Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


My eyes flutter open the next morning at the sound of the alarm to be greeted by someone’s chest. I squint my eyes and rub at them, trying to determine who lay before me until everything from last night hit me. My face suddenly becomes ten times hotter and I know I’m blushing.

Last night we…

I look away from Dom’s chest to his face, which looks beautiful might I add. He seems so much healthier and better lookingif that’s possible now that he’s sober.

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth when I see the dark marks on his neck. Apparently I was using more force than I thought last night. Then again…I didn’t really have time to think about what we were doing. I was just so unbelievably happy because…

Last night was the first time we made love. Sex we have had plenty of times after an argument that had our blood level shooting up. It happened constantly between us before. It’s kind of what our relationship survived off of…and it was always rough and fast.

But last night was different. It was perfect and the pain in my ass is totally worth it.

I debate on getting up to cook breakfast for Dom, but to be honest the feel of his arms around me is just too much. How could I leave the warmth of his arms? Food is not important right now.

I sigh and snuggle closer into his chest, inhaling his scent through my nostrils. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of his heart beat until he finally stirs and his eyes open. I look up at him and kiss his jaw, which immediately brings his attention to me.

“Hey,” he says, voice still hoarse from sleeping. I smile at the sound and throw my leg over his hip to show that I really didn’t want us to move just yet.

I sigh and trace circles into his back, loving the way the muscles rippled beneath my finger tips. “Hi.”

“Sleep good?” He mumbles against my head.

I nod and groan when he pulls an arm away to stretch. When he sees my put he immediately throws his arm back around my waist and I smile.

“Don’t you have class?”

“Sadly,” I reply and finally sit up, wincing at the pain shooting up my spine, but I’ve gotten use to it. “Did my alarm wake you?”

He nods and snuggles into our pillows in our bed. I don’t think I can stress enough how extremely thrilled it makes me to say this is our apartment as in Dom and I both own it. We both live here, together. It’s enough to make my heart soar.

Sadly, I have class today and have to get ready so I kiss his forehead just before getting up to get dressed. I can feel his eyes on me the entire time and when I finish dressing I look back to see that he is indeed staring. “What?”

“Did I mention how beautiful you are lately?” He asks with a very seductive grin on his face.

I flush and look away fast because I know if I don’t I’ll stay home today and I just can’t do that no matter how much I want. Missing one day in college is like missing a month in high school. It’s pure hell.

“Suck-up,” I whisper and go out into the kitchen to make myself breakfast. I finish getting ready just in time and tip toe back into our room to find Dom fast asleep. Lucky bastard, he gets to sleep in…

I walk over to the bed and lean in to brush my lips over his. Just like our first kiss I feel those butterflies inhabiting my insides. It’s amazing that after all this time I still get excited over a simple skimming of our lips. I think that proves how much I care about this boy.

I leave then to meet up with Tina. She tells me about the boy she met at the party last night and a few other things, but I’m really not paying attention to her. I can’t help but dream about Dom, Dom, and more Dom.

I feel like a love sick high school girl. It’s pathetic really…

But I guess it’s just been so long since we’ve been able to hug, kiss, and cuddle in private that now that we can I’m excited. It’s been so long since we’ve touched that now that we have I can’t help but think about it…


I jolt out of my day dream and look at the scowling girl beside me. She frowns and narrows her eyes on me. “Were you listening?”

“No,” I answer with a guilty grin. “Sorry…I was just thinking.”

“About Dom?”

“How’d you know!”

“Your neck is covered in hickey’s…did I mention that?”

I feel my cheeks catch fire and I throw my hands over my neck. I stare down at my feet shyly and mumble, “I can’t help it…he’s home and I’m just so fucking happy about it!”

Tina giggles, “I can tell. You’ve been smiling like an idiot all day.”

I smile at her and lean back in my seat. I play with the hem of my shirt and think about Dom. What is he doing right now? Is he up yet? Is he eating ok? Is he thinking about me as much as I am about him? Is he as happy as I am? Is he as thrilled to know that we can now be together as I am? Or am I the only one feeling this way?

Something tells me that I’m not and that he cares just as much as I do. The feeling brings a huge smile to my face and a heat in my veins that makes my skin tingle and body shiver. I just wish I could run back home right now and kiss him all over because he’s back.

He’s really back, for good this time. There’s nothing else. I’m his one love. And I don’t care how I sound like a kindergarten with a box of crayons he’s mine, mine, mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
My week has been so
