Sequel: Postcards From...
Status: Re-written

The Club Is Open Until 8:00Pm

Quarante Deux

Lynnea's POV

Mame was standing by the window to Monet's room watching the doctor's working. Gerard had stayed away when she had asked If he wanted to watch with her. "No thank you." He had said and she wandered over there herself.

I watched her for awhile, until Gerard cleared his throat. "What?" I asked, thinking that he was trying to get my attention. He looked at me with furrowed brows. "I didn't say anything." He retorted. I looked away. He went back to watching Mame.

Mame let out a sigh and then walked back towards us. "Maybe next time I see her, she'll be feeling better." Mame slurred as she was feeling tired. Too much excitement for one day. Gerard nodded. "Do you wanna go back to the hotel, Mame?" I asked. She nodded. "Um, Gerard, you think you could come with us to the car. I need to talk to you." I asked. "Sure thing." He answered simply.


After Mame was in, I let her know that i was coming in a moment and that I needed to talk to Gerard alone. "Do try to behave." She said, leaning back against the seat. I closed the door and walked away from the car. Gerard followed.

"What is it?"

"Um, I have to go back to France soon."

"You told me and I wish you'd wait till all this is over?"

"I can't. I'm getting married, Gerard."

He just kinda looked at me for a moment. "Really? C-congratulations."


"Nothing. When the wedding?"

"Next month. June 17th."

He nodded. "That's great, Lynnea."

I nodded and then covered my face with my hands.

"Are you crying?"

"I'm trying not to." I admitted.

He wrapped his arms around me, and I wrapped mine around his neck. "It's ok." He tried. I nodded, pressing my cheek to his jacket. "P-Please take care of her." I stammered. He nodded, smoothing my hair down and kissing my cheek. "I plan on it." He whispered.

I let go of him and cleared my face, my makeup just starting to run. "Oh my God, I can't believe I just exploded like that." He smiled. "It makes you seem human." He offered. I chuckled. "Thank you. It was nice to see you for a change." I confessed. "I didn't hate this trip as much as I thought I was going to." He smile. "If I'm ever in France, I'll look you up." I smiled. "You do that."

We walked back over to the car. Gerard opened the door for me and held it for me as I slid in. "Au Revoir." He smiled. "See you."