumbles onto the ground in little ashes, never to be found again. I just stare at them floating away in the wind.

Once I was done letting go, I retreated to my bed. I curled up in a ball, both hands resting on my stomach and squeezed my eyes shut. We did it baby. We've completely let go. Now we can run away. A tiny smile formed on my lips as I drifted off.