Love at First Sight


Waiting in the room where the meet and greet was to take place was torture. I kept fidgeting like crazy and glancing at the door where we were told they would enter through. The other girls in the room seemed to be feeling the same way I was. No one was talking at all and the silence was really getting to me.

"Annabell can we go now, please?" I ask in a desperate whine. As much as I wanted to see him again I was nervous about it to.

"No way! I want to meet them. Besides don't you want to see William"

"Not really." she gives me a whatever look obviously not believing my lie.

Before I could protest the doors opened and he walked into the room. I had to remind myself to breathe as looked at his gorgeous face. All the nervousness I was feeling before disappeared and were replace with a strong desire to walk up and kiss him. Though the nervousness came right back when he glanced in my direction.

"Oh my god Kaydence he just smiled at you!" Annabell whispers excitedly to me.

"Shut up!" I snap.

"Hello." he says taking a seat across from us.

"Hi." we chorus in unison.

He looked at me with a certain glint in his eyes which shock me to the core.

"You wouldn't happen to work at a coffee shop not far from here would you?" he asks me.

"I do actually."

"I thought so. Thanks again for the coffee except now I don't feel as special since I probably only got it cause I'm famous." he says jokingly.

"Funny thing is I had no clue who you were until today."

"Really? So then why are you here?" he asks.

"This one," I say nodded towards Annabell. "Forced me to come tonight."

"I did not! You could have said no."

"Yeah and then I would have to hear about how I ruined your night because you didn't have anyone else to go with." I fight back.

"Whatever I still didn't force you." she replies childishly.

I rolled my eyes and William laughed.

"Did you at least enjoy yourself?"' he asks.

I just shrug in reply. "I take that as a no."

"Not really. I mean you guys weren't that bad and neither was the girl but those other two bands I could have done without." I tell him honestly.

"It's not really the kind of music she likes. So a not bad is a very good." Annabell explains.

"I see." William says sounding slightly disappointed. "So what is your kind of music?"

"Oh um, I um...stuff." I stutter.

"What kind of stuff?" he asks laughing.

"You know...things." I blush.

"Well that very specific."

I shrug again sending him a smile. "I know right."

He started shaking his head at me but still had a smile on his face. A second later a guy I noticed as the bassist took the seat next to him.

"What's up?" he asks staring at Annabell.

"Oh nothing, just watching my best friend and your singer flirt with each other. It's kinda cute." Annabell tells him.

He laughs and we all begin talking after William changes the subject. About an hour later we had to leave even though none of us wanted to. The guys had to get back on the road as much as we didn't want them to go.

"Bye." I say opening up my car door.

"Bye." William says sadly.

We stared at each other for a moment. Every fiber of my being was screaming at me to kiss him but I couldn't move. After a few seconds of awkwardness I just held my arms open for a hug. He smiled and pulled me into his arms.

"When this tour's over I'll make sure to stop by the coffee shop to see you."

"Can't wait." I reply cuddling deeper into his arms.

I never wanted to leave his embrace but unfortunately he pulled away all to soon but placed a small kiss to the side of my head before pulling away completely.

"Goodbye Kaydence."

"Goodbye William." I say getting into my car.

He shut the door for me and started waving as I drove away. I watched him out of my mirror until he disappeared. When I got home the first thing I did was checked how long it would be until he came back. I smiled seeing that it would only be a week. Then I began remembering the feeling of being in his arms and how wonderful he smelt. Laying down in bed I realized it was going to be one long week.