Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


My eyes open and I don’t know where I am. I turn my head to the left and then the right before realizing that I’m in Dom’s room, but Dom is no where to be seen. I groan and grab my head, it’s throbbing like a bitch and I growl angrily while sitting up…only to wince in pain and fall back down.

My eyes widen as a pain shoots up my spine. It’s a familiar pain and I know exactly what it’s from. My jaw hangs open and I feel my mouth go dry.

Did I…have a one night stand?

Shit, shit, and more shit! I didn’t right. I couldn’t have.

I try to move once more and groan. Damn, that really hurt. I fall back into the blankets and throw my hands over my face. No, I couldn’t have. Dom and Quince…they were watching me right? I bite my lip as I realize that’s a stupid question. Of course they weren’t. They were too busy getting drunk.

My head, it feels like someone is attacking it with a sludge hammer. I groan once more and rub my temple, hoping to make it feel slightly better, but it doesn’t work. I can’t believe I got drunk…I can’t believe I went to a party with them.

I’m so fucking stupid!

“Quince!” I scream, sitting up and wincing. I wrap the blankets around me and moments later Quince is in the room frowning and glaring at me for being so loud.

“What the hell? Do you have to yell?”

I ignore his question and begin to hyperventilate. What if…what if this guy had AIDs? What if he had crabs or some fucking weird unknown disease? Wait, why don’t I remember? What the hell!

I look up at my brother with wide, horrified eyes. He gives me a concerned look and walks to my side. He sits down beside me and wraps his hand around my own as he asks, “What’s wrong, Angie?”

Angie, it’s the name he used when I was worried and right now I am very worried.

“W-What happened last night?” I ask, because I really have no idea. All I can recall are the lights, the people, the sounds, and the burning of the alcohol running down my throat. Anything and everything else isn’t registering, which is bad considering that I woke up naked, in pain, and in Dom’s room.

“Like hell that I know. We went to a party and got completely smashed.”

“Who was I hanging out with?” Maybe if I asked I’d find out who I slept with? I’m hoping that will happen, because I really want to know. I hope it wasn’t some strange pedophile or something…

Quince taps his chin and answers, “Me, Dom, and a few of the guys…come on Angel it isn’t that bad. One night stands are normal.”

“Not for me!” I throw my head in my hands. “I feel…weird.”

“It’s ok, Angie. How about you take a shower and come talk to Dom about it if you really want to know?” Quince suggests and I nod. That’d be good, considering that I woke up in his room. He has to know something.

After a quick shower I get out and wrap a towel around my waist. I steal some of Dom’s clothes and as I throw his shirt over my head, his scent hits me. For a moment, I hold the shirt against my nose and inhale…until I realize what I’m doing and quickly drop it from my hands and run off to the kitchen.

Dom and Quince are sitting at the table. I roll my eyes, of course they don’t have any breakfast made. I start that immediately and ask, “Dom, what happened last night?”

I look back at him. His hair is shielding his eyes and for a second I swear I see a frown on his face, but it disappears quickly, to quickly for me to tell if it was really there or not. He looks up at me and smirks. “A party.”

“Smart ass…um…well, did anyone leave this morning?”

“Some guy from the party,” he answers with a nod. “Why?”

“Who was it?”

“Some guy from the party,” he laughs. “I don’t know his name.”

“Damn it!” I scream, slamming my fists against the table. “That doesn’t help me!”

“Why? What’s up?” Dom asks curiously. “Were you supposed to talk to him or something?”

“No…I just…gah!” I shout a second time and kick the counter only to cry out in pain and hop around on one foot before I fall flat on my ass where I scream for a third time at the pain that shoots up my spine. “Fuck!”

Quince and Dom howl with laughter…until I throw a hot skillet at them…


Donnie and I are sitting on the couch, watching TV. Donnie is throwing pop corn into his mouth and I can’t help but watch. He’s too funny when he does this. If he doesn’t make it he wrinkles his nose and curses and when he does he pumps his fist into the air.

Really, he’s too damn cute.

I sigh like one of those obsessed loved struck high school girls. Donnie looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I look away fast and stare at the TV screen, hoping that he doesn’t see the light pink dusting my cheeks.

Ok, so maybe I have a small crush on Donnie. When I said earlier that he was a pretty cool guy, I meant that he was awesome. I just don’t want to admit that I like him, because I know he’s straight. He had a girlfriend just a few months ago and they were adorable together.

There’s no way that he would like me, no matter how much I beg for it.

I stiffen when I feel him scoot across the couch. An arm wraps itself around my shoulders and I feel my breath hitch. He’s holding me, holy fuck, he’s holding me!

I want to scream and squeal, but I don’t. I really want to though. That would ruin the moment though, so I keep quiet and try to sneakily snuggle into him. I don’t know how you can do that but I tried it.

We stay like this for the rest of the evening, cuddled up on the couch while watching TV.

I bite my bottom lip and silently ask myself, maybe there is a slight chance?
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally we got some comments, thank you all so much!
Now give us more ;D
What do you think about Angel not remembering?
Oh, and the new crush? -giggles-
