Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


I stretch, yawn, and get out of bed. My roommate, Donnie, is still fast asleep in the other room. I stay in the dorms at college and luckily I got stuck with a pretty cool guy. He’s a freshman, just like me, and we get along pretty well, which is kick ass. If I got stuck with an ass it’d be horrible.

I stalk to the bathroom where I take a quick shower before getting ready for the day. I do my hair and make-up along with throw on some of my favorite skinny jeans and a plaid t-shirt that I adore. I took one last look at myself in the mirror and dub myself acceptable for society.

Just as I go to grab my things I realize something; I have a test today and I didn’t study for it. I scream and throw my hands in my hair. Shit, shit, and more shit! I forgot to study because I stayed over late at Quince’s! Oh fuck!

As I walk out of the dorm I read over my notes for class. I don’t pay attention to anything around me so it’s no shocker that I don’t notice the dark clouds looming over head until water comes down, soaking both me and my things.

“Damn it!” I holler and quickly run to my car in the parking lot ,only to realize that I forgot my keys… Does someone up there hate me or am I just imagining things?

My morning did not go well. I got soaked to the bone, stuck in traffic, late for class, and forgot to study. Then, during lunch, I trip over someone’s shoe in a restaurant and got food all over me. Next, I lose my cell phone and miss a class while trying to find it and finally my aunt calls me to tell me she can’t pay the rent this month.

I don’t have a fucking job. She could have warned me earlier, my fucking God…

Anyways, I managed to take the test and thankfully, I didn’t feel like I knew nothing. I actually think I might have passed, but by the way this day is going I’m starting to re-think it…

I run my fingers through my hair and ascend the stairs to my dorm. The day is finally over, I can’t believe it. It felt so long and for a while I thought it wouldn’t end. Stupid never-ending bad days…

I open the door to my dorm to find Donnie on the couch. He looks back at me and smiles until he saw the dark cloud over my head. He frowns and asks, “What’s wrong?”

“My day blew,” I answer and go to my room. I put my things away and exit the room. “I have to go over to Quince’s so see you later.”

Donnie says good-bye and I jump in my car. On the way to Quince’s I get stuck in traffic again and when I finally do get there I fight some fat old lady for a parking spot.She won.

After I manage to park my car I go up to their apartment. I knock loudly and impatiently tap my foot. When Dom answers he looks down at me and laughs, “You look like shit.”

My glare has him running with his tail between his legs. I make my way inside and slam the door shut only to find a complete mess in the living room. The couch cushions are pulled out to show garbage, glass lay cracked over the floor, things are toppled over, and I can only guess why.

“Did you have a party after I left?”

Quince and Dom don’t dare answer because they know it’s a trick question. If they say ‘yes’ I’ll scream my lungs out and if they say ‘no’ I’ll scream my lungs out for lying to me. Either way, they’re in trouble.

“Get lost,” I growl dangerously. They both scurry back to their rooms where they stay while I get out all the cleaning utensils. After about two to three hours I finally clean up their fucking mess.

Why the hell can’t they do it? Stupid…asses. Maybe I should teach them to clean so I don’t have to? They can actually take care of their own mess that they make from their own stupidity.

I sigh in relief. I’m finally done.

I fall back onto the couch only to be bothered by Dom three seconds later. “Angel?”

“What?” I sound more like a wild grizzly than anything else.

I open my eyes to see him smirking at me. He walks over and takes a seat next to me. His arm throws itself over my shoulders and I am tempted to rip it off, but I decide not to because I’m exhausted.

“You seem really tense, babe. Why don’t you come with Quince and I tonight? Just this once, it won’t harm anyone.”

“But myself and you two. Who the hell will drive us back? I know you won’t be sober.”

Dom whines. “You don’t trust me?”

“Hell no.”

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. He moves his hand down my back and begins massaging it. I moan as he applies pressure to all the knots in my back. Sighing, I lean back into his touch and mumble, “Where’s it at?”

“A friends, about a half hour away.”

“Whose going?”

“Pfft, lots of people. I’m sure someone will be sober and be willing to give us a ride.”

I look up at Dom to see him looking at me with almost pleading eyes. I bite my bottom lip and finally answer, “I guess…I can.”

“Sweet!” Quince shouts, suddenly appearing from the hallway. My brother smiles and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “This is going to be fun!”

Dom cackles, “Hell yeah it is!”

I sigh, what have I gotten myself in to?


After two drinks I find myself stumbling through the house. The third, my brain is going fuzzy and my eye sight is becoming worse. My words are beginning to slur and I can feel my body losing itself in the moment. I’m no longer using my brain because it’s far too fuzzy for that.

The people around me are all drinking. They’re laughing and smiling widely, just like me. They’re losing themselves in the alcohol, just like me. My body is relaxing and my bad, stressful day is finally gone just because of this amazing buzz.

I’m dancing, with who, I have no idea. All I know is that my ass is buried so deep into him that we’d need a shovel to dig it out. I wrap my arm around his neck and lean up to kiss their neck.

My feet, I can’t see them. They’re blurry in my eyes and I’m no longer sure if I only have two. I have no idea how I’m managing to dance when I’m this wasted. I don't know the difference from up and down and left to right.

I’ve never been a good drinker. I can’t hold alcohol because I rarely drink it so it’s no surprised that after having only four drinks I’m so plastered that I have no idea where or who I am. It’s no surprise that I’m not controlling myself or the things around me.

Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea?
♠ ♠ ♠
=.= I'm disappointed too...
