Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


Dom being jealous is by far one of the best things I could ask for. It shows that he actually cares and…I think it’s just too cute. Whenever he pouts like that, it makes my stomach fill with butterflies. But still, he seems upset and I don’t want that so that’s why I’m going to talk to Donnie about this.

He can’t just show up and expect Dom and I to be ok with it. Besides, I’m not stupid. Something is up and whatever it is I’m going to stop it.

“What’s wrong?” Tina asks, trying her best to keep up with my rapid foot steps.

“Donnie,” I reply, trying to get to class early so I can hurry up, talk to him, and get this over with.

Tina raises an eyebrow in curiosity. “What about him? I thought you two don’t talk anymore…”

“Not really, but he showed up and Dom is really troubled about it. I don’t know what he wants, but it can’t be good.”

Tina nods in agreement and decides it’d be nice for her to back me up. After all, she knows the whole story. We both know that whatever Donnie is up to, isn’t right and we need to stop it before anything goes wrong. So we both hurry to our class to see that Donnie is already there.

I sigh in relief, but at the same time I feel sick. What should I say? I’ll ask myself when I get there…

Donnie notices Tina and I making our way up the steps. His shoulders visibly tense, but he throws on a smile anyways and pretends like he doesn’t know what we’re about to say to him.

“Hey Angel…Tina, what’s up?”

“You know exactly what’s up!” Tina snaps, but I give her a glare to say that we want Donnie to be in a good mood while we say this. If he’s pissed off it’ll be hardy to get this through his thick skull.

Sighing, Tina turns away and waits patiently. I give her a thankful smile and turn my attention back to Donnie. “Listen Donnie, even if you were trying to be nice by visiting, which I know you weren’t, you should of called first. Also, we’re done, what you did was wrong and you know that we aren’t even friends anymore so I’d really appreciate it if you left Dom and I alone. Ok?”

The boy before me scowls and I know that what I said angered him. I said it nicely though, didn’t I? I don’t get why he would get angry.

“What, so I can’t visit you because of that stupid boyfriend of yours?”

“Dom isn’t stupid and know that isn’t the reason. You can’t come by because you’re being an asshole about it.”

“How am I being an asshole when you’re the one using your alcoholic of a boyfriend as an excuse not to see me? After all, aren’t I ten times better than him? He had to go to rehab, Angel. Rehab!-”

I don’t think I’ve ever felt my blood get so hot. I’ve never felt my stomach boil so much. I’ve never thought the day would come when…

“He doesn’t have a job, he isn’t going to school, and he’s completely useless how is-” Bam!

I actually hit someone and meant it.

Donnie stumbles backwards, one hand resting over his already reddening cheeks. By the wide eyes he’s sporting I could tell he didn’t expect that. Neither did I, but he deserved it.

Fuming, I take a step towards him and use all the air in my lungs to scream, “Don’t you ever say that about Dom again! He went to rehab for me, for me Donnie. He gave up practically his entire life to be with me. If that doesn’t show how much he cares than I don’t know what does! I love him and he loves me. You’re nothing but an asshole and Dom will always be better than you so fuck off and if I ever hear you say anything about him again…I’ll make sure you’ll never be able to reproduce!”

My lungs sting from the force I had used. My body is trembling in anger, but I inhale deeply to try and calm myself.It didn’t work.

“Come on Angel…” Tina’s soft voice whispers from behind me. Her small hand rests on my shoulder and she slowly coaxes me to follow out of the room, where many were staring at the fight between Donnie and I.

“What a jerk! He’s such a…such an asshole!”

“I know,” Tina sighs, kissing my cheek reassuringly. “This isn’t exactly a good way to start out the day so…how about you head home?”

It takes a little persuasion, but Tina ends up having me agree to go home. The ride home is quick and I make it to the door in no time. When I push it open the lights are off, signaling he is still asleep. Not that I’m surprised or anything, it’s only been about an hour since I left.

My eyes feel heavy so I slip into our bedroom to find Dom curled up under the covers. Slipping off everything but my boxers I work my way next to him. He doesn’t notice or realize that I have placed myself in his arms and I’m ok with that.

He looks so beautiful when he’s asleep…actually he always looks beautiful. I’m lucky to have someone so great.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm surprised I got this out today
But I worked hard!
So what do you all think?
