Status: You just gotta learn to live....or die. Depends what stupid think you do. :)

Blind Date with the Boss


"Grandma!" Molly and Kayley yelled together as they ran inside their grandma Anna's house and ran around trying to find her. Grace stumbled into the house carrying a laundry basket full of washed clothes ready to be dryed.

"Calm down children I'm coming!" Anna said coming down the stairs.

"I need to use your dryer again."

"Grace I thought you called Bob to fix it?"

"He's been too busy."


"Can we play outside grandma?" Kayley asked; Molly stood behind her with her doll hugged against her chest.

"Ask your mother. I don't care."


"Kayley Sue calm down. I don't care, just be nice to Molly. I know how you are."

"Ok, come on Molly!" Kayley said dragging her sister outside.

"This gives me a chance to talk about the date I got you tonight." Anna said following Grace into the laundry room. Grace's eyes widened.


"I've been talking to his mom, and he broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago. I think you'll like him."

"When exactly am I suppose to meet him."

"Tonight at 6."

"Tonight?" Grace asked spinning around to face her mother. "No way, look at me! I'm wearing jeans, a baggy t-shirt, and let's not start on my hair!"

"A good impression. He shouldn't like you for what you wear or if your hair is neatly done."

"And the girls!"

"Are welcome to stay here. Stop trying to fight it Grace. I want to see you happy again. I'm sure Davion can give you a little joy back into your life. You're suppose to meet him at that nice little dinner your grandfather took us all the time."

"It's 5:24 now...I'm sure I could fix my hair before leaving." Grace said sadly.

"Oh cheer up Grace, it's just a date! If you don't like him, then leave dear."

"I know ma, I'll be back." Grace said walking out of the laundry room to go fix her hair.