Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


The sound of my rushing footsteps echoes through out the house. I’m panting for air while trying to clean, clean, clean. Tina is watching me, I can feel her eyes on me, but I’m focusing on fixing everything. It has to be perfect, absolutely perfect.

The plans are made. Everyone knows the time and place. They’ve all agreed to come, there won’t be any alcohol, just junk food and a lot of friends. This welcome home party for Dom has to be perfect.

He’s been in that hell hole for four months and I’ve only been able to see him once a week. He’s finally coming back. He’s finally coming home to stay with me. I can’t wait, I’m so excited!

“Calm down Angel!” Tina laughs at me, her small hands placing themselves on my shoulders. “The apartment looks fine. Take in deep calming breaths.”

I roll my eyes at her and sigh. She manages to get me to sit down on the couch for a break. She hands me a glass of water, which I chug down. “I just want everything to be perfect for his welcome home party.”

“I know you do, but I’m sure in his eyes all he needs is you.”

Even hearing that from Tina makes me blush. The two of us relax and I watch the clock, which seems to hate me because every time I look at it I swear it goes back an hour. But finally after what felt like an eternity it was noon and people were piling in.

“I’m gonna go pick up Dom ok? Make sure everything is ready before I get back!” I shout to everyone who had already showed up. They all shout something in response, but I can’t understand and just laugh before heading to my car.

Every cop in this state must be at the doughnut shop because I drove about 15 miles over the speed limit. When I finally arrived my hands were shaking, my body quivering, and heart racing with excitement. Dom has no idea that I’m throwing a party for him, but I thought it’d be nice for him to come home to see all his friends.

“Are you ready to go?” I ask, grinning from ear to ear.

“I’ve been ready,” Dom answers with a sigh of relief. I grab one of his suitcases and wrap my hand around his own before leaning up to place a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Come on, lets go home.”

“I’m not done with painting our room yet…I was waiting because I thought it’d be nice if we paint it together…that is if you want to.”

Dom looks over at me with a twinkle of excitement in his eyes. He smiles and nods his head enthusiastically. “Hell yeah I want to! Who doesn’t like painting?”

It doesn’t take long for us to get tomy our apartment. My chest erupts with butterflies just thinking about it like that. Our apartment. Our room. Our home. It’s just me and Dom. What else could I ask for?

“This place is nice,” Dom whistles as we step out of the elevator. I smile and flip out my key, the spare one is on it so I clip it off and hand it to him.

“Here, it’s the key.”

Dom looks more then happy to take it and slip it into his pocket. He leans down to kiss my cheek and I blush as he says to me, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I mumble against his lips. We pull apart and I slip the key into the door. Dom has no idea what’s behind it so when I swing it open and everyone screams, he’s shocked.

“Welcome home, Dom!”

People all laughing, clapping, shouting, and shooting confetti at us. Dom and I step inside, me shutting the door behind us and lying his luggage in the closet. Dom’s jaw is dropped and he looks around the room before smiling.

“Angel…did you-”

“I thought it’d be nice for you to come home to see all your friends,” I cut him off, reaching for his hand and holding it in my own. “You don’t mind, right?”

“Of course not!” His stomach growls loudly and everyone laughs. “Ok, who brought food? I’m hungry.”

The apartment is pretty big so there’s about thirty to forty people here. Dom and I are sitting with Tina, Quince, and Leah, Quince’s girlfriend who is a sweet heart I might add. I really do like her, no wonder he cleaned up his act for her. She’s a babe.

When Quince and Leah decides to leave Tina gets the brilliant idea to suggest, “Lets turn on some music.”

“Why?” I ask in curiosity. The response I get is a demonic smile from her. I don’t have any time to run after her. She’s across the room before I even realize it and soon music is on. The larger guys that came scoot my furniture and make themselves a mini dance floor that immediately catches Dom’s eye.

“We’re dancing,” he states more then asks and drags me to the “dance floor.”

“Why?” I whine when he turns me around and pulls me flush against him. My cheeks darken when I hear a few whistles from around us. This is why I don’t have parties at my house because there’s nothing but friends who will make fun of you!

“It’s my welcome home party and I want a dance,” Dom replies with a smirk. I roll my eyes and give in to his demands. After all he’s been in rehab for four months. I suppose I can spoil him for tonight…just for tonight.

So the two of us dance for what felt like an eternity. Even when Tina put on that weird chicken dance song we danced. Eventually though it started to get late and people were leaving. Tina gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek before shouting, “Use protection!”

“Ah, who uses condoms anymore!” Dom screams in response while I light up like a Christmas tree.

“No seriously…who does?” Dom looks at me with by far the most serious expression I’ve ever seen. I feel my eyebrow twitch.

“You…are an idiot.”

“What? Everyone’s getting pregnant now days so obviously they don’t use protection. This is a serious question, Angel! Why aren’t you answering me? Hey…don’t walk away from me."

"I'm going back to the party."

"You are such a bitch."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated for what...two days!
I've been busy and feeling crappy but here's my update
