Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


Moving in with Quince and Dom was probably the best idea those two ever came up with. I’m so proud that they can actually use their brains! Maybe there’s hope after all.

Anyways, it’s great to live with them. Doing the chores are so much easier now and there’s less to clean up since I’m there to make sure they don’t make the mess in the first place. It’s always fun too, listening to Quince and Dom bicker and tease each other like brothers is always fun.

Dom things to get a kick out of me and Quince too. We may be close, but we still have our brotherly love fights. We occasionally wrestle too, which always gets Dom in hysterics. He claims that he can’t see me hurting a fly so he finds it amusing to watch me knee Quince in the balls.

There’s only one problem living with them and it’s a pretty big problem…


Yes, they still do it. I can say that it isn’t as much and they’re doing it at home so I can keep an eye on them but it’s like baby sitting! No, it’s worse than baby sitting. It’s like…giving birth or something, I don’t know. They say that’s painful and I’m guessing it is because damn a baby coming out of there!? Anyways, it’s painful to watch those two drown themselves in alcohol.

I normally don’t say anything, but every now and then Dom or Quince and I would get in an argument. They’re never big, normally just small disagreements that we’d get over by eating, watching a movie, or something like that.

But still, it’s annoying. I don’t want either of them to drink. Is that too much to ask for? I guess so because both of them…I just can’t see them quitting.

As long as Dom doesn’t go back what he used to do, going out every night, getting completely smashed, and coming home so high that he can’t even pronounce his full name than I’m ok.

I stretch my arms and roll out of bed. Sleeping on the pull out couch isn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. I don’t even have to stand up in the morning! I can just roll off and crawl to the kitchen.

Once I got there I stood up and wipe at my eyes trying to get the sleep out of them. Dom and Quince are still fast asleep when I leave for school. I did make them breakfast though, some chocolate chip pancakes. I normally do make them breakfast, but if I’m rushing I don’t.

“Angel!” I hear a familiar voice call and smile when I turn around to see her, Tina, running at me. I open my arms and catch her, twirling her, before placing her back on her feet.

The short blonde smiles at me and asks, “What’s up? I haven’t seen you in forever!”

“Well maybe you would have if you hadn’t went to visit your parents without me!” I cry, giving her my cutest pout.

She frowns and hugs me. “I’m sorry, love! I had to go see them, but I’m back now. Anyways, how are you and Dom?”

She may have been gone, but I still spoke to her on the phone so she knew all about me and Dom. When I informed her about us she went wild, claiming that she knew it would happen eventually. Of course…she always said that…

“Good,” I answer, smiling just thinking about him. Tina giggles from my side and pokes at my cheek.

“You look like a teenage girl in love.”

I swat her hand away. “Fuck you. I do not.”

Tina and I walk to class together. She hands in her work to our professor and takes a seat beside me. We’re both scribbling away taking notes for the rest of the day. I would have invited her over, but she said she said had some unpacking to do and will try to visit Quince, Dom, and I later.

I wave good-bye and head to my car. When I got to the apartment I expected it to be unlocked, but it wasn’t. I open the door and look inside to see all the lights are off. “Dom, Quince, you home?”

I don’t get an answer. Frowning, I flick the lights on and find a note on the fridge. It’s definitely Dom’s writing, I know that chicken scratch anywhere. The note reads; Angel, Quince and I are going out for a drink. Be back later.

By later he means late tonight. I sigh and crumble the note up before tossing it into the trash. For the rest of the evening I sit on the couch and pray that they call me if they get drunk, which they will. I just want to make sure they get home safely.

I didn’t even realize how much time I wasted with all this thinking until the front door swung open to show two very drunk boys. Quince is the first to stumble inside. He ends up tripping over his own feet and falls to the floor, his beer spilling everywhere.

Dom walks in laughing and when he sees me his eyes light up. He runs over to me and I bite my bottom lip. I don’t know what to do with these two when they’re drunk. They don’t act like themselves.

“Babe!” Dom slurs and wraps his arms around me. I can smell the alcohol on him and grimace at the sloppy kiss he places on my neck. “Wat arr you doin’?”

“Watching TV,” I reply, desperately trying to push him away. The smell, it’s making my stomach hurt.

“Mm, I no sumthin’ betta we can do.”

I stiffen when I feel his hand traveling up my thigh. Last time we slept together we were drunk. I don’t want something like that to happen again so I quickly shove him off me and scream, “No!”

He falls off the couch, landing on his ass with a groan. Before he has time to react I’m hopping over the couch and darting to his room. I lock the door behind me and even push his dresser up against it. He can sleep on the couch tonight, because I don’t trust him…not like that.

I know it’s mean to say, but I just don’t. He’s not himself when he’s drunk and that’s why I’m going to stay in here, where I will be safe from his advances.

I cuddle up in his bed and try to ignore their voices. I can hear them and it may not bother others but it bothers me to know that they get this drunk. I chew on my lip ring and bury my face in his blankets…hopefully he won’t get in his room. I don’t trust him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh spaghetti o's!
