Status: Runaways

We've Escaped


We watched Koda slink into the darkness and vanish before either of us said anything, I turned to look at Luci, who was still watching the spot Koda had disappeared.

“You need to be six weeks along at the least, find out how far you are and get back to me k? Love ya.” With that I turned and left, with each step I made that took me farther away from Luci, and closer to home my chest tightened, throat going dry.

I glanced over my shoulder to see if Luci was still in sight, I couldn’t even make out our hidden spot, securing my jacket closer around me I raced through the woods, breaking through to the clearing. My face stung and my arms tingled from scraps I earned running through the woods, I bent over panting, my chest felt like a huge knot. I hurriedly walked to the back door, fingers fumbling as I stuffed the key into the lock, and pushed the door open.

The house was quiet other than the snores coming from Dad; I walked quietly to Sophie’s room the knot in my chest making it known with every step. I pushed opened Sophie’s door, and checked to make sure she was there. Then I went out and opened the twins’ door, both their sleeping figures laid in their beds. Sighing with relief and the knot seeming as though it was never there I walked to my own room and sat down on the bed, only then did I remember the wad of cash Koda had given me. I sighed and popped open one of the wood planks in my closet dropping the wad in.

“This is going to be a long life.” I groaned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Raise your hand if your lipstick,
doesn't make you a dumb chick.