Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


Angel and I stood frozen outside of the front door to my apartment. Our date was amazing and I was loving the fact that Angel was getting more comfortable around me, but we were both still worried about Quince. We didn't want to face him after he flipped out on us earlier. I gulped as I turned the handle of the door, clutching Angel's hand tightly, scared that we wear basically walking into the hands of the devil.

When we peeked in through the door we saw Quince waiting for us in the living room. We quietly shuffled in with our heads watching our feet, scared to look him in the eye. "I'm not mad that you guys are dating," he said quietly.

Both of our heads shot up simultaneously. Our expressions were mirrored with questioning and curiosity. "I was surprised is all, because you're both important to me. Angel's my little brother man, you gotta remember I'm always gonna be protective of him," he reasoned. I nodded my head to show him that I understood. If I had a little brother and my best friend started dating him I'd freak out too. "I'm just sort of pissed that you didn't tell me when it all happened and made me wait."

"We didn't tell you because we thought you'd flip out," I said softly while entwining my fingers with my Angel's.

"Which you did," Angel tacked on, emphasizing my point.

"I'm sorry," Quince said sincerely. "I really am. I was just... surprised."

I could tell that Quince was being sincere when he said that. I could understand why he felt the way he did. "It's okay," I assured. Truth be told, I'd probably do the same thing if I was in his position.

"Thanks, guys." He said while rubbing away the stress on his face. "I've got something else I want to tell you guys."

"What?" Angel asked curiously. He led me over to the couch and sat me down, sitting in my lap. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder while my arms instinctively wrapped around his waist. He giggled and placed a soft kiss on the top of my head. We both looked at Quince, giving him the signal to continue with what he was saying.

"Um.. well," he said nervously, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. "I'm seeing this girl," he stated. "And I really like her. Her name is Leah, and she's just... amazing." He said as a smile spread across his face and a far off look entered his eyes.

"Does this have anything to do with you cleaning up your act all of the sudden?" I asked. I thought he was doing it because of Angel and I fighting, but I guess I was wrong. It could have been this girl, Leah, changing him and we kind of helped along the way.

"Sorta," he said sheepishly. "Maybe one day you two could meet her."

"Maybe," Angel said. We were both happy that Quince found someone that he truly cared for. He was cleaning up his act for her. She must really tug at his heartstrings. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but I gotta get home."

"Why so early?" Quince and I asked at the same time.

Angel huffed in an aggravated manner. "Donnie's been bringing a lot of people around at night to piss me off and make me jealous." My face fell a little. He took my face in his hands and pecked my nose. "It's not working," he assured me as he stared in my eyes. I believed him. He wouldn't lie to me. "Anyway, I rather get home before he brings one of his new toys around so I have the opportunity to go to sleep ti silence instead of screams."

"That douche," I heard Quince mutter angrily. It's not secret that I didn't like Donnie either.

"Why don't you live with us?" I asked softly.

"Yeah!" Quince said jumping up. "You could take the pull out couch or something. That'd be so awesome!"

I squealed internally at the thought of my boyfriend moving in with us. That would be nothing short of amazing. We'd be able to spend so much more time together.

"I couldn't intrude," he said quietly. Angel is always worrying that he's doing something wrong.

"You know," I said in his ear, "this means that we'll have more time alone together," I reasoned.

I felt him melt against me and nod his head vigorously. "Yeah," he said softly, loving the idea I just mentioned.

"Alright!" I said as I jumped up with him in my arms. "Lets go get your stuff and move it here, yeah?" I asked.

Angel nodded his head and the three of us piled into Quince's car.


We all stumbled back into our apartment in fits of hysterical laughter. Donnie must be one desperate punk to bring a girl around thinking it would make Angel jealous. He's gay! The thought of girls in a sexual aspect disgusts him.

When Donnie saw us piling all of Angels' important possessions into suitcases when he came home he went slightly insane. He probably scared off his new toy, the poor boy. He really didn't want Angel to go. It's probably because when Angel was asleep he'd be a creeper and stare at him, fantasizing about what it would have been like if they were still together. America, look at the world's next pedophile, Donnie! Him and his insane ass needs to be locked away one of these days.

"If you ever become desperate," Angel said in between laughter, "I think I may just have to dump you."

"If I ever acted like that I'd be so ashamed that I would dump myself!" I told him back.

It's true. I always told myself that no matter how in love I was with a person I would never beg them. You shouldn't have to beg in a relationship. Begging leads to fighting which leads to breaking up. If you have to beg to do something, when you know it's serious and isn't in a playful manner, you might as well end your relationship right there. I don't want to ruin my relationship with Angel.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm too tired to set up the living room right now," Angel said around a yawn. Our laughter has finally died down and he was very quickly winding down form his high.

"Sleep with me tonight," I told him while I pecked his lips and pulled him into me. I loved touching him. It sent these addicting electric shocks throughout my entire body.

"Okay," he said as he started to lug his bags to my room.

Quince just stared at us angrily, arms crossed. It was his way of telling us not to do anything stupid. i rolled my eyes. If I was going to do something stupid I'd be smart enough not to do it while Quince was here.

I walked into my room to see Angel settled on my bed in nothing but boxers so I quickly took mine off and joined him. I pulled him to me under the covers so that we were spooning. Our bodies melded together like they to parts of a whole. I couldn't help but feel like we were made for each other, no matter how cliche that sounds.

Angel sighed contently as he snuggled into me and allowed sleep to slowly overtake him. I soon did the same, hoping that I could fall asleep with my boyfriend in my arms more often.

"If I hear you two doing anything I'm gonna come in there with a hammer!" We heard Quince yell out of nowhere.

We both broke into hysterical giggles. It would be a lot of fun messing with Quince.

"What would you do with the hammer?" I screamed back, wanting to know what I was getting myself into.

"I don't know, but I'd win because I'd be the one with the hammer!" He screamed back, making both Angel and I giggle again.

I rested my head on the pillow as he curled into me yet again. We both slowly drifted to sleep to the tune of our boyfriends' quiet giggles.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sick so I'm sorry if this isn't that good, but I got a kick out of the ending. It happened to me at a sleepover with my friend and her boyfriend. Lol.

Thank you to everyone who has commented.