Status: Runaways

We've Escaped


I leaned up against the doorframe of my little sister’s room, in the room next door I could hear the twins wrestling, little Sophie, only two, was fast asleep in her crib. I sighed and slipped quietly into her room, clicking off the ocean soundtrack that was playing and tucking the pink blanket around her more so she wouldn’t get cold. I watched her sleep for just one more minute before I straightened up and strolled out the door, hitting the lights as I went. I then turned into the twins’ room where both little boys were hitting each other with balloon baseball bats.

“I could have sworn I told you two to get to bed.” I said tugging away the bats and casting them to the side.

“I don’t want to go to bed!” wailed Zak, who was wearing the Cars pajamas.

Mac, who was in train footie’s, was already sitting in his car-shaped bed looking tired. “Zak go to bed, if you do I’ll have pancakes in the morning.” I whispered, not wanting to wake Sophie. I could easily promise them things now, they wouldn’t remember it by tomorrow anyways.

Zak shot me a look and quickly crawled into his bed too; I went to the door and switched on the nightlight before turning off the lights, “Good night, love you.” I recited the normal goodnight.

“Goodnight Mommy.” Mac murmured before rolling over and falling asleep.

My smile faded, mommy, it was the first time they ever called me Mommy. It made me feel old, I rubbed my forehead, if Mom was here they’d understand the real term of “Mommy”. Mom, when I was growing up, was always around, but that was back when Dad didn’t drink constantly, back when he was actually a Dad. When he started drinking Mom had to get a job, but then when that wasn’t enough she soon was working around the clock, leaving me to be the replacement Mommy for the twins and Sophie.

I shook my head and closed the door, walking out into the living room where Dad laid, sprawled across the couch in drunken sleep, the TV on silent playing a rerun of Deal or No Deal. I turned the TV off and went to my room, shoving a large stuffed animal under my blankets before grabbing my keys and walking out the backdoor. I was already late to meet up with Luci and Koda, but that didn’t matter, I knew they’d still be there. I jogged across my backyard and picked my way carefully into the woods, it didn’t take me long to fall into the normal route I took even if it was dark. Within minutes I could see a light, just barely giving me glimpses of my two best friends.

I smiled, as long as they were here with me everything would be alright, they’re the only thing that I had that made me normal. They’re my motivation; I love them and would do anything to make sure they were safe.
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:)) pretty good for on the spot wouldn't you say??

Raise your hand if you don't care,
What those platinum girls wear.