Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


I waved good-bye to the last party guest. I wasn’t expecting there to be a party for me, but it turned out to be really entertaining. I would have been perfectly fine to come home and spend my time cuddled on the couch with my lover curled up in my arms. The only problem with the party was that a lot of people offered me alcohol. I refused and didn’t take a sip, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t feel drawn to the alcohol.

I walked into the apartment, my new apartment that I shared with my lover, and wrapped my body around his. He was cleaning the huge mess that was left after the party. Does he ever stop cleaning? Sometimes I wonder what’s wrong with this boy.He’d make a good Mister Mom.

“Baby,” I purred into his ear, my best attempt to get him to stop cleaning. “It’s my first day back and I really appreciate the party, but I want to spend time with you. You are the reason I cleaned my act up after all,” I reasoned as I placed soft kisses around the back of his neck.

I heard him hum before he placed the handful of red cups he had in his hand down on the counter. “I guess they can wait,” he murmured as he turned around and pressed his lips to mine softy. I can’t tell you how much I’ve craved him, his touch, his lips on mine. Everything about him draws me in and he’s quickly becoming my new addiction.

“I love you,” I murmured to him sincerely. I remember the first time he visited me months ago in rehab. I spilled my guts out to him. I’d shower him with so much love he’d get sick of it because he means the world to me. No, he is my world. If anything bad ever happened to him I have no idea what I would do with myself. I can't lose him.

“I love you too,” he murmured as a blush coated his cheeks, burrowing his body into mine. He is absolutely adorable. After a few moments he looked up at me and placed a tiny kiss on my chin that caused me to smile down at him. “Have you seen the entire apartment?” He asked me softly.

“Everywhere but the rooms off of the main hallway,” I answered.

He smiled up at me as he took my hand in his, guiding me towards the hallway that I have yet to explore because I was so wrapped up in the party. He paused outside a door, turning the knob that opened to a bedroom, our bedroom.

“The only other thing you’ve missed really is the bathroom,” he said awkwardly. “Anyway, this is our room. I hope you don’t mind the purple theme going on, but I love that color. And we still need to paint the walls since they’re white,” he said, pointing at the wall closest towards us.

“I can see that,” I murmured as I subconsciously shuffled to the big king size bed on the opposite side of the room. It looked warm and inviting with the black wooden frame and the deep purple colored bedding.

“Of course you go for the bed,” I heard Angel mutter really quietly behind me.

I grunted as I kicked my shoes off, throwing myself onto the bed comically and sighing when I felt the silk sheets touch my skin. I haven’t felt the feeling of warm, soft material against my skin in what felt like so long. Comfort isn’t really ones main priority when in rehab. “This is like heaven!” I screamed as I cuddled deeper into the comfortable sheets.

I heard Angel giggle as he walked over to me. He paused a second, probably to take his shoes off, before he sat on the bed beside me. “I was hoping you’d like it. I was worried about picking everything out without you, but I wanted to have everything ready for you when you came,” he explained as he rubbed his hands up and down my back.

“Thank you,” I said softly, turning towards him. He kissed my forehead as he continued to rub my back soothingly. “That feels so good!” I practically moaned out.

He laughed softly as he moved his position, sitting on my butt so that he could dig his hands into my back better. He lifted my shirt over his head, kneading the back of my body with his magical hands. “What brought this on?” I asked as I released a heavenly moan. God, I forgot what it was like to be touched by a loved one.

“You looked like you could use it,” he spoke softly.

I let out a deep breath before I turned over so that we were lying on our sides, facing each other. I pulled Angel’s shirt over his head and wrapped my arms around his body, massaging the lower half of his back. “If anyone deserves special treatment it would be you,” I told him truthfully, nuzzling my head into his neck and placing soft kisses all over his skin.

“You just got out of rehab,” he argued.

“Yeah, but that’s because I fucked up. And because I fucked up I put you through so much stuff that you didn’t deserve to be put through.” I responded, pulling him closer to me, kneading my fingers into his back harder.

“You don’t have to,” he murmured to me softly, playing with the strands of my extra long hair. I need to get it cut now.

“I want to,” I murmured. “I want to show you how much I love you,” I said even more quietly, not even sure if he heard it.

He sighed as he leaned up towards me, placing his soft lips on mine in an almost hungry manner, still keeping the kiss sweet. I pulled him closer to me, kissing him with everything I had. I want this moment to last for what feels like forever. “I love you,” I murmured almost desperately when he pulled away to place tiny kisses along my neck and collarbone.

I pulled his lips back to mine and kissed him passionately, slowly slipping my tongue into his mouth to explore the moist cavern that I haven’t tasted in what felt like forever. I rolled us over so that I could run my hands down his side, loving how his little muscles rippled beneath my fingertips. Angel leaned away from my lips, gasping as his hands flew to the waistband of my jeans, tugging on them.

All I needed was the whisper of suggestion. I slowly slipped them off, refusing to remove my lips from his.

The rest of our clothes were soon discarded, leaving us in nothing but our boxers. I leaned back from him, running my hands along his chest as I tried to ignore my now throbbing arousal. “Do you really want to do this?” I asked him softly, scared of what he’d say.

“God, yes,” he choked out, clutching my hips firmly. He bent his legs up so that his feet were on my hips and he pushed my boxers down with his toes.

“I don’t want it to be something you regret,” I told him as his eyes raked over my now naked body.

“I don’t even regret the first time everything happened between us, Dom,” he told me softly, running his fingers lightly over my sweat-coated body. “I may not remember it,” he murmured. “But it’s what inevitably brought us together.”

I smiled down at him. “I love you,” I said for what felt like the billionth time today.

“Then show me how much you love me,” he said almost desperately as he kicked his own boxers off, exposing his amazing body to me.

I raked my eyes over his entire body, my tongue darting out to lick my lips. “You’re so gorgeous,” I murmured.

“I could say the same for you.”

We spent a few moments taking each other in, not believing that our partner could be as beautiful as they are. I finally took a few fingers into my mouth, coating them in my saliva before I leaned down to kiss my lover. I wanted this to be sweet and caring, not lustful and desperate like our first time. This is the first time that it counts, the first time I truly show him how much I love him when we finally started our new lives together.

I reached down and inserted one of my fingers into him, breaching his tight ring of muscles. I focused on keeping his mind off of anything but the intruding fingers as I kissed him desperately, stroking him with my free hand as I continued to stretch him and finger him with all three of my fingers.

I finally retracted my fingers after a few minutes and leaned back to look at him. He smiled as he blushed, leaning up to stroke my throbbing cock. He kissed my tip softly before placing open-mouthed kisses up and down my shaft, finally circling my tip with his tongue. He took me in his mouth and started to bob his head slowly, teasing me. I threw my head back in pleasure, moans escaping my throat. He pulled away too soon, only to lean back down and run his tongue along the underside of my cock.

I pushed him down almost desperately, positioning myself at his entrance. I need to show him how much I love him.

I wrapped his legs around my waist before I pushed into him slowly. Once I was fully inside I stayed where I was, waiting for him to adjust. “Just do it,” he begged me, curling his fingers against my hips.

I took a deep breath before I pulled out of him, moving back into him seconds later. I continued at this pace, not wanting to ruin the glorious moment that we were now in. His walls were contracting around me even though he was still lying there, stone-faced, waiting for the pleasure to overtake him. I didn’t want to hurt him. This has to be special. This is our real first time.

I thrust into him and my pace faltered as I felt him tense. I pulled out slowly, worried that I had hurt him, then I thrust back into him. That’s when I heard it, the smallest of moans pass his perfect lips. I smiled as I slowly pulled out, thrusting into him with a tiny bit more force. He moaned again as his features twisted into those of pleasure, his body arching slightly. “D-do t-t-that again,” he breathed softly.

That’s when I lost it. I pulled out of him before jerking myself forwards immediately, hitting his prostate hard. I continued pounding into him at this unbelievably fast and hard pace, moaning in response to his moans. He was withering beneath me, somehow arching his body towards mine, bucking, and curling in on himself at the same time. It was a gorgeous sight.

I wrapped my hand around his hips as I made them meet mine roughly, releasing a high-pitched moan at the feeling. “Yes, Dom, yes!” He screamed as he wrapped his fingers in my hair, tugging on the chunks of it roughly.

I continued to thrust into him desperately, pleasure coursing through my veins. I felt a white hot feeling coil in the pit of my stomach and I started thrusting into him quicker, more desperate as my movements started to become jerkier.

I leaned down and kissed his tip softly before I started to pump him in rhythm with my thrusts. His body curled around mine, completely hanging onto me without having his upper half touch the mattress. We were one moaning mess, not knowing where one of us began and the other one ended.

We moved together in perfect synchronization, loving each other and not having a care about anything in the world. Our lives evolved around each other and we were each other’s focus. We are one. We are meant to be together.

As that thought ran through my mind I delivered one more thrust to Angel’s prostate, screaming his name as I came, him coming in response to my pleasured screams. I shivered as I heard my name on the tip of Angel’s tongue. When we first started dating I didn’t deserve to have my name be on his tongue, but now I do, after everything I did, I finally deserve him.

We rode out our orgasms together, collapsing into a heap of sweaty limbs together. Everything we do now we will do together. I pulled out of him delicately, not wanting to hurt him.

He pulled my body to his, wrapping his limbs around my torso. I looked at him, repeatedly telling him how much I love him, him repeatedly telling me how much he loved me in response.

And that’s where our wonderful night ended, us falling asleep in each other’s arms, repeating “I love you’s” as we drifted off into unconsciousness.

This is the life I’ve yearned for, worked so hard for, and now that I have it I refuse to let it go.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days!

I was so busy with state testing!

But, you got an amazing chapter here. Or, at least I think so! <3
