Sequel: Postcards From...
Status: Re-written

The Club Is Open Until 8:00Pm


“So how are you liking your vacation so far.” Steve asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin the nice lady at the Dunkin’ Donuts had been nice enough to give. He had a powdered donut to, though I know he preferred the chocolate ones. Him and Joanne both did. I shrugged again, the cold wind blowing my hair across my face. It looked longer, with a few more split ends then before. February Vacation.

“Its too cold.” I said. He let out a brutish type laugh I’d come to know. “Its safe to say that’s what you get in Jersey.” I hate Jersey. It and it’s cold Februarys.. “and it doesn’t last long enough.” I whispered so he couldn’t hear. I looked at me, swearing he heard what I’d just said. He shook his head, not letting me know what the question was that wondered his brain.

Steve tried to make small talk with me as he drove us home. I’d glanced at him occasionally, but then I would turn the volume up on my Ipod. Now playing was one of my favorites by this band called MCR. I’ve just heard of them like a few weeks ago, so I don’t really now them as much as others might. I just know I like this song.

Steve pulled the van up into the drive way and parked it. I got out and stepped in a giant puddle of slush where the water dripping off the van had made contact with the snow.

As Steve opened the screen door and then the wooden one, I tried scarping off as much of the slush as possible. Joanne always hated it when I tracked in mud, water, slush, in the house. Or whatever it may be that was currently sticking to the bottom of my shoe.

She’d have to live with disappointment because as soon as I tried kicking off my boots before stepping on the carpet of the living room, a huge wad of slush just kind of fell off. Funny. I thought I had gotten it all. I would blame Steve as he usually forgot to take off his boots before coming in.

I slipped my socked feet back into my slippers, and went back upstairs in my room, carrying a back a powdered donuts with me. My fritos were still on my bed, lying almost untouched in front of my open computer. I sat on my bed and started pressing random button to try and wake it up. The charger had come unplugged while I was gone. I looked at the turtle in its bowl. It wasn’t him who had unplugged it.

“Monet!” Here we go. Joanne called me down when she found the slush. I climbed down the stairs. I’m blaming Steve. “What is this?” She pointed to it. It looked like tutu in the form of slush. Tutu was my baby turtle. Jennifer had bought me him. I missed Jennifer.

“I took off my boots already. Look at Steve.” I said defensively even though I was the one who tracked it in. Joanne turned around and eyed her husband. Steve was so focused on the game he didn’t even notice I was blaming him. Parents of the Year. While Joanne was busy yelling at Steve for leaving a patch of dirty snow slash water on the newly cleaned carpet I snuck past her and into the hallway and answered the ringing phone.

“Ello?” I said into the end you talk to. “Hey, Moe, you wanna go out, maybe get something to eat.” It was Imogene, or Emo as I liked to call her. Not because she was which she certainly wasn’t, but cause of her name. Like she called me Moe which she claimed was short for Monet. I don’t believe her but I think its cute. The first girl with the name Moe. Cool.

“I can’t.” She sighed and I imagined her shoulders dropping. “Why not?” She asked getting aggravated from her sisters constant poking. “Lizzie stop it!” Confirmed. “Cause I’m gonna be grounded in like 2 minutes.” I said. Cue Joanne. She walked through the doorway that led to the hall. “You’re grounded.” She wanted to raise her voice. I’ve been grounded a lot lately. “See.” I said to Imogene. She hung up. Joanne started to leave. “Wait, I need more turtle food.” She ignored me. Fine, you can buy me another turtle when mine dies of starvation.