Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


July 15th, it’s the one day of the year that I absolutely hate.


Because, it’s the anniversary of my parents death.

Hearing of their passing at the age of 13 was not what I wanted. It was like a nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from. No matter how hard I pinched, no matter how hard I cried, nothing changed. My parents died. They were gone, forever.

I took it better than most, I think. After their funeral my brother and I were sent to live with our 25 year old aunt who obviously wasn’t prepared for us. That left my brother, Quince, and I to fend for ourselves…oh wait, sorry, it left me to fend for us.

Quince was 16 at the time and was just as useless as my aunt. He always had been. I was left to do the laundry, the dishes, clean, cook dinner, and do all the yard work. I was pretty much the mother and the father of the house. I told Quince to go to bed, do his homework, get a bath…I was the mature one and always had been.

But…it was hard to take care of him. He took our parents death harder than I did. Like I said, I was the mature one, Quince still had the heart of a child.

And after our parents passed away his grades dropped. He started drinking and partying all the time. It got to the point where he dropped out of school at 17 and my aunt kicked him out for all the trouble he caused.

I knew Quince couldn’t do this all on his own. He needed my help. He always had and I was determined to help him get back up on his feet and that’s exactly what I did.

Now I go over to his apartment every week, normally two to three times, to help out. He lives with his friend, Dominique or Dom for short. They both are pretty useless. They’re only good for joking around and making one laugh, which I guess is good since I need that, but still…they can’t do any house work so I do it.

I don’t mind either. I have a full scholarship to college and my aunt is so proud of me that she offered to pay for it so I don’t have a job. I get lonely and bored sometimes and those two are always a bundle of joy and fun. I guess you could say…I like taking care of them.

But sometimes, sometimes they really just piss me off, like right now.

“Can you get any stupider?” I scream at the two boys sitting in front of me. This is a parents job, to lecture their children, but since we don’t have one I’m filling in. “You could have gotten yourselves killed! Why the hell didn’t you call me?”

“Uh…” Both look at each other with wide eyes that asks one another ‘why didn’t we call him?’ I inhale deeply through my nose, which signal that I am furious. Both Dom and Quince know this so they bury themselves in the couch and wait for the explosion.

“You are both fucking retarded! Both of you! You could have been killed. I lost two people in my life and I don’t want to lose two more! Now go to your damn room’s and stay there or so help me I’ll shove my fist so far up both your asses that you’ll be doing sign language out your fucking mouth!”

The two scramble to their rooms in fear. I can’t blame them. I know I can get very bitchy when in this sort of state.

Rubbing my temple I think over what my brother had told me.

When I came over earlier I noticed a rather large dent in the front of his car. I asked what it was from and he told me the story of him getting drink, them driving home, and nearly getting hit. This of course was what I was yelling at them about.

Their drinking problems are getting out of hand, but what can I do? I can only do so much and stop an addiction is not one of them.

I sigh and move to the kitchen where I make dinner. Both of them cannot cook, like I said; useless. When I’m not here to cook for them they microwave stuff. I decide on steak, potatoes, and broccoli. Silently, I work and when I finish I call the two “children” out.

They both tip toe into the kitchen. I send them a glare and they both bow their heads. Quince glances at Dom and Dom glances at Quince. They both nod their heads and in unison they shout, “We’re really sorry! It won’t happen again!”

“It better not,” I growl, taking their plates from the counter and handing it to them.

Dom drools on the spot and looks at me. “Angel, did I mention that you look rather ravishing this evening?”

“Don’t try to suck up. Go eat your damn food.”

“Your name does not suit you at all.”

I smile. “Yeah, I know.”
♠ ♠ ♠
New story with Hot.Mess.
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