Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


I woke up and stretched my arms above my head. Thoughts of what happened last night made me feel alive. I felt like I was waling on air, or better yet, flying. I was fucking soaring high!

I paused for a second, a bit shocked after the sudden realization that I remembered what happened last night dawned on me. I never remember what happens when I get drunk! Maybe it's because it was such a fucking important moment that something miraculously switched on in my brain, allowing me to savor it forever. I smiled. If there's any memory that I'd love to be able to remember from my drunken escapades it would be lass night, hands down, no questions asked.

I threw on some clothes and made my way to the kitchen to see that Quince had come back. He looked hella hung over, his head smashed down onto the table, a bit of droll sliding out of his mouth. "Wake up Quince," I said softly while shaking him, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I'll admit that my head was hurting, but it was a manageable level of pain. I've had way worse. I've learned how to handle hang overs after drinking and partying hard for so long. I don't think anything could ruin this amazing day. "Stop yelling so loud!" He groaned.

I laughed. "Dude, I'm not yelling. You're just super fucking hung over." I sat down at the table, across from him.

"I come home to find you asleep in my bed," He started. "So I figured that I'd go to your room because I thought since you were intoxicated you forgot which room was yours. But no! I find my passed out little brother in soiled sheets! So I had nowhere to sleep, but the couch, which is lumpy as fuck, so I settled for the table." He said drowsily, a slur still slightly in his speech. As he spoke he was waving his hands around animatedly. It was sort of entertaining, if I do say so myself.

Out of nowhere we heard a desperate, "Quince!" sound from my room. Angel was up. It brought a smile to my face, but at the same time I was sort of upset that it was his brothers name he was calling in his time of need instead of mine. I furrowed my brows. Wouldn't he be wanting me? Especially after what happened between us last night?

After a few minutes of talking to his brother Quince came back into the room, chuckling. "What's up with him?" I asked, slightly worried, but not letting my feelings seep into my town. I think Quince would kick my ass if he ever found out what happened.

"He will tell you himself," he said evasively. I groaned. I hate suspenseful moments. They kill me!

Eventually Angel came into the kitchen, wearing some of my clothes. I smiled. He was wearing my clothes. Granted, his are in the washer, but still. I wouldn't mind if he made a habit out of wearing my clothes. It was cute and made me feel all giddy. The first thing I noticed him do was roll his eyes. Typical Angel. I loved his attitude though. The next words he uttered made my heart split in two, ruining what I thought was going to be an amazing day. "Dom, what happened last night?" He asked me.

Fuck. He forgot. I felt a frown makes its way onto my lips. Should I tell him what happened? Maybe it's best if I don't. He forgot for a reason. I can't even tell him because dumb ass Quince is here and I don't need him kicking my ass. I quickly replaced my frown with a smile, it took all my willpower to keep it there. I felt like my heart was shattering into a million tiny pieces. "A party," I answered evasively. I wanted this conversation to end as soon as possible so I can go wallow in my new found misery.

"Smart ass." He shot back. "Um, well did anyone leave this morning?" He asked softly. He knew something happened but he didn't know who he did it with. I could save myself from getting my ass kicked my Quince, no matter how much it hurt me.

"Some guy from the party," I answered while nodding my head. "Why?" I questioned, acting as if I was clueless. I guess I'm a good actor, because I'm pleading with my eyes for him to remember, but my attempts were in vain. He wasn't going to remember. I can't believe I have to act this way while my insides are slowly turning into mush, making me want to just go fall in a pit and lay there for the rest of eternity.

"Who was it?" He questioned softly. It looked as if he was slightly scared to know the answer.

"Some guy from the party," I said around a forced out laugh. I was hoping that it sounded somewhat real. " I don't know his name," I quickly added in, wanting to cause each of us the least amount of pain possible in this fucked up situation.

"Dammit!" He screamed as he brought his fists down onto the table, causing Quince to jolt back from his sleeping position. "That doesn't help me!" He fumed.

"Why? What's up?" I inquired, trying to keep up my clueless act. I didn't want him to suspect me of anything. If he didn't remember maybe it was fate telling us that we could never be together. The thought made the few pieces left of my heart shatter, clanking quietly into the bottomless hole that was now me.

"No! I, just, gah!" He screamed as he kicked the counter, only to hurt himself when he fell on hissexy ass. "Fuck!" He screamed.

Quince burst out laughing, and I followed his lead, against my better judgment. I felt myself tearing apart inside even more, if that was even possible.


Alcohol is my love. It's my escape. It takes me far away into a land of oblivion. It takes away my pain and lets me forget everything. It allows me to not have a care in the world. When it does that to me how could I not get addicted?

The second that Angel left, I got dressed and drove to the first party I could find. I have no idea how many drinks I've had or how long I've been here, but fuck, was I having a good time.

My gaze flew across the mass of grinding bodies as I chugged the drink that was thrown into my hand. My eyes landed on a boy that seemed to be my age. He had muscles rippling from under his shirt, jet black hair, and gorgeous green eyes. He licked his lips seductively and I smirked before motioning for him to come here, by bending my finger. He stalked towards me.

"Why don't we go somewhere more quiet?" I asked huskily in his ear. I heard him groan before grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs.

We went into the first empty room we could find, which happened to be a bedroom. We got lucky. I threw him down onto the bed after slamming the door shut. I attacked him with kisses, letting him turn us over so that he was on top. I didn't mind at all.

I felt him tear off my shirt, tearing his off afterwards. My eyes ran down his torso. Damn, was he fine. I got slightly hard just looking at his muscles. He wasted no time in getting both of our pants off, leaving us in boxers, the most useless garment ever. He grinded his hips into mine, moans quickly filling the room.

I felt him roughly squeeze me threw my boxers and my back arched. I ripped off my boxers, begging him to just take me now. He ran his fingers down my shaft, teasingly. I groaned and thrusted upwards in annoyance. I wanted him to start, dammit! He held my hips down with one hand, while he played with my balls. "You're very big," he purred. I'm used to being complimented on my size.

"If I'm so fucking big why won't you do anything? I growled back, annoyed.

"Feisty, I like it," he commented as he finally wrapped his hand around my base, taking me in his mouth. I wanted to desperately to buck and fuck his face, but his arm was holding my hips down. My back arched as I felt him deep throat me. I pulled on his hair roughly, begging him to just start already. The teasing was horrible.

His teeth skimmed my shaft before he started bobbing his head. I groaned. Finally! I pulled on his hair harder each time he bobbed, getting more and more pleasure out of the experience. "I'm c-close," I somehow managed to slur out. He just groaned and started bobbing faster. I came, screaming obscenities, into his mouth. It took all of my willpower not to let Angel's name past my lips. It wanted to so badly. His name just felt right on my tongue.

I groaned and threw my hands up. This didn't feel right at all. It wasn't with Angel. I needed Angel. I sat up, smiling apologetically at the extremely handsome man in front of me before grabbing my clothes. I changed quickly and went out of the room.

If you are drunk as fuck and can tell something is wrong, you know that there really is a big problem. Shit like that shouldn't matter to you when you're drunk.

I let out an aggravated grunt as I got in my car, ready to drive home. One thought was racing through my head, refusing to let up.

Angel, I need you.
♠ ♠ ♠
:O. Dom's really getting attached to Angel!

Thanks to all who commented. It means a great deal to both BVB. and myself.

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