Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


I think I just died a little inside. Angel likes me! The guy that I've been hopelessly crushing on since I met him reciprocates my feelings. I swear my heart just started soaring and it's never going to come down from it's high. I'm walking on air, flying.

"I like you too," I said quietly as I wrapped my hand around his own, interlacing our fingers. Our hands fit together perfectly, as if we were destined to be together. The thought wouldn't hesitate to make a smile spread across my face.

He shyly looked up at me through his blond fringe. His eyes were truly mesmerizing. I leaned down and took his face in my hands, loving how soft his skin was underneath my fingertips. I smiled softly as a soft shade of red flooded into his cheeks has he stared into my eyes. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his in a gentle kiss. I wanted to moan just because of the sweetness of the kiss, his plump lips pressed against mine.

He deepened the kiss when he wrapped one hand around the back of my neck and the other around my waist, pulling us together. Our lips continued to move together in perfect synchronization, passionate even without the need of tongue. This is our first real kiss. This is our first kiss that meant something to the both of us and made sparks fly through both of our bodies. This is what every kiss should feel like.

I leaned back slowly, a huge smile adorning my features. I leaned in and pecked his lips once more. "Be my boyfriend?" I whispered softly.

He looked up at me, a blushing becoming evident in his cheeks again. God, I loved it when I could make him blush. "Yeah," he spoke softly. A smile simultaneously adorned both of our lips as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Do you know what this means?" I asked softly.

"What does it mean?" He responded playfully, still curling his body around mine.

"That you're mine and no one elses," I said as I nipped his ear softly.

I was rewarded with his adorable giggle. I think he liked the sound of that

"And since you're all mine, I think I should take my boyfriend on a date."

"Our first date," he mused.

"Yeah," I said as I leaned away, pecking his lips again. I don't think I'd ever be able to resist those lips like I used to. "So, you are going to go home and get ready. Then you'll come back here around six. Okay?" I asked as I played with his fingers.

"Okay," he said as he playfully wrestled his fingers with mine. "What exactly will we be doing for our first date?" He asked quietly.

"That will be a surprise," I said as I turned him around and playfully nudged him towards the door. He rolled his eyes cutely but listened to my request anyway.

I stared at his ass while he waked away. God, my boyfriend has a hot ass.


I scurried around my kitchen getting ready for our date. Angel will be here in five minutes. I'm so excited, our first date. I wanted to make it something special that I normally wouldn't do. I cooked dinner for him. It's time that our roles were temporarily reversed. He needs to know that I truly appreciate everything that he does for me and Quince.

Speaking of Quince, I think he's secretly seeing some girl or something. I was ready to make up some bogus excuse to get him out of the house since he doesn't need to know about Angel and I dating yet, but he already had plans. He walked out of the house after putting extra effort into his appearance too. I made a mental note to grill him about everything later.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had my piercings in because I know Angel had an attraction to lip piercings. I was wearing black skinny jeans with a pair of white nike sneakers and a white button up shirt. My hair was straightened and was covering one of my eyes, giving me sort of a mysterious facial expression. I nodded my head at the mirror, liking how I looked, just as the doorbell rang. I sprinted towards the front door, giddy squeals leaving my body.

I swung it open theatrically to get a little giggle out of Angel. He looked gorgeous in black skinny jeans and a plaid purple shirt with purple high top converse. He looked like sex on legs. I must have looked like an idiot with my mouth hanging open, mouth watering. He reached out while giggling and pushed my jaw back up as he stepped inside.

I quickly closed the door and put my hands over his eyes. His hands came up to clutch mine as I led him into the kitchen. "It's not much, but I wanted to show you I appreciate you," I said as I led him to the kitchen and slowly removed my hands from his eyes.

He looked at the set up before he walked to the table and grabbed the single rose I laid in the middle, smelling it and sighing happily. "I love it," he said.

I smiled and motioned for him to sit down, taking his hand from across the table as we both started to eat. "Spaghetti and meatballs?" He asked quietly.

"I know it's not that big or anything, but I'm not the best cook," I said sheepishly. "I originally made turkey but I burned it and this was sort of last minute," I said as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"That's so adorable!" He squealed. "It's good though, don't worry," he assured me. "I'll make sure to teach you how to cook. I need a boyfriend that can keep up with me," he flirted playfully.

"You don't think I can keep up with you in the kitchen?" I questioned around a bite of spaghetti.

He patted my hand. "Babe, I know you can't keep up with me in the kitchen." He said around a laugh.

I rolled me eyes but continued eating, loving our playful banter. I wouldn't mind making nights like this sort of traditional.

We finished our food and put the plates in the sink before settling on watching some television in the living room. He blushed as he shyly sat down in my lap, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I placed a soft kiss on the top of his head as I wrapped my arms around his body, cuddling the gorgeous boy into me.

"I've waiting for this for a while," I said quietly.

He shifted so that he was looking me in the eyes. "Me too."

I pulled him in for a kiss before he settled back into me, laying his head into the crook of my neck once again.

A huge smile spread across my face. I loved moments like this.

I'm so happy that Angel gave me a chance. Everything about this just felt... right.
♠ ♠ ♠
I loved writing this chapter. It made me squeal with happiness. Lmao.

Please check out my slash contest entry Always and Forever.

Thanks to all who commented.
