Status: One Shot Done

Kiss & Tell

Now Some Shits About To Go Down

Life sucked. Plain and simple, it really sucked. Would you like to deal with sixty or more Alzheimer’s patients that couldn’t remember a damn thing, not even the last thing you said to them? Well that’s my job in a nutshell, it is hell on the worst level, I hate my life after my shift, I want to jump a bridge but I tell myself that I won’t be dealing with old people losing their minds forever and it makes me feel a bit better. Not to mention, family life sucks just as much, my older sister Denise is a hooker, literally selling her body for money to buy designer things. My younger sister Amelia is the only sane one, she’s into her school stuff and that is it, no extra curricular activities that involve nudity. My father was a serious druggie that left the family after my little sister was born. My mother is a raging sexpot that only spends her time chasing unattainable guys, like married ones or asshole drug dealers, such a good example. Then there was the painful truth of my social life sucking much more than any of that, every possible boyfriend I had was seduced by my older sister, the hooker. I only had one friend, Jensen and sadly he wasn’t even in the same time zone as me. He was my internet buddy for two years now and I told him everything. He was all I had to look forward too; he’s all I have really. I mean, if you had my life, wouldn’t that excite you a little?

So after my long day, I locked my bedroom door, turned on my computer and waited for Jensen to get on. I only had to wait about ten minutes for him to log onto IM and message me.

Jensen_AKA_TheMan: Work over already, Sunshine?
SunshineIs_Love: I had the morning shift, Jenny.
Jensen_AKA_TheMan: Nice. The fam there? Still bugging the shit out of you?
SunshineIs_Love: The slut and brain child are out but mom is downstairs on the phone, sex talking her new lover. He has a toupee! XP
Jensen_AKA_TheMan: Your mother needs a new hobby to be honest.
Jensen_AKA_TheMan: Is it a comb over or bad hairpiece, Sunny?
SunshineIs_Love: You think? I can’t wait to get out of here, one more week Jensen! Oh, it’s definitely a bad hair piece, its nasty.
Jensen_AKA_TheMan: I’m looking forward to finally meeting you, just one more painfully long week!
SunshineIs_Love: You’re my first stop, buddy boy.
Jensen_AKA_TheMan: I can’t wait, you still got my number?
SunshineIs_Love: Yes ma’am I do. : )
Jensen_AKA_TheMan: Funny, Sunny.

One Week Later—

“I called her and told her,” I finished telling Jensen, over the phone, that I decided not to tell my mom in person that I was leaving, she’d only flip on me, like usual and I had a deadline to get out of town by. “Denise said whatever and Amelia cried, she said I was leaving her alone in hell. I feel bad for leaving her; she actually has a chance to not turn into a whore.”

“You needed to get out of there, Sunny,” Jensen’s voice was as dreamy as I had pictured it, only a bit more so. “Where are you now?”

“I just passed the California boarder, talk about thorough,” I chuckled and turned left to get on the interstate. “I’ll be there in an hour or so.”

“Just call me before you get here, I gotta go, I’ll see you soon,” he hung up before I had time to say goodbye, I chuckled at his short attention span and sat my cell phone in the cup holder.

After an hour long drive, I pulled up to a nice, huge house; it was the address Jensen gave me the second time I called him. This place was gorgeous and so peaceful looking. I stepped out of the car and walked up the walkway to the front door. I was about in a panic by the time I rung the doorbell. I listened as footsteps pounded its way closer, my heart raced as the door opened and a handsome man with blond hair, green eyes and a beautiful smile came into view. “Jensen?” I asked skittishly, after all I had only seen a few pictures of him.

“Sunny,” he smiled and reached out for a hug, I hugged him back and giggled when he lifted me and swayed side to side. “Finally, I’m so damn glad we’ve finally met.”

“I know,” I chuckled and kissed his cheek when he sat me down. “I finally get to meet my best friend, it’s taken forever man.”

“Come in, I have food,” he wiggled his eyebrows playfully and in return I laughed and followed him in through the doorway.

I hadn’t expected about thirty people to jump out around the room; I jumped like I’d been shot at and shirked like a banshee. I released my claws from Jensen’s arm as I realized slowly that he’d thrown me a birthday party. “Oh my God, you didn’t,” I whispered looking around at all the new and beautiful people. “Oh my, is that Tom Welling?”

“I kind of know a few people,” he whispered when he leaned down to my level, his warm breath assaulting my ear friskily.

Jensen introduced me to a few dozen people but the main ones we stuck around were his closest friends: Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Misha Collins, all of which were extremely yummy enough to eat but they found me stupidly oblivious. “You really have no clue who Jensen is?”

Jensen had walked off to get more drinks and the boys used the time to interrogate me.

“No, Misha I have no clue, for the fifth and final time,” I told the erratic flamboyantly insane man playfully. “Why do you keep asking me?”

“Do you live in a cave?” Misha asked dryly but Jeffrey reached out and popped him upside the back of his head. “I mean, really now?”

“He’s asking because Jensen’s kind of famous,” Jared tried to help out his friend before he really made a fool of himself. “Jensen’s an actor, he’s be in dozens of movies and shows, all five seasons of a show called Supernatural with all of us and he’s been on Days of Our Lives and—“

“My mom used to make me watch Days and my sister watches Supernatural, I just never have had time to watch TV much,” I claimed truthfully before I explained. “I work 4pm to 12am on weekdays, weekends I pay bills and catch up on stuff I forget to do during the week.”

“We have to kidnap her for a week and make her watch the show,” Misha exclaimed and both Jared and Jeffrey narrowed their eyes in stunned confusion. “What? If she’s his best friend, she has to see his show.”

“You plan on living here?” Jared ignored Misha and turned to me nonchalantly taking a sip from his cup. He was trying for a new subject, a safe one.

“I’m going apartment hunting tomorrow, I go job hunting the next day,” I smiled at his friendliness and his calm mellow vibe, I just adored it.

“Where are you staying tonight?” Jeffrey asked eyeing Misha walk off to get a beer from the kitchen. “He’s a weird little guy, Jar.”

“I’m staying at the hotel off the highway,” I told Jeffrey as I watched Misha break into a run for the kitchen. “I agree, he’s weird.”

“Nope, you’re staying here until you find a place,” Jensen popped out of nowhere and put his arm around my waist. “Quit picking on the guy, he can’t help it he’s odd.”

“I don’t want to make you feel like you have—“I tried to get out of it but it was already set in motion that I would be staying. The party had ended; everyone congratulated me for turning twenty one. I smiled up at Jensen from the kitchen table; he was loading his dishwasher with the last load of plates and platters. “Thank you,” I whispered, watching as he moved around, about an hour ago I realized I recognized him as Eric Brady from Days, I had been awestruck by the man when I was ten. “Why didn’t you tell me you were famous?”

“Didn’t think it was a big deal,” Jensen leaned against the counter and turned to me. “Plus, I didn’t want a gold-digger; I didn’t know you so…I lied. Said I was a normal guy named Jensen Ross, which is my middle name so technically that’s not a lie, I did do construction before acting and pretty much everything else was true, just the little things.”

“I wouldn’t have cared, I’m not a gold-digger,” I told him with a frown. “My mom would have but I wouldn’t, its wrong—I won’t be like her or my sister. I would have probably been excited, talking to a celebrity but your just like me, you breathe and eat and sleep like me, nothing else is different besides you get paid more and you get your pictures taken a lot and video taped more then usual.”

“I know now,” he laughed as he walked over; he kneeled down in front of me and smiled. “You are nothing like I have ever seen before; you are so much more…”

“You know how to flatter a girl,” I whispered touching his cheek, I smirked and caressed his jaw. “Don’t you, Jenny?”

One thing I learned from my mother and sister was to never kiss and tell, so I’ll spare the details and just let you know that I became Mrs. Sunshine Paige Ackles nearly six months later and gave birth to a little girl, ironically named Raine Marie Ackles just seven months after.
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I'd appreciate comments.