Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


I am sitting on the couch when I hear the door open. Dom had went to get it so I wait patiently for him to return, but when he doesn’t I become suspicious and slightly worried. Suspicious, because he hasn’t come back. Worried, because I don’t hear any voices.

Sighing, I push myself up. What’s so hard about answering a door? I know Dom isn’t that dumb.

I smile and go to speak with Dom, ready to ask him what was up, but my voice leaves me at the sight before me. The air is knocked out of my lungs and suddenly my brain isn’t functioning correctly.


There are a lot of things I don’t want to happen.

I don’t want to lose my job. I don’t want to fail college. I don’t want to lose my friends, family, or lover. I don’t want a lot of things, but this this is something I never thought I’d have to worry about not wanting. Does that make sense?

Standing in front of Dom and I is one person I never expected. My eyes go wide and my jaw nearly drops, but I manage to keep it in place. Trust me, it isn’t a good jaw drop. It’s a bad, very bad one and I’m not sure what to do or what to think…so I keep silent and so does Dom.

The three of us stand in that door way, looking at one another. The atmosphere is tense and awkward. None of us really know what to do or say. You could probably hear a pin drop.

After what felt like an eternity, when really the clock said only two minutes, I clear my throat and force a smile. “Donnie…what are you doing here?”

The one boy I never thought I’d see again smiles kindly at me and replies, “I heard Dom finally got back from rehab.”

From my side I feel Dom’s fists clench. To reassure him I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers, using my thumb to rub gentle calming circles into the back of his hand. This helps him relax, but just barely.

“Yeah, so um…how does that pertain to you?”

I didn’t mean to sound cruel, it just came out that way. I smile, trying to make the question sound…not as rude, but I don’t know if it worked.

Donnie finally tears his hungry eyes from me to look at Dom, who is obviously pissed, but Donnie still acts as if nothing happened between us. “I just wanted to congratulate him!”

“I don’t need your-” My elbow in his stomach shuts him up. Clearing his throat, Dom grins, but it obviously forced and it takes all my will power not to laugh at how silly he looks. “Thanks…Donnie.”

He spat his name out like garbage. Donnie frowns, but shakes it off and says, “To be honest, at first I didn’t think you could do it-”

That’s a great thing to say…

“But I’m proud that you did in the end. When I heard you were back I thought I’d just stop by and say congratulations.”

“Ok…you said it, you can go now,” Dom went to slam the door, but I stopped him. I may not like Donnie after what happened, but I believe in the saying ‘treat people the way you want to be treated.’

Dom rolls his eyes at me and I ask him to leave. He looks reluctant to do so, but eventually does. Once he’s gone I look back at Donnie who is staring at me with by far the most evil smirk I’ve ever seen. Feeling his lust filled eyes on me makes me uncomfortable.

“Thanks for stopping by Donnie, but Dom and I are kind of busy. We’re still cleaning up from the party so how about you stop by another time?” I didn’t plan on letting him come over another time, but he doesn’t know that.

Donnie shrugs. “Sure thing. I’ll see you at school then, Angel.”

I sigh in relief after he leaves. Dom comes stomping towards me after he hears the door close. He’s standing in front of me with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed on the floor boards. He’s just being a little kid, but that’s how Dom is and I find it some what adorable.

“Hey,” I call, grabbing his arms and placing them around my waist. I rub his chest through the fabric of his shirt and smile sweetly at him, which has his shoulders relaxing just a little. “Calm down babe, it’s fine. I’m sure we won’t hear from him again.”

“I thought that before, but look what happened,” he snaps angrily and I shake my head. He’s right. I thought I wouldn’t see Donnie again either, but he was here just moments ago.

“Come on, I’m pretty sure we were busy before he so rudely interrupted us.” I don’t know if it’s the comfort or the suggestive tone I used that had Dom following me to the living room. I’m voting on the latter.

It got Dom to calm down though and soon we were cuddling, kissing, and enjoying ourselves together in our living room with no stupid Donnie bothering us.

I kiss his lips and he grins. It’s very stupid, very cliché, but the small kisses that we share are always the best. They make my heart pound, but just being around Dom makes it do that. He’s just that great and sometimes I wonder why we didn’t go through with this sooner.

I shouldn’t be complaining though. I have him now and that’s all that matters, right?

“I love you,” I whisper against his lips, running my fingers down his arms. His soft skin beneath my finger tips ripple and I grin, because I am the reason he’s doing that. It makes me feel special.

“I love you too,” he replies, cradling my face in his hands and crashing his lips against my own.

This is what I like to call pure bliss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long
My friends and family were being demanding little things ;D
Hope you all liked this though ^.^
UH OH =O What happens now?
