Status: Completed <3

You're Flying


I’m standing in the kitchen tossing a pancake when a pair of arms wrap themselves around me from behind. I squeak and turn around fast, ready to punch who ever it is…until I see Donnie standing there with a goofy grin.

“Hey, no need to get violent,” he laughs, his hand grabbing my own and lowering my cooking utensil. I feel myself blush in embarrassment and from the fact that he’s still only in his boxers. Damn, he looks so fucking hot…

“Sorry,” I whisper and turn back to the pancakes. I want to squeal when Donnie rests his head on my shoulder and begins to hum some random tune.

“What are you doing after class today?” Donnie asks when we’re both sitting at the counter with our breakfast. I finish chewing a piece of my pancake and think it over. I was planning on going over to Quince’s but if Donnie wants to do something than…

“Nothing,” I reply and sip my milk. “Why?”

“I was thinking that we should go see a movie. What do you say?”

My milk shot across the room causing Donnie to laugh insanely. After choking on my milk and having Donnie pat my back multiple times. I inhale and look at him with wide eyes. Did he just…ask me out on a date or am I in one hell of a good dream?

“You mean like a…date?” I silently pray that he did mean it like that because if he didn’t than that question would be so weird.

He nods and answers, “Yeah.”

“But you’re straight.” I sound so stupid, but I have to get my story straight first before going out on a date with him…although I should just shut the fuck up and say yes because this is a man. A hot piece of meat that I drool over practically everyday. It isn’t everyday a walking sex God like Donnie asks me out.

Donnie chuckles, “Nah, I’m bisexual. I normally go for girls, but how can I resist an Angel?”

I flush and shyly look down at my breakfast. I twirl it around my plate and mumble, “Sure…I guess we can go.”

“Awesome.” Donnie smiles and leans across the table to press a lingering kiss against my forehead. I feel my cheeks burn with a blush and butterflies flutter about my stomach. This is going to be the best date…ever…


His hand is moving up my thigh and it’s sending chills up my spine. Our lips are moving in sync and I moan at the feel of his tongue wrapping around my own, tugging it pass his lips. I run my tongue all through his mouth, massaging what I can and nibbling on his bottom lip.

I can feel him smile as he moves down my throat, nibbling and sucking on the flesh. I groan and run my hands up his shirt, feeling the hot muscles beneath my finger tips. It made my dick twitch with excitement. Oh, the things I plan to do to this boy…

Donnie’s hands are gripping my thighs, but I don’t want this to go too far. Even if he did ask me out at the movies, fuck yes we’re together be jealous, I don’t want to seem easy. So I do what I really don’t want to and pull away, panting, “I need to go check on my brother.”

Donnie whines, “Why?”

“Because he’d die if I didn’t do this all the time,” I answer and a giggle follows. Donnie sighs, but smiles and places a kiss atop my nose. I flush and get out of his lap, embarrassed that I still have a slight problem that I know he notices.

He grins and asks, “Are you going to come back later?”

“Yeah, probably around nine or ten.”

“I’ll be waiting.”


“Quince, oh Quincey! Where are you?” I screech, bolting into the apartment to see my brother lying on the couch. He looks up at me and is about to ask something, but I’m jumping on him before he has the chance. The two of us go straight to the floor and I laugh.

“What the hell are you doing?” He growls playfully and shoves me off him with a grin.

“I had the best day, ever!” I exclaim, rubbing my hands together while biting my lip. Right now I know I’m smiling and it’s so big. I can’t believe it…I’m dating Donnie!

“Really?” Dom asks, appearing out of no where. His hair is a mess and dark circles are under his eyes, telling me that he didn’t have a good sleep last night. He groans and grabs his head and I can only assume it’s from a hang over. “What happened?”

I lower my voice because I don’t want to hurt Dom’s head, but the happiness behind my words is enough to say I want to scream it. “You know my drop dead gorgeous roommate, Donnie?”

“Yeah,” they answer in unison.

“He asked me on a date today!”

Quince scowls. “Say what?”

“We went to see a movie and we cuddled and went out to eat afterwards then we went walking around the mall and then…he asked me out! Isn’t that amazing? My god, he’s so beautiful and funny and sweet and just plain out amazing.

“I’m going to kill him.”

I pout as I look at my frowning brother who has his arms crossed and eye brows furrowed with anger. He’s always like this when I have a new boyfriend, especially when he knows that I really like them, which I do like Donnie a lot. He’s so amazing.

“But he’s a nice guy Quince! Maybe I can bring him over so you can meet him?” I suggest and hear a scoff from behind me.

I look back to see Dom leaning against the wall with a scowl on his face. “A nice guy? I bet the ass just wants in your pants.”

“He does not,” I scold him and roll my eyes. They’re both protective little shit’s maybe I shouldn’t bring Donnie over for a visit.

“If he touches you inappro-wait a second…is that a hickey!” Quince hollers and jumps to his feet, pointing an accusing finger towards my neck.

Oh…shit…how hard was Donnie sucking? I giggle and answer innocently, “No…”

“It is! You have a hickey! I am so killing this guy-”

But Quince is interrupted by the sound of a fist making contact with a solid object. We both look towards Dom to see him turning on his heel and stomping out of the room and back towards his own. We both wince at the sound of his door slamming…

“What’s his problem?” I ask and give Quince a questioning glance.

“No idea.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my o.o
What now? =O
